

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 11

"Genora..." a quavery voice calls out. I am once again standing in the same void but this time its not the same velvet fog voice that calls out.

"Hello!" I call out, my voice echoing all around.

"Come here...Genora" it calls out again but this time it sounds close, I start to walk towards the direction and after a while, I start to see a house, but not just any house...our house.

The two-story house, with an upstairs deck in the front, It has a brick porch and panel front. But the wooden door and landscaping that captured the beauty were not there. From outside the house, it seemed to be hollow inside, with the doors and windows missing I enter the house. I look around but strange enough there is no furniture at all, just a hollow house.

"Genora..." the voice calls out again but from upstairs. I slowly walk up the stairs and notice also the family pictures were not there and there were no doors leading to each room. I walk further down the hall until I reach my room- to my surprise it is filled with mirrors. I walk in as I look around, only being met by my own reflection, I walk further in the room to the biggest mirror.

"Hello?" I call out once again but receive no answer.

I look back at the mirror, looking at my reflection, as I blink, so does the reflection, as I move so does the reflection but as I smile the reflection doesn't. I take a step back from shock but my reflection stops moving, I look from left to right to check the other mirrors but they seem to be normal except for the one in de middle of the room.

"Come here..." the voice says and I notice it coming from the middle mirror. I trip while slowly walking back, my body starts trembling from fear.

"Genora...run!" a voice says but this time being the friendly velvet fog voice. I clumsily get up again almost ripping on myself again n out of fear and run down the stairs. As my feet hit the floor of downstairs, my legs start to sink-confused I look down to the floor but it liquifies right before my eyes, sinking me further in. I start to desperately move around to try to crawl to but to no use as I keep sinking further.

"Genora..." the scary voice says but this time I hear heavy footsteps slowly come down the stairs. I start to breathe heavily as I look towards the stairs waiting for the figure to appear, my head the only thing above the ground I hold my breath and close my eyes as the rest of my body sinks.

Suddenly my eyes open wide as I gasp for air, instant relief hits as I realise it was all a dream and I was back in my dorm room.

"You okay?"Lisa asks as she walks in the room

"Yes, I just had a bad dream," I say as I giver her a small smile

"Well you woke up just in time as I was going to campus," she says as I try to sit up but she pushes me back down.

"Hey, we just came back from the hospital and the doctor said you need a lot of rest" she softly says as she kissed my forehead. I just groan tiredly at her as I get more comfortable.

"oh and there's a party at 6 pm by the woods for our faculty so Ill come by to check up on you around midnight," she says and I nod, "Have fun" I croak.

"Bye mi amore"

As she walks out, my vision starts to blur again and I go back to sleep.

My throat felt dry, but my mouth felt sticky as I wondered how long I'd been sleeping. I blinked, shut my eyes, blinked again. I yawned, managed to fully open both eyes- looking around I notice it was completely dark in the room. How long have I been sleeping I wondered, I grab my phone and check the time-my eyes widen as I realise it was 11:25 pm. I slept the whole day to my surprise but resting for that long seems to have done me some good, I get up and drink some cold water from the fridge and decide to take a shower.

Before I enter the shower, I see my fathers pills on the sink- I grab them and pour the pills in the toilet, leaving the packaging empty. I freeze as I notice makeup on my sink as well, how did it get here...I wonder. Ultimatly I assume that it's maybe Lisa's and she forgot it here so I shrug it off and shower.

After I take a shower, I exit the bathroom at the same time that Lisa enters the room.

"Hey" I greet as I wipe my wet face and hair with the towel. I don't get a response so I look at Lisa but she has a traumatized look on her face as she sits on the bed.

"What's wrong?" I ask starting to get worried, "Did something bad happen?"I sit on the bed and rub her shoulder as I hear her breath quicken. I get up to turn on the lights and as I look back, her face is smudged with makeup from the crying and her eyes red from stress.

"Hey...what happened," I ask softly

"Someone stabbed my two friends Ricardo and Felix at the party and I found their body," she says with no sign of emotion on her face, only a cold expression" I give her a tight hug, I am so sorry-everything is going to be okay. Did they find the murderer?" I ask

"No, no one saw anything but everyone who was at the party has been deemed a suspect until further investigation"

I continue to hug her tightly while whispering" It's going to be okay".

After a while, she calms down and goes to my bathroom to freshen up. I notice her leave her phone on the bed and smirk at the opportunity. I press the home button and as the screen pops up I notice a notification that she 5 minutes ago fro Kade, I enter the password but it does not unlock.

"Shit" I curse as I release a long sigh.

"Genora!" Startled I swiftly turn around whilst trying to hide her phone behind my back but my worries of me thinking she caught me right-handed disappear as I see her holding the makeup kit from before with a very angry expression on her face.

"What?"I uneasily ask with a nervous smile.

"Who's makeup kit is this and don't lie to me because I know you don't put on makeup, let alone use it," she asks slowly, dragging out each word.

"I don't know, I just found it there-I assumed it was yours"

"Bullshit! If your cheating on me I swear I will-"

I cut her off: "Lisa calm down I'm not cheating on you," I say while raising my hands up and slowly reaching for her as she is fuming.

"Then how the Fuck did it get here huh! No soy estúpida!" she shouts at me as I start to back away, my heart clenching- reacting to her yelling at me. My eyes start to water, I have never seen her this angry.

"I s-wear Lisa, I don't know-I was asleep the w-hole day" I stutter as I start tearing up. Seeing my reaction she backs down and sighs.

"I am sorry for the way I shouted at you, especially at your condition. It's just that the thought of you with another person drives me crazy" she says with an apologetic look on her face.

She moves closer to me as she cups my face with her hands and looks at me with a loving gaze, as I stare at her back she whispers.

" I would kill anyone who dared to touch you as I do" At that moment my heart skips a beat from the fear but not for myself.