
Genius Ghost Hunter

Five Evils surround me, Nine Ghosts snatch my soul, born with an open Heavenly Gate! In my life, I have encountered all sorts of strange characters, such as the blind fortune-teller, Auntie Hui from the Witch Clan, and An Ye Su, the Water Spirit. At the same time, dark creatures such as mountain monsters, tree gods, water ghosts, zombies, wandering spirits, and others swarm around me like maggots on a decaying carcass, endlessly. Where will my fate lead me?

shilin_wang · Horror
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515 Chs

Couldn't control oneself

It took me less than fifteen minutes in total to cure the director's bad leg. After putting his leg back on the bed, I clapped my hands and walked over to the window, sitting down on a chair. 'This tea is good, Da Hong Pao is really top-notch. It's my first time drinking it. Looks like Director Uncle knows how to enjoy life,' I chuckled and picked up the teapot, ready to pour myself a cup of tea.

'Zhang, Zhang Xin, hurry up! What are you still standing there for?' Seeing my actions, the director waved frantically at Zhang Xin.

'Oh... Xiaoshifu (little master), take your time. Let me pour you some tea!' Zhang Xin quickly understood and hurriedly ran over with the teapot to pour me a cup of tea.

I smiled slightly as I lifted up my teacup and turned towards the sickbed while raising one leg: 'Director Uncle, how do you feel now? Does it still hurt?'

'It doesn't hurt anymore! Ahh... Xiaoshifu (little master), you're truly amazing!' The director looked at me with shining eyes before repeatedly checking his own leg again in excitement.

'Haha... You flatter me too much.' I laughed lightly as I put down my teacup and stood up: 'Since everything has been taken care of now, if there's nothing else then I won't stay any longer.'

After finishing speaking, I turned around and headed outwards.

'Ah! Xiaoshifu (little master), don't go!' Seeing what was happening before him caused panic within the director who jumped off from his bed immediately but ended up falling onto ground due to lack of strength in his legs.

'Director!' Zhang Xin was startled by this sudden turn of events but when he tried helping him stand back up he got pushed away instead: 'Don't mind about me, hurry up and stop Xiaoshifu (little master), I still have... urgent matters!'

Zhang Xin saw this and quickly came over to pull me back.

I stopped at the door, turned around and looked at the director: 'I don't know if Director Uncle has anything else to say?'

'Well... Xiaoshifu (little master), please come in first and sit down. Let me explain slowly.' The director struggled to sit back on his bed while wiping off sweat from his forehead as he panted heavily.

Seeing the expression on the director's face, I smiled again before walking back towards the table to sit down once more: 'Xiaoshifu (little master), would you like some tea?' Zhang Xin continued pouring tea for me while also pouring a cup for the director.

Xiao Zhang, you can go out first. You are not needed here. I have something to discuss with the junior master alone," said the director as he dismissed Zhang Xin.

After Xiao Zhang left, the director began his conversation formally. He introduced himself as Yang Chunwen, a local from Huzhou who had just taken over as director less than a year ago at the age of 43.

"Director Uncle, you mentioned that you have urgent matters to discuss with me. May I know what it is?" After listening to Yang Chunwen's self-introduction, I couldn't help but ask.

"Oh dear, Junior Master, please don't call me Director. It sounds too formal. Just call me Chunwen," Yang Chunwen tried to please me.

I smiled and said: "Respecting elders and caring for young ones is a basic quality of a person. I'll still call you Uncle because calling someone by their name directly would be disrespectful."

"Thank you so much Junior Master." Yang Chunwen licked his lips and grinned awkwardly before finally asking: "Junior Master, you're truly amazing! You helped heal my leg injury for which I'm extremely grateful. However, this leg injury is only one aspect of my troubles; there's actually more significant trouble on my body that needs your attention."

"I hope Junior Master could lend me a helping hand again in resolving this disaster once and for all time being." If Junior Master could help eliminate this problem completely then anytime in future if there was anything where Uncle could be useful then he wouldn't hesitate even once."

"Oh? What other difficulties do you have?" I frowned pretending not knowing anything about it.

Hearing my words made him say: "Junior Master! You might not know but it was actually caused by wild dog bites on my legs! That wild dog seems like some kind of ghost or spirit from previous life holding grudges against me. After biting me, it has been following me every night. Whenever I walk on the dark road at night, it comes out from behind and stares at me with its green eyes. It's really scary! Moreover, my wound hasn't healed yet so I think that wild dog is definitely not an ordinary creature. Junior Master, can you help me get rid of that wild dog? This way you will truly save my life."

"Spirits hold grudges and turn into evil spirits; when they possess a body, they can turn ordinary creatures into monsters. If nothing goes wrong then that wild dog should be a ghostly hound which isn't difficult to drive away but before doing so there's something I need to ask in advance." I looked at Yang Chunwen and said.

"What is it? Junior Master please feel free to ask," Yang Chunwen replied while looking back at me.

"Have you done anything wicked or caused someone's death before?

Upon hearing my words, Yang Chunwen immediately waved his hand and said, 'Absolutely not, absolutely not. Junior Master, rest assured that I have never harmed anyone. I can swear to the heavens that if I am lying, let me be struck by lightning!'

'Then this matter is a bit strange. The ghost dog couldn't have just randomly targeted you. If you didn't kill someone, how could something like this happen?' I asked in confusion.

Unable to hold back any longer after being questioned like this, Yang Chunwen reluctantly said with a mournful face: 'Junior Master, let me tell you the truth. Since becoming an official, I've made some small mistakes such as accepting gifts or helping people out with things - it's unavoidable when holding office - but these are all minor offenses. However...I haven't done anything worse than that! If we're talking about killing someone intentionally...absolutely not! It never even crossed my mind! All I want is for others to leave me alone and not cause trouble for myself.'

Now thoroughly confused by what he had told me so far and after pondering for a moment or two on the situation at hand, all I could say was: 'Alright then...tell me in detail about what happened when the dog attacked you that day so we can analyze it further.'

'Umm...' Upon hearing my request Yang Chunwen looked hesitant.

Seeing his reaction made it clear there was more going on here than meets the eye; therefore without hesitation I reassured him saying: 'Uncle (a term of respect), as someone from Jianghu (the martial arts world), feel free to speak your mind openly without worry because those of us who work in our line of business have principles which prevent us from revealing our clients' secrets.'

'Okay then,' sighed Yang Chunwen before finally admitting somewhat embarrassedly: 'That day happened to be late autumn and the weather was really nice. I suddenly had an urge to go out and play, so I took my secretary Xiao Wang with me.'

Pausing for a moment, Yang Chunwen looked at me awkwardly before finally confessing: 'Umm...Xiao Wang and I have a certain kind of relationship. Junior Master, please don't misunderstand me; before meeting her, I had never done anything like this before. I've always been very honest. The truth is that I love Xiao Wang and want to marry her someday. Please don't look down on me either because there's a reason why things turned out this way! As you can see, even though I'm getting up in years now, my wife has fertility issues which didn't bother me much when we were younger but as time went by it became more important to have children - then Xiao Wang came along just when I needed someone most...I couldn't resist myself.'