
Genshin Impact: Furina, Let's go?

Furina: Behold my divine presence in your humble abode café, Gherman~ Gherman: pfftt.. hahahaha furina remember my café rules for you, you need acting like human *smile* Furina: *giggle* ..yes

DaoisttAYuDl · Videospiele
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9 Chs

Chapter 01: Reminiscing about the past

Atop the highest mountain in dragonspine, which is always battered by snowstorms. There is numerous monster corpse who already torn pieces apart from its limbs and some mechanical part scattered around the monster corpse from ruin guardian.

In middle of the corpses, there is a young man stand still while panting looking at darkness sky with milkyway. Wearing ripped with hole black sweatpants while bare chest. His body and face covered by sweat, snow, and blood. There is a big grin on his cheek as he laugh loudly with tears slid down his cheek.


[Congratulations Host! Template Toji Fushiguro reach 100%]

Looking at floated window telling my progress of template Toji Fushiguro, i couldn't help hold my tear again before fall down on ground and cry hard release all my stress

Yes. Thats me. You may wonder why i cry hard? Fine i'll told you. Im just a typical transmigrator from earth to teyvat. But! Not like your typical protagonist get golden finger and get its power easyly and start collecting harem shit, i have been tortured by this shitty system. Since im 5!

~~~ 12 years earlier ~~~

I open my eyes as i look around me in confused look. A shabby looking wall with many kids around 2 years till 6 years walk or crawl around.

A surge memory starting invade my brain at the moment. A memory from previous owner of this body. This body name is Gherman Zoldyck. At first i taken a back as my family name familiar with that assassin family. As for his family. That is not record in his memory, well i think this body too young to remember.

To be honest at first i fear for the worst i transmigrate into HxH world consider my family name is Zoldyck. before suddenly a nanny open the door and talk to other nanny.. maybe head nanny dunno

"Miss jinna. Grand master varka already come back from expedition.. its seem they bring many orphan again"

"Alright. Thanks miss lia. I will meet grand master varka now" i see her sigh in relief before stand up and walk to door and left. Leave behind nanny lia

I walk toward her as i smile "morning sister lia" the nanny smile back at me "what it is lil gherman" i ask with still confuse look as my brain still adapting this environment "that grand master varka is from knight of favonius?" As her reply "why? Of course it is sweetheart"

'YES!' i yell inside my heart knowing where i am. Varka from knight of favonius is enigma it self. With so long journey yet no info from them since last time i play genshin.

"Nah nothing sister.. thank you!" I grin bright as i try hard bring out joy to her and before she reply i run back toward my room that recorded in my memory after i notice a floated window beside me

[Congratulations Host Gherman Zoldyck. Do you want accept to integrate a system]



Suddenly i lost consciousness. When i wake up. A floated window already show its main menu

[Integrate successfully. System has been activated you have starter pack that hasn't been open]

I look at floated window with smile. Template? Heh i always read that fanfic that has template and that fucking OP! Well lets see what i get~

I press to what symbol of message and open 1 unopened template

[DING! Roulette template will be began]

I look on somewhat like roulette spin with many characters i know. Like goku, gojo satoru.. damn saitama!? Well~ doesn't matter i will be fucking op!

[DING! Template Killua Zoldyck 0%]

'FUCK! WHY!?' i a bit shocked for what i get. I know killua kind of OP. But in teyvat he still weak! Shitty system!

[Im a bit hurt by your thoughts my host.. that why i will nerf the template so you will thank me in next time]

[DING! template "Killua Zoldyck" has been nerfed to before learning Nen]

I shock reading the floated window front me in panic!

"no no no no you gotta be kidding me! Please system forgive me. Forgive me please! I wanna enjoy signature skill godspeed from killua please system!"

'Who would have thought the system has consciousness? Damn idiot move from my big mouth!' i curses inside my thoughts as i look at floated window with clasped hand and begging. Well i hope its gonna work~

[Insincere apologize. Template Killua zoldyck has been nerf once again. If you wanna increase the percentage. Host can't do it from mission but from training system will give]

My heart sunk at the message as i recall the system can read my mind.

"W-w-what training?" I still fear for the worse. After all from what i read every HxH fanfic. Training of zoldyck family is too inhuman!

[Alright host this list training is will you go through for 5 years next before the template will reach 100%.

1. To raise poison resistance, system will inject host body with low level poison and gradually raise the tolerance oh host body till a lethal poison will be host daily consumable.

2. To raise pain resistance, system will electrocuted host body with low level voltage and gradually raise the voltages

3. To raise stamina and endurance host to the extreme. Host need to follow training formula system will give. For now host can run around mondstadt just for 1 lap

This 3 training host will go with it for 5 years. In between those years system will tell host how to train the signature of zoldyck body manipulation. Such as 'snake awakens'.]

And with that 5 years training of hell begin

~~~ back to present ~~~

I already stop crying for what i have been through for 12 fucking years! I stood up and open my arms while enjoying the cold wind from snowstorms.

