
Genius : Into The Unknown

Hard working and dedicated to the crown, famous twins Princess Elizabeth and Prince Valentine of The Great Kingdom of Eredhen are sent to The Woodlock Academy of The Elite. At the Academy, they meet the two top students, Vernon and Heather, who are both as hard working and dedicated to their families as the twins. But the twins were greedy and hungry for success. But what if the twins' greed and hunger were to mix with the love they felt for the students? Only a genius can find out.

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I look outside the car window as we drive through the large gates of hell, catching a glimpse of one of the towers of the castle we'll be living in for the next four years. People in school uniforms waved the flags of the kingdom, shouted our names, and tried to take pictures as we drove by them, slowly reaching the giant doors of the castle belonging to Augustus Woodlock, Headmaster of The Woodlock Academy for The Elite. The Academy was based on many subjects and had famous people teach at their school, making sure that the rich students of Eredhen got their education from the best of the best.

"You will be alright, Elizabeth. I am sure you will make many friends, I mean- look at them, they already adore you both." I heard my mother, Alexandra, say. I looked at her as she looked outside towards all the people who cheered for us.

"The only thing they adore is the fact that they will have royalty in the castle. I honestly don't know why you would send us to this place when we can get home schooling, mother. It has always been like that, so why the sudden change?" I asked. My father, Arthur, sat across from us and he sighed at my question and my twin brother, Valentine, crossed his arms, waiting for either of our parents to answer.

"Sweetheart, it is only for your own good." My father started. "We don't want you to always be stuck in the Palace with nothing to do, go to formal parties and just do work. We want you both to learn how to socialize with others your age, make new friends and enjoy all that life has to offer."

"But what if we enjoyed the kind of life we had before?" Valentine replied.

"Valentine, please. Just give it a chance. Both of you. You have made it so far and have done so much for our family and it is only fair we let you have some sort of freedom. Now, quit asking us to change our minds and lower the windows to wave at your new school mates." My mother said whith a bright smile. I looked at my brother who sat accross from me and we exhaled at the same time before gluing a gentle smile on our faces and lowered the windows, only to hear a 'Marry Me Valentine!' from a female student. I held back my laughter as we both waved from the limousine.

Once we reached the doors, I looked down at myself. I made sure all the buttons of my dress coat were buttoned, my hair was neat and my tiara was in place. One of the guards opened the door of the car and our parents went out first. I looked at my brother once more and reached over to straighten his tie and clear his coat of any unwanted lint. He stepped out and I followed, holding his offered hand. Royal trumpets were played and salutes were made for us.

We walked a few steps along the red carpet that was layed out for us and we stopped to socialize a bit with the students. My parents shooks hands with them and said hello, so I went and did the same. When I glanced at Valentine, his cheeks were red and he seemed uncomfortable. The girls wouldn't stop talking to him or keep their eyes from going to places where they shouldn't. I walked towards them, standing in front of him to keep them from looking.

Valentine and I always became shy when people complimented or when things like this happened, but we weren't hesitant in saving eachother from those situations. We always worked together to solve problems and we were both very similar, physically and mentally.

A few minutes that seemed like an eternity passed and now we were standing in front of Headmaster Woodlock.

"Prince Valentine and Princess Elizabeth, Your Majesties." he greeted. "It is a pleasure to finally have you here in my Academy. We will make sure Your Royal Highnesses have the best suites in the castle and recieve the best treatment to make you feel at home. We will give you a few days to settle in before the welcoming ceremony." We nodded and I looked inside the opened doors of the academy to see a guy around my age looking straight at me in awe.

His hair was light brown, parted down the middle and his ocean blue eyes brought out his light skin. Next to him, a girl stood, staring at me as well and then at my brother. Her hair was dark brown in color and and curly as it fell down her shoulders and her skin was a bit darker, with freckles on her cheeks and nose. Both were wearing the school uniform, a white buttoned shirt with a navy blue blazer and a tie. The girl was wearing round specs and a high waisted navy blue skirt that went just above her knee and wore black 3 inch heels. The guy was wearing matching dress pants and black shoes.

After a few more words exchanged, we walked inside the castle and were lead to the boy and the girl. We smiled politely and I curtsied to the both of them meanwhile Valentine bowed his head.

"These are my two top students, Vernon and Heather. They will give you a tour of the Academy in the following days, but for now they will show you the way to your quarters." I heard Headmaster Woodlock say.

"Welcome to our Academy, Princess Elizabeth and Prince Valentine. We're delighted to finally meet you." The boy, Vernon, said with a gentle smile, showing his dimples.