

In the mundane world of an ordinary office worker, a celestial announcement disrupts the monotony. A mysterious voice from the sky, belonging to celestial entity, foretells an imminent battle that will reshape the world. The populace receives notifications, urging them to choose their class for the impending conflict. Our protagonist, amidst the chaos, discovers a unique red notification prompting the activation of a simulation system. Despite initial hesitation, they decide to unlock the system, unknowingly setting in motion a series of extraordinary events. almost all people around the globe select their classes, the world undergoes a magical transformation. New landscapes emerge, populated by fantastical creatures, and challenges abound. The protagonist, armed with the powers of the simulation system, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

vetlog · Spiele
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20 Chs

GAMBER - No one knows


This is the day of the expedition.

"Come on, we're leaving!" Leader Carl shouted.

Since I arrived, I've always referred to him as the leader. 'Is he the typical leader type?'

"The car has started," he announced.

We took the bus for our expedition into a medium dungeon. In Ireland? Used to be, The countries used to be are mixed up, so it wasn't clear where each country's exclusive economic zones were.

They informed us that all the guilds were already there and our job was to fix things. We were advised not to pay attention to any unfavorable actions and not to escalate matters.

We landed in a community that seemed to consist of indigenous people, as they were using tents for temporary sleeping. Landing was followed by Carl and Layla contacting other guilds, though from a distance, they both appeared annoyed by the meeting.

"Some bad news," someone exclaimed. Maybe the scout didn't return, or something else happened.

"Huh! That's it, Anna, where is Elina? Why can't I see her?" Carl, the strongest among us, questioned. 

*Clank* *Clank*

"Do you want to see me all the time?"

"Of course, so that we a Wood lift, and lift those log here," Anna replied, pointing to the big log nearby and chop with wind magic of anna.

"What did you say?" 

and they fight, like always they are fantastic friend.

Initially, I was shy around the two of them, but as I got to know them, it turned out they were not rude or angry.

While we were setting up our tent, our other colleagues were also working. Thirty of us in total, everyone working except for a few.

"Why do the other guilds look at us as if they're watching us? It's creepy."

I hadn't noticed, but yes, they were watching. It's good to be cautious. While eating, I received a list and wrote my name and role in this expedition.

Here's the list of names and roles:

1. Carl Armstrong - Hero

2. Aria Moonshadow - Bard

3. Caleb Nightshade – Craftsman – General Type

4. Isabella Flamecaster - Mage

5. Elijah Silverarrow - Ranger

6. Amelia Starlight - Cleric

7. Owen Stonehammer - Blacksmith

8. Lily Frostbloom - Enchantress

9. Nathan Goldleaf - Merchant

10. Eva Silverthorn - Druid

11. Gabriel Sunfire - Sun Priest

12. Ava Shadowdancer - Shadowmancer

13. Daniel Skywatcher - Sky Captain

14. Mia Moonfire - plant manipulator

15. Logan Stormrider - Stormcaller

16. Olivia Wildwood - Herbalist

17. Felix Emberforge - Artificer

18. Stella Frostwhisper - Shaman

19. Jackson Stonecloak - Earth Warden

20. Grace Swiftwind - Wind Whisperer

21. Ethan Fireheart - Fire Elementalist

22. Harper Moonrider - Knight

23. Elina Brown – Scout

24. Layla Abril – Priest

25. Edna Swift - Cook

26. Marcus Ironheart - Cook

27. Sophia Frost – Craftsman Item

28. Lucas Stormblade – Craftsman Weapon

29. Anna Murphy - Elemental Mage

30. Jonel Cunanan – Craftsman General 



We then went to a very large tent in the middle of the area for an evaluation of the tasks inside the dungeon.

"I just tried this class, so I'm changing."

"Hold the rock, Mr. Jonel."

Upon touching it, a system window appeared. I could see it fine, but the person reading it was surprised. Why was Carl called?

"Are you using the hidden status skill?" A woman who wanted to appraise me asked. But when they found out I didn't have a system, confusion ensued.

Certainly! Here's a refined version for better flow and readability:

"I can't say I have a system, but I can't take the class," I explained.