"To think i will enjoying this bone chilling vold wind. Hahaha truly twist of fate"

Im done reminiscing the 'lovely' of my past with system

"System. Tell me my attributes"

[Yes host congratulations complete the percentage of template toji Fushiguro for 7 years in dragonspine.]

The floated window congratulations me as i see symbol of clap hands under the text

'if not for my goal.. why should i care about you?' i lampooned as i shake my head gently..

"Hurry up system"


1. Killua Zoldyck 100%

2. Toji Fushiguro 100%

Attributes Skill from template:

1. Snake awakens.

2. Muscles manipulation.

3. Hollow stepping.

4. heavenly restrictions body]

I look at floated window somehow lost in thought

"That not much but this all enough to go toe and toe with archon. Well even if in the end i lost at the least i can run away and not get killed by one move"

I nod and look at my both hands. In instant the hand undergo transformation. My fingernails turn more long and sharper, the veins got more bulge around my back palm.


i immediately dislocated all my joints from the shoulder to every fingers with just my muscles. The pain is real but after the hell training provide by system. This level of pain is miniscule. I walk near Boulder then swing it like a whips

'Snake awakens'

Time seems flow down significantly as i use my fastest speed cutting the boulder with just my hands. After that i relocate again all my joint and see the boulder crumble

I grin in satisfied. "Hehe my speed too good" yep. Not even a second past from i dislocated and relocate my joint. Everything i did to boulder is just too fast combine skill from killua Zoldyck and inhuman body toji Fushiguro is overkill!

"Who need vision? Hahahahaha" i laugh in self deprecating manner as i already in despair situation just from training 12 years like hell but never get a vision

"Well ahh~" i moan as i stretch my body enjoying the power i acquired through hardwork tears and blood.

Oh yes i have yet tell you what training i undergo with toji Fushiguro template.. in short live in seclusion in dragonspine, exterminate monster everyday and go up and down the mountain.. ez right?

nope its not easy. One thing im certain. Teyvat map way, way wider than the game. Maybe like 100 times? Dunno just come here from mondstadt take me 2 week. And that only when im run after completing killua Zoldyck template.. if use cart or walking normal.. its will be way more longer.. maybe around 2 months

Ahh yes.. not like the game where there only one city in mondstadt.. there is another 4 city around but i didn't care much because im sure nobody from this city has the canon character born in it

"System what count down to the canon event?"

[2 days host. The main person is in location on the way to mondstadt city from Yhuhbert City in starfell lake]

"I see.. well i hope its lumine~"

I get crounch before jump high forward toward the location of the one of peculiar pair of twins. Thanks to killua Zoldyck template. Use zetsu its like a breath. With a low presence from toji Fushiguro template adding Killua Zoldyck zetsu. Maybe only archon and elemental dragon can sense me though im not sure if someone strong enough can sense me too

Well even if i can use zetsu. I can't use other like ten, in, gyo, en, or whatever nen branch. So yeah.. it suck

"Woooohooooo!!!" I yell out of my lungs as i fall forward toward the foot of mountain


immediately run again. In sure my speed already reach maybe the speed of sound barrier or more. I grin as i see the change scenery around me so fast but my eyes still can follow it. Toji Fushiguro is fucking monster not gonna lie.

"If it aether.. then lets leave immediately from mondstadt.. if it lumine i will tag along with her adventure muehehehe. Should i meet my childhood friend first? Jean and barbara maybe think im dead after 7 years no information about me hahaha.." i laugh in self deprecating manner as i keep run toward traveler

"Nah.. even if its aether. I will tag along with him to mondstadt and catching up to jean and barbara after that lets leave that handsome bastard.. is he even handsome in real life though? Well doesn't matter.. please god its lumine"

I pray in my heart silently with smile