
Genius in the Shadows: A Deadly Game

The story revolves around the protagonist, Nathan. He enrolled at one of the most prestigious school in his country with one thing on mind, Revenge. But one twist of fate change Nathan's plan. His school was involved on a death game, with only one theme "Survival of the fittest". Now every students have one thing on their minds and that is to Survive this hellish game no matter what!

PiGg34 · Urban
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16 Chs


" Out of all the animals in our planet, I personally like chameleons, because the way they blend in with their environment really amaze my tiny little brain, but a scientific study shows that it's not true. So I decided that I will become the true chameleon."


Santa Fe High School is one of the most prestigious school in the country. All of the students in this school are exceptional. This school produces a huge percentage of professionals in their whole country, and that remains a mystery even on the present days.

" Welcome to Santa Fe National High School, as your principal I warmly welcome all of you to our lovely school. You will be assign in sections based on your intelligence and grades" A warm but intriguing welcome coming from the school principal in the entrance ceremony of the school.

" What section are you in?"

" I think I'm in last section. My mom will kill me"

"Yes I'm in section three, Thank God"

The school got filled with noises coming from students all over the campus. As one of the most prestigious school in the country, if your in the first section you will become one of the pride of the school. So being in the first section would be your biggest achievement entering this school.

"Woah we got twenty eight students that got assigned at the first section. Damn, I wish it was me" said by a random student while looking at the board.

" Nah it would be impossible, the students that got pick are geniuses that have IQ higher than Albert Einstein" Replied by the other student.

"Uhmm Mr. Principal we got an issue that we would like to show to you. It's about the entrance exam" Said by the teacher with a shivering voice. "What's the problem?" Calmly replied by the principal.

"It's about the student who got thirty three points in the entrance exam." Said by the teacher. " That's pretty average. What's the problem?" The principal replied.

"But something's weird, because before we checked his test paper, the score column is already got a score on it. The score that was already written is thirty three. So we think that, that student know all the right answer to the test questions to be able to predict his score." Calmly explained by the teacher. " Hmm interesting" the principal mumbled.

"What's the name of that student?" the principal asked. "It's Nathan, sixteen years old and got average results in his IQ test" the teacher calmly answers.

" I'm in the second section. Okay now it's time to blend in" a cold voice speaks.

After a long period of time, Students went to their own perspective classrooms.

" Is this all of the students who got selected in this section? One, two, three and thirty five. Wow that's a lot of students compared to last year. Okay now as your homeroom teacher I welcome all of you to the Battlefield. Because in this school everyone is your rival except for yourself. So don't trust anyone"

The classroom was silent for a long period of time until... "Uhm excuse me sir, I'm sorry I'm late." A voice breaks the silence.

" First day of class and your'e late? You can sit down now. So this means that there are thirty six of you including this late headed" the homeroom teacher spoke.

After introducing the school rules and principles the teacher gave their students a vacant time to meet and greet with each other.

"That teacher scares me. Even his face is intriguing. By the way I'm Ian." A very jolly student spoke. While talking to his seatmate.

" I think he's a good teacher even though he's scary. I'm Nathan, it's nice to meet you" replied by the late student.

While the student are introducing their selves, the classroom filled with very intimidating aura.

" Starting today I will become the class president okay? Because I have the highest Score in the entrance exam and the highest IQ in class. So it should be me." A very cocky tone coming from a student.

The students look at each other confused. Until their homeroom teacher returns. " I see that you want to be the class president. But I think that it should be based on intelligence, so the principal prepared a test for the class and the student with the highest Score will become the class president." the teacher explains.

After the class takes the test. The teacher announce the score. " Ian eight nine, Nathan ninety and lastly Jhane with a perfect score" after hearing the announcement the classroom went silent.

No one applaud even a tiny noise were not heard. " Jhane can you stand up?" The teacher asked.

After a few seconds, a very elegant lady stood up. The whole class were shocked to witness her beauty.

After introducing her self, Jhane sat down. Even though they are astonished by her beauty, the students from section two felt jealous instead of admire.

Students looked at each other with sharp stares, the whole classroom feels like battlefield literally. After observing, their teacher break the silence once again.

"The first performance of this class will be in groups. So group yourselves in five" the teacher spokes"

The students of section two quickly looked at each other with mixed emotions they don't understand. And on that moment everyone realized that the saying "Strong recognizes Strong" is perfectly true.

While all of the students are hesitant and confused in this first activity, on the other side of the campus, mysterious men in black arrived.

Upon arriving the school principal greeted this men as if they were someone special. After entering a certain room, everything was locked from the outside noises.

Then a man spoke up.

" I am planning on doing this experiment in a certain school. And I think this school will be the best. Now, here's my proposal, and I know everyone of you will agree." The man in black grinned while he spoke looking directly at the principal.