"You have to include that! You see, that's an ordinary person!" our heated leader exclaimed.

"I will no longer be surprised by his group. You useless people who only show money can only support the public!"

Carl remained quiet, shaking his head, signaling me not to respond.

I headed to the tent, but upon arrival, another person was pulling Anna to their tent, causing a commotion among the members. Especially Elina, with a bruise, was the most noticeable among those who fell.

"Come on, serve us, don't be shy!"

"Well! Help. Fireball!" Anna's fireball was effortlessly slapped away.

Before Anna was pulled away, I tried to intervene, but I was kicked before I could do anything.

"Barrhh! Anything I ate last was coming out of my mouth."

When I looked, I saw that Anna fought with air wind cutter, water ball, earth spike, fireball, shield, pillar, and the slow one that was used last. Anna had improved a lot, but regardless, she was kicked and passed out.

"Anna!" Did I just scream? is this all i can do?

"You won't leave, come here! Hahahha, I'll fight you, ahh... let's see."

No! Would I repeat what I didn't do? I'm right here, next to him, but I can't...


They slash her legs. it will happen again?

Can't, can't, can't, can't, can't, can't, can't, no, can't, can't, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge. Get them, make them pay!

[System Connected Successfully][Executing Command: KILL/ATTACK]


"Oh, you said he just used illusion magic to make his eyes look like that?"

"I just used a simple illusion spell on him!"

"We better run!" They are trying to run.

While the men were holding Anna, Jonel was watching. she saw his eyes were red, and he was acting strangely.

"This is the first time I've seen him act like this!" is she thought, she never new that silent and like a depressed boy is like that, wild animal.


What is this!? as she look she does now know how fast he can move.


The two men's shoulders were squished like lemons. The bones broke, and the muscles tore like a rug. They screamed in agony.

Silently, Jonel grabbed their heart with his two hands simultaneously, and kicking them, beating them. 

You can only say that two bodies is cannot distinguish as human corpse but like just a lump of meat in the wild. Anna, unable to assess the situation, screamed.

Afterward, their bodies, even Jonel, flopped to the ground, and the two would surely have cold bodies later.

"Kyahhhhhhhhhh!" Anna screamed, and Jonel's body flopped. She knew he save her but can think about but the people, who trespass and die.


A man with a coat and a gun in his left hand, resembling a cowboy, screamed at the door of the biggest tent in the center of the six-guild group.

"Reporting! News! Two members of the Illuminati died! A level 68 and level 60 died?"

"Hmmm? A monster attack? Before we go to raid?"

"Killed by a Glory of Light member!"

"Hmmm...? What?"

Carl looked at Layla, who was with me at this meeting.

"How can a level 68 and level 60 die? And killed by our guild, where only Anna, Layla, Elina, and I have levels 45-46."

"Who has the power to set us up?" Carl, usually calm and dignified, ran to his own guild to find who was behind it and left the meeting on the spot.

"The name is Jonel Cunanan. He killed them!" follow by the cowboy.

"What?" Layla was shocked!

Even the leader look at it too. Intrigue to why a weak person kill a mid level person.

On that day, Carl almost declared war against the Illuminati, but the leaders of the other guilds tried to calm him down. The leader of the Illuminati did the same. The leaders of the four other guilds managed to stop them.


The days went by, and the expedition continued. They discussed that the gathering of all the guilds would happen in only five days.

"So, he was forgiven?" No, some in the team tried to blame Jonel for the incident. They attacked him, and a trespasser entered the girls' tent.

"That was good!" was all they could say.

"How can he kill the two? Looking at him, he was really weak!"

Glory of light members continued to observe Jonel, who was in the corner. No one talked to him except Elina, she is really like a capybara and Layla, who is observing her.

Anna, despite her fear, felt her heart beat faster when she was with him.

Everyone knew he killed two people, but no one discussed it. Jonel didn't know, and Anna felt her heart resonate with his.

She didn't know, but she smiled. "I couldn't protect you!" The words she felt from the bottom of his heart resonated with her.

When she thought about it, her heart didn't just grab, like literally those two who trespass their tent.. He got her heart too without touching it.