
Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

A man who used to review novels dies in an elevator accident and is sent to the world of Teyvat [Genshin Impact] to live his life the way he wants. What will happen when an unknown being like him enters the world of Teyvat? Will the Archons hunt him, or will he hunt them instead? *** Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact nor its characters. My only character is the main OC Yomite Hissha. Covers are also used randomly either from other artists or drawn by myself. So the credit goes to them. My discord server: https://discord.gg/qpDTvSj3TC Please support my Patreon for more releases and faster upload. If it goes well I am thinking of quitting my job and focus fully on writing. That would be nice as my job is really annoying. https://patreon.com/StickSwinger This story is my first wish fulfillment. It will be a little different from Genshin Impact's story, since the game is updated so often and things are added or changed. Currently it's patch 2.3 and I have been playing the game since it came out. So I am following the story closely, but... It will not always be the same story. I'll do my best to get as close to the original as possible with my writing skills. I will primarily focus on adding new things as well. The romance will be slow, but we will get there. Smut is out around chapters 120, mostly to develop romance before going into it. Harem will be expanding, but at a decent rate... I want to develop the characters first before I undergo another harem expansion.

Stick_Swinger · Videospiele
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360 Chs

The Healing Training

Crossing the threshold, Yomite found himself within an immense coliseum, its floor blanketed in sand and encircled by soaring stone battlements. Grasping his claymore, he fortified his resolve for the trial that awaited.

"So this is it. The arena sure is pretty."

As the initial onslaught of adversaries emerged, Yomite confronted a horde of Hilichurls brandishing primitive wooden clubs and slingshots. Their eyes ablaze with ferocious loathing, they launched themselves at Yomite with reckless abandon for injury or life. Swiftly evaluating the predicament, he recognized the slingshot-wielding Hilichurls as the most pressing and vexatious threat.

With his claymore firmly in hand, Yomite surged forward. He brandished the colossal weapon with unparalleled precision, cleaving the air and hurtling the first Hilichurl across the arena. Whirling, he instantly engaged the next foe, his blade carving its target asunder.

Now that he wasn't being restrained by the bracelet device, he felt so much more alive and capable.

Yomite's onslaught persisted, masterfully deflecting a club from another Hilichurl, the wooden weapon shattering like kindling under the might of his claymore. He retorted with a lightning-fast upward sweep, bisecting the foe as it crumpled lifelessly to the ground.

He flowed seamlessly from one opponent to the next, his claymore carving a symphony of destruction in its wake. The slingshot-wielding Hilichurls endeavored to maintain their distance, bombarding him with a hail of projectiles. Yet Yomite, with preternatural foresight, nimbly evaded their assault.

His movements a mere blur, the claymore's weight appeared inconsequential in Yomite's hands. Each formidable swing claimed another life, their broken forms strewn upon the sands. He descended upon the remaining Hilichurls, dispatching them with merciless precision.

One of the final Hilichurls endeavored to catch Yomite off guard with a formidable overhead strike. Anticipating the blow, he sidestepped in the nick of time, retaliating with a cataclysmic upward slash that catapulted the creature skyward before it plummeted to earth.

As the ultimate Hilichurl stood before him, Yomite discerned the dread in its eyes. It wavered momentarily, deliberating between flight and fight. It chose the latter, lunging at Yomite with a desperate swing of its club. Yomite effortlessly parried, twirling his claymore and delivering a pulverizing strike to the creature's cranium.

With the final adversary vanquished, Yomite stood amid the carnage, his claymore slick with the blood of the fallen. He paused to recover his breath. Though his foes had proven manageable thus far, the shifting sands beneath him began to exact a toll. The treacherous terrain tested his balance and footing, demanding extra exertion simply to remain upright. As the sands whispered their warning, Yomite understood the need to adapt his combat technique to prevail on this unstable battleground.

As the next wave of enemies materialized, Yomite found himself facing a group of agile and fierce Abyss Mages, each wielding elemental powers.

He knew that to defeat them, he would need to exploit their elemental weaknesses and avoid their powerful attacks. Luckily for him, his cube ability was a perfect counter to their annoying magical shield and immediately pierced through it.

The abyss mages who were laughing and lay in the air as if mocking him suddently realized, with a growing sense of dread, that their enemy possessed a unique and devastating ability that could penetrate their elemental shields with ease. They could no longer rely on their protective barriers to save them from Yomite's relentless assault.




Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment as they scanned the various rooms that had materialized before the party. Each one had a unique layout, with obstacles and challenges designed to test their strength, agility, and mental acuity.

Lisa, noticing their confusion, stepped forward with a reassuring smile. "These rooms," she began, gesturing to the array of training facilities, "are here to help you grow. They only appear once someone has begun their journey through the trials, so it's no surprise you haven't seen them before."

The party members exchanged glances, emotions playing across their eyes. They knew their original goal. Yomite brought them here to train. They were all aware that Yomite would soon gain a large amount of power with Lisa's help, and they couldn't afford to fall behind if they wanted to stand beside him.

Lisa's gaze swept across the party members, taking in their varying expressions. She could see their excitement, and perhaps even a hint of fear. "Alright, everyone," she said, her voice firm yet encouraging. "Choose a room that appeals to you and begin your training. Remember, the goal here is to grow and improve, so push yourselves."

The party members nodded, understanding the importance of making the most of this opportunity. They began to disperse, each selecting a room that suited their individual skills and interests.

Turning to Barbara, Lisa gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Barbara," she said softly, "I'd like you to come with me. You are the only one here who can heal others, but out of everyone here, you are the weakest link by a significant margin. It's crucial that we work together to enhance your abilities, so you can support the team effectively."

Barbara swallowed hard, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She knew Lisa was right, but it was difficult to hear it said so bluntly. Determined to prove her worth, she followed Lisa into a room specifically designed for honing healing skills.

Inside, the room was filled with various plants, crystals, and other materials used in healing rituals. The walls were adorned with symbols and diagrams detailing different techniques and applications of healing magic. Barbara had no idea what those diagrams meant, but she knew they were profound.

"Now, listen to everything I say. As long as you listen, you will improve."

Barbara nodded vigorously, eager to prove herself and support her team.


No excuses, tired, busy, depressed, star rail, league of legends.

Read up to 18 chapters ahead! Celestia TIER patreons also get to read my new fics:

MHA - Return By Death - 4 chapters

Konosuba - 15 chapters

SOON TM - Nisekoi, League of legends, Majikoi

https://pa treon.com/StickSwinger

Chill with us!


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