
Genshin Impact: I am Noelle

Me died. Me now Noelle.

kusochibi · Videospiele
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4 Chs

Jean, who works hard.

Knights of Favonius Headquarters, Grandmaster's office.

Inside the room, a blonde-haired woman tied in a ponytail was writing a document on her table. She finished a document one after another, but it may seem like the papers kept piling up despite having done some of it.

She was Jean Gunnhildr, the Acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius. Her hands never stopped moving as a fire of dedication willed in her eyes.

She was truly a hardworking woman. The amount of hard work she had been putting in was equivalent to more than three people could do at the same time.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door.

—Knock, knock.

She took away her focus on the documents, looking now at the door in front of her.

The door opened as someone entered the room. The person was a tall woman wearing a purple pointed hat. She has light brown hair and green eyes. She put a book on her chest as she closed the door.

She was Lisa Minci, the librarian of the Knights of Favonius. As a librarian, her job was to oversee the book collection owned by the knights, but not limited to anything magical.

Smiling leisurely, she spoke to the Acting Grandmaster. "Good morning Jean, working so hard as always fufu," Lisa said as she went in front of Jean.

Jean put her quill inside the inkwell and said, "Good morning to you too, Lisa. Already finished setting up the new books?" Jean inquired as she smiled at Lisa.

"Yes, how about you?" Lisa asked back.

Jean smiled helplessly and said, "Well, as you can see, I'm still not quite close to getting done. The Knight Examination had just ended, so I need to handle some more paperworks."

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about that part fufu. Do we have new faces to welcome?"

"Not quite, although the amount of people that took the exam this year had increased, the test still remained a bit hard."

Jean smiled as she added, "But of course, there are indeed some people that have passed the exam."

Lisa smiled as she nodded. "Yes, that's really fortunate of them."



A moment of silence suddenly enveloped the room. After a few seconds, Lisa was the one who broke the silence.

Taking a step, Lisa looked at Jean and said, "Say, you haven't had breakfast yet do you?" she asked.

Jean, who heard that, flinched and turned her head to the left acting innocently.

Lisa looked at her and sighed. "Haa.. I suggest that you take a break first, have something to eat. How about we go to the Cat's Tail?" Lisa suggested.

Jean smiled in resignation. "Now that I think of it, I haven't had any Toast Fragrant Mushroom Pizza in a while. Alright, I'll take on your suggestion. But! Not after I finish these current ones on my table," she said as she looked at the documents.

Suddenly, someone opened the door loudly.


"Hello, Jean!" the person said he entered the room brazenly.

He has tan skin with blue hair and a pair of blue eyes though his right eye seemed to be covered with an eye patch.

He was Keaya, the serving Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius.

He then abruptly stopped, realizing that there was another person in the room. "Oh, hello there miss Lisa, didn't see you there," he said as he chuckled.

Walking leisurely, he looked at the two and said, "Well, I'll be frank. I hope that I'm not interrupting something crucial business that needed to be discussed but—" he then looked at Jean's eyes and continued, "—it seems that Amber has found someone quite interesting this time," he said as his eyes darkened for a bit.

Jean furrowed her eyebrows. "What is the situation?" she asked, wondering if this interesting someone would bring trouble.

Keaya was the type of person who liked to trick others into doing his task, and although there was a hint of secrecy in him, he was a person trusted by Jean herself.

And now, that person came into her office and announced that something was interesting. If it's not trouble, then what is it?

Keaya, who guessed Jean's thoughts, reassured her. "Don't worry, she just entered the gate and it seems that she bear no ill-intentions," he said as he smiled.

"But of course, she's a complete stranger. Someone who I don't know, and someone who definitely doesn't exude the aura of being ordinary," Keaya said, smiling with a hint of darkness on his smile.

With a bit of silence, Jean thought for a bit.


Jean nodded her head and said, "Okay, don't go overboard."

She, without a doubt, knew that Keaya would probably stalk and investigate this new person that he found interesting. She just hoped that he wouldn't go to extreme lengths.

Nevertheless, she knew the dangers of allowing a strange person to come into Mondsadt, so with a bit of reluctance, she allowed Keaya to investigate this person.

Just then, Lisa, who was listening on the sideline, butted in. "Ohh by the way, what does she look like? Is she a cutie?" she asked while smiling.

Keaya looked at Lisa and answered, "Well, her name is Lumine. I don't know about your preference but she looked pretty good. She has a blonde hair."

Keaya turned his head back to jean. "Well, that's all. I just came to report a suspicious person. Thanks for the time," he said as he smiled.

Keaya then added, "And don't worry, I would definitely not go overboard. Not unless she would do something that would warrant for me to go overboard," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

And just as he was about to leave, someone knocked on the door.


Jean looked ahead and said, "Now, who is it this time.."

Lisa, who was still standing in front of her, laughed at her. "Fufu, it seems that it would take more time before you could take a break," she said as she smiled at her. The Acting Grandmaster was really such a busy person.

Noticing that the person who knocked still hadn't entered yet, Jean raised her voice. "You may enter."

The person who knocked finally opened the door and entered.

The person bowed her head and said, "Good morning, Acting Grandmaster Miss Jean. Please pardon my intrusion."

The person who entered had silver hair and green eyes, wearing a maid outfit that looked like armor.

That person was Noelle. The maid-knight of Knights of Favonius