

Sylas was getting impatient due to the lack of an answer and pushed the knife forward, causing it to draw blood.

Rojan's heart jumped and he gritted his teeth.

"I am Marcus—"

"Wrong answer," Sylas pressed the knife in further. "Your name is Rojan O'Connor. This is the last time you lie to me, or else I'll pierce more than skin.

"Why are you here?"

Rojan's face paled. He hadn't even noticed when Sylas scanned him, but that was only natural. Most could only detect it when Aether was involved until their Mental was high enough. But was Sylas' Mental really so far above his own?


"Don't tell me you came here to assault an innocent woman, because then I'll kill you not just for lying, but also because you're scum