
Genius Ghost Hunter

Five Evils surround me, Nine Ghosts snatch my soul, born with an open Heavenly Gate! In my life, I have encountered all sorts of strange characters, such as the blind fortune-teller, Auntie Hui from the Witch Clan, and An Ye Su, the Water Spirit. At the same time, dark creatures such as mountain monsters, tree gods, water ghosts, zombies, wandering spirits, and others swarm around me like maggots on a decaying carcass, endlessly. Where will my fate lead me?

shilin_wang · Horror
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515 Chs

Is a good wife.

The person who came is none other than Xie Yilin. When Deng Dadu saw Xie Yilin, he was like a savior and quickly cried out for help. Xie Yilin looked at him, then looked at the other few bastards lying on the ground groaning with their teeth bared, and couldn't help but frown and look at me: "Liu YiHeng, what's going on?" "Long Ling, come here," I turned around and beckoned to Lv Longling. When Lv Longling heard my words, he grabbed his schoolbag and ran to my side, grabbing my hand. Lv Longling's actions puzzled Deng Dadu's group even more; they still didn't quite understand the relationship between me and Lv Longling.

"These little bastards wanted to bully Long Ling so I taught them a lesson." I said to Xie Yilin.

Xie Yilin looked at me and Lv Longling before smiling slightly: "So you're the new student? I've heard about your situation from other teachers. Not bad, you did well. I didn't expect you to have such narrow-mindedness though; I underestimated you."

"Thank you for your praise," I nodded then turned to ask Lv Longling: "Long Ling, did you wait for me because there was something you wanted to tell me?"

"No...no..."Lv Longling blushed with embarrassment as she stuttered for a while before saying: "I...I want to ask if you have last semester's textbooks because there are many subjects that need revision."

"Oh so that's it! Why didn't you say earlier? Don't worry; when I go home next week, I'll bring all of them back for you."

Lv Longling nodded her head in thanks using a low voice.

"Okay then go home first; there are some things that I need to take care of here. I won't send you back." I pinched Lv Longling's small hand and said.

"Okay," Lv Longling lowered her head, hugged her schoolbag, and ran out. As she passed by Xie Yilin, she nodded and greeted her: "Good afternoon teacher."

"Hello to you too," Xie Yilin smiled then watched as Lv Longling left before turning to me with a meaningful smile: "Not bad; she's a good wife. You've made quite the profit there."

"Don't talk nonsense!" I interrupted her words then looked at Deng Dadu's group and asked: "What should we do with these people?"

"Teacher, please help us make a decision," Deng Dadu spoke up while trying to get up from the ground but was glared at by me causing him to lie back down again.

"Cough cough..." Seeing this situation, Xie Yilin felt embarrassed so she went forward and pulled my sleeve saying: "Why bother arguing with them? Just teach them a lesson then let them go quickly. I still have something important that I need your help with."

"Do you all hear that?" I stared at Deng Dadu's group and said: "Today, for Teacher Xie's sake, I won't argue with you guys. If you dare cause trouble again next time though...you know what will happen!"

"Yes yes! We understand!" Deng Dadu's group spoke in panic as they got up one after another before running away in haste.

"A bunch of little bastards who don't study well every day; just looking at them makes me want to beat them up!" Watching as Deng Dadu et al left, I couldn't help but sneer.

Xie Yilin looked at me somewhat absentmindedly for a long time before asking doubtfully: "You're the same age as them, so why do they listen to you like you're their elder?"

"Psychological maturity," I smiled then turned around and said: "I've figured out what to do about your situation."

"Oh, that fast? Tell me; how are we going to handle it?" Xie Yilin looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"Do you have a car?" Instead of answering her question directly, I asked her if she had a car.

Yes," she nodded.

"Then go get the car, we'll talk on the way." I said to her.

"Go? Where?" She asked in confusion.

"Of course we're going out to eat. Aren't you planning on treating me to a good meal?" I smiled.

Hearing this, Xie Yilin finally understood and couldn't help but roll her eyes at me. She patted my head and said, "You, if it weren't for your appearance and height, I would have thought you were my age. You act so mature all the time, aren't you tired?"

"I'm just being myself. Please understand that as a poor child who grew up early." I joked back but was met with a glare from her.

After a while, we rode our bikes out of the school gate together.

"Do you know where your boyfriend's house is?" On the way there, I asked Xie Yilin.

"Yes," Xie Yilin sighed sadly as she recalled some painful memories. "After coming here, I secretly went to his house a few times."

"Do his parents know about you? What's your relationship like with them?" I asked again.

"They know a little bit. After Tianjiu had an accident and was sent to the hospital by me they came over for funeral arrangements and compensation claims later on which involved me too so we met then. But they don't have any special feelings towards me because I only told them that Tianjiu and I were ordinary classmates." Xie Yilin explained

"It doesn't matter if they're not familiar with you as long as they're not enemies,"I nodded in agreement . "When we finish eating later , take me to his house . We need their help for this thing to succeed."

"Why?" Curious about what i meant ,Xie Yilin asked .

So i briefly explained about summoning the soul from the grave to her.

"When we recite the spell, can I do it with you? Do we really need his mother's help?" She asked curiously.

"It's best if his mother comes. The success rate will be higher and besides, when you communicate with the spirit later on, reciting spells might distract you." I explained to her.

"Okay," Xie Yilin nodded in agreement. Then she looked at the setting sun and said to me: "It's too late today. It may not be a good idea to go to his house now. Shall we wait until tomorrow?"

"Whatever suits you best, I'm not in a hurry," I replied.

"Well then let's meet up tomorrow morning first and get things ready before going over there for lunchtime . We'll talk to his parents then." Xie Yilin suggested .

"Alright, that sounds like a plan,"I agreed with her proposal.

Soon after ,we arrived at the street where Xie Yilin treated me for dinner . When we finished eating ,it was already dark outside .Xie Yilin pushed her bike back towards school but noticed that i didn't have mine so she asked me curiously ,"Aren't you staying at school? Aren't you going back?"

I still have something to do," I looked at her and said, "You go back first." Upon hearing my words, Xie Yilin blinked her eyes and smiled as if she had suddenly realized something. "I know, you're going to find that Lv Longling, right? Hehe, it's okay. You go ahead and cultivate your relationship well. In a few years, you can bring her home."

"What kind of thinking is this?" I glared at her and said, "If you make this joke again next time, do you believe that I will take you home?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, okay then. I was just thinking about visiting your house anyway. Just let me know when would be a good time," she pouted playfully which made me feel helpless so I left without saying anything else.

After a while, I arrived at the paper-cutting shop where dim candlelight illuminated the room. Lv Tao was busy making paper figures inside the store but upon seeing me he quickly stood up and greeted me respectfully: "Junior Master Zhang! You're here! Please sit down; let Longling pour some water for you."

"No need for that Uncle Lv," I replied politely. "I came to see Longling because she has trouble with some of her lessons so I thought maybe I could help tutor her."

"Great!" exclaimed Lv Tao happily. "Longling mentioned during dinner that she was having difficulty understanding some of the material so it's perfect timing for your visit! She's in the back studying now; please go on in!"

As I walked towards the back of the shop out of curiosity asked: "Don't they have electricity here? Why isn't it turned on?"

"The electric bill is too expensive," explained Lv Tao apologetically as he followed behind me into the room where Long Ling was studying by herself with books spread out before her.