
Genius Ghost Hunter

Five Evils surround me, Nine Ghosts snatch my soul, born with an open Heavenly Gate! In my life, I have encountered all sorts of strange characters, such as the blind fortune-teller, Auntie Hui from the Witch Clan, and An Ye Su, the Water Spirit. At the same time, dark creatures such as mountain monsters, tree gods, water ghosts, zombies, wandering spirits, and others swarm around me like maggots on a decaying carcass, endlessly. Where will my fate lead me?

shilin_wang · Horror
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515 Chs

Fuck the tree gods

Wuwuwu - -

Boom - crackle -

The sound of thunder was deafening, the lightning was like a knife, and the rain never stopped. I hugged the thick old peach tree tightly and cried.

Once upon a time, I had countless fantasies about my first time.

I fantasized about Xinghuasao, imagining holding her hand in bed while admiring her charming shyness and taking off her clothes to have an endless night of passion.

I fantasized about Wang Qinyuan, taking her to the small forest behind the campus and rolling on the green grass with her. My hands slipped into her clothes and touched that tender skin.

I also fantasized about many women: Xu Qin, Lv Longling, Liao Xi Ge, Xie Yilin; even Yun Qingyue and Xiao Hutu who made me feel like an animal or beast myself.

But all these fantasies were just that- fantasies. I never thought of putting them into practice nor did I feel any guilt because it's normal for someone at my age going through puberty to have such thoughts.

However now I am really in pain and sorrowful. Master told me not to break my body too early but now unexpectedly this happened!

I always kept my virginity intact with every woman whom I came across by treating them with respect rather than lust except for tonight when after drinking at sister-in-law's house said some dirty words but actually didn't do anything with sister-in-law herself!

And yet here we are! The first time which I treasured so much has been given away without any physical contact with a woman! Instead hugging onto an old peach tree!!

Heavens above! Earth below! Open your eyes please!! You can't play me like this!!!

I howled angrily towards sky.

Unexpectedly though God got angry too after playing his game on me as soon as he sent down one lightning bolt right on the old peach tree I was hugging onto!

The lightning, like a sharp sword, struck the old peach tree and suddenly everything turned white in front of my eyes. The whole world seemed to have become white and I couldn't see anything.

After a while, when my brain stopped spinning and everything stopped revolving around me, suddenly there was a strong tornado surrounding me.

Hoo hoo hoo - -

"Click - -

The wind never stopped, and lightning continued to fall. I was like a lotus leaf swaying in the storm, the rope on my body had long been loosened, and I couldn't feel the peach tree in my arms anymore. I spun with the tornado.

Just as I was spinning around, the surrounding white light finally eased a bit. Some blurry shadows appeared in my sight. Then when I looked again, I suddenly found that the trunk of the old peach tree that I had been holding onto before had split into two halves from the middle at this moment. The whole tree formed a capital "Y".

This situation shocked me greatly. Unexpectedly, lightning struck so hard that it split the tree in half.

And what's more shocking is that flames were burning all over this tree now; it was completely charred black.

Oh my god! Did God make a mistake? Is he trying to kill me or kill that tree?

However, at this time, I didn't have time to ponder these questions because another scene instantly caught all of my attention and left me even more stunned.

A bright light fell from above and connected with flames on top of branches illuminating everything around including myself who was floating along with flesh and blood.

My gaze followed up towards where clear white light converged until it reached an incredible scene: A human figure enveloped by bright white light shadowing their body.

But despite how bright those lights were shining upon them their body shone brighter still; translucent pink color radiated through them like blooming peach blossoms- sparkling yet enticingly beautiful!

Long hair cascaded down behind them like flowing waterfalls reaching down past their calves making it look less like hair but rather akin to a cape fluttering about gracefully in motion.

Apart from this detail though they were entirely naked except for being covered by those glowing lights which made seeing any facial features difficult from my angle. I could only see two slender legs slightly together, delicate and jade-like, then further up the white light obscured their private area leaving me with just a glimpse of two exquisite peaches- their tips rosy like flowers, plump and round as if made of honey; one look was enough to make you want to take a bite.

The two slender and long arms of the figure naturally separated, and the figure slowly turned around, slowly rising in the sky, driving the surrounding tornadoes to become more and more intense.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. The elf-like beauty left me stunned, with only a pure appreciation for art.

At this moment, I believed that there was a god in this world because one stood before me.

She was a tree goddess and also a goddess herself. She was born in flames during lightning strikes and flew through tribulations. She was exquisite like jade, stunningly beautiful.

At this point, I couldn't help but wonder if my first time had been given to this breathtaking goddess?

I wasn't sure about any of it or what exactly happened; all I felt was intoxicated by her presence.

"After waiting for hundreds of years, marriage is finally possible. Nirvana ascends while leaving love behind."

The figure bowed slowly as she spoke with a clear ethereal voice. Then her eyes opened wide towards me as they shimmered with light and shadow.

"Young man who dares enter heaven's hall - your wisdom has brought you here today."

After seeing me standing there speechless before her poem without beginning or end she continued,

"Brother don't worry about poetry now; let us talk about who you are? What is going on?"

My heart cried out even though my body wouldn't listen; my mouth refused to open up no matter how hard I tried.

"Inscribe your heart's desire onto your sword hilt so that we may meet again someday,"

As soon as she finished speaking those words an intense white light hit my chest causing excruciating pain throughout my entire body making it convulse uncontrollably until it curled into itself tightly like a ball.

"The sword has been passed down; hope we will remember each other-"

While struggling through agony from being struck by the white light beam, the figure's voice echoed in my ears. Suddenly, the white light intensified and I was launched out of the tornado like a cannonball, falling far away into the distance.