
Genius : Into The Unknown

Hard working and dedicated to the crown, famous twins Princess Elizabeth and Prince Valentine of The Great Kingdom of Eredhen are sent to The Woodlock Academy of The Elite. At the Academy, they meet the two top students, Vernon and Heather, who are both as hard working and dedicated to their families as the twins. But the twins were greedy and hungry for success. But what if the twins' greed and hunger were to mix with the love they felt for the students? Only a genius can find out.

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7 Chs

Chapter 4 : Getaway

I stood next to my brother at the entrance of the academy, two large trailers pulling up in front of us. It had been two days since I heard Valentine speaking to my Father about the throne. I hadn't asked him about it. I didn't want him to know I was eavesdropping on him and Father. I didn't know what triggered him so much to do what he did.

"I'm going on a ride.. Do you want to come?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"No... I want some time alone." He said bluntly. "I'm gonna take Coquelicot to her stable." He walked towards one of the trailers. I walked behind him as he told something to the driver.

"Val, is there something wrong? We can-"

"I don't want to talk about it. Sorry, Eli." I watched as he turned away from me and walked towards the back of the trailer, pushing a button to open the door. He stepped in and walked back out with the horse's reigns in his hands. I walked over and pet the horse's shoulder.

"Hey, Coquelicot..." I saw my brother look down at the reigns and towards the 2 o'clock sun. "You can talk to me when you're ready, Valentine. It's not good to keep bad things in secret." I said, sliding my hands into my back pockets.

"Be back before five..." he said, ignoring my last sentences. I watched as he walked away with Coquelicot and her caretaker behind him. I sighed and turned towards my horse's trailer.

"Hey, Elizabeth." I turned my head towards the left, catching the sight of Vernon. I covered my eyes from the sun as he walked over to me. He wore a riding outfit, similar to mines, with his helmet in his right hand.

"Hi.." I said. I pushed the button on the back of the trailer and stepped back as it opened and the horse's caretaker rushed over from the front.

"Uh.. I see you got your horses now." He said, fiddling with the helmet in his hand.


"Well... I am going for a ride on my horse, Aesther, and I mean to ask if you would like to accompany me, on this lovely evening, for a ride in the forest?" He said, squinting his eyes slightly. I took a few milliseconds to look at how bright his brown hair changed due to the light of the sun. His bright eyes seemed to have gotten lighter as well. A gentle wind blew causing a few strands of hair to go on his face. He ran his hands through his hair to get it out of his face as he looked at me. He looked... Fine.

"Yes, I would like to accompany you, on this lovely evening, for a ride in the forest." I repeated what he had said and smiled gently, causing him to smile as well, showing his dimples. He got closer and I breathed in, feeling something funny in my stomach and my heart strangely racing, but breathed out once he walked passed me and looked into the trailer. I turned as I heard him whistle.

"Wow.." He said with a low voice. I went to stand next to him and looked at my horses, Xanadu Rode and Sarcoline LeFleur. The caretaker had placed a blanket and saddle on Sarcoline. She was my award-winning Dressage partner. Xanadu, on the other hand, was a Polo pony. I wasn't allowed to play at actual Polo competitions as it was a rough game, so I just helped my brother practice. I wasn't even upset. I felt getter just practicing and competing in Dressage.

"Lady Elizabeth, Sarcoline is ready for your ride. I'll be taking Xanadu to his stable to get him settled in." Said the caretaker. I nodded and she handed a helmet and Sarcoline's reigns to me. "Be careful out there." I smiled and nodded again at her words and she walked away with Xanadu behind her.

"I have seen Sarcoline LeFleur many times from the audience, but never this close." He took a step closer to the horse and smiled even brighter than before.

"You've seen me perform?" I asked. I became nervous for a second before he spoke.

"Yes, of course. When I heard two members of the royal family had taken part in equestrian sports, I had to see it with my own eyes. It was the best performance I've ever seen." He looked at me and I could have sworn I had seen a glimmer in his eyes.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled at the compliment and looked away. "Where's your horse?" I then asked.

"Oh, right-" He ran his hands through his hair once more and looked back at the Academy. He put up one finger, indicating that he'd be back in a minute and he soon came back, on his own horse. "Your Highness, I present to you, Aesther Lindentt. Aesther, be good." He said once he reached me.

He intended to stop a few feet away from me, but Aesther had other plans when he got closer and tried to get his head between my folded arms. I looked at Vernon surprised but laughed once he called out Aesther's name.

"What are you doing? You're not supposed to throw yourself on Princess Elizabeth, have some respect!" He scolded, me to laugh a bit more. They stepped back a bit and I got on Sarcoline's saddle, placing my helmet before grabbing the reigns.

"Are we ready for our little getaway?" I asked, a bit too excited for my taste. He chuckled and nodded as he looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes, we are." He answered, and we both raced into the forest as if we had no cares in the world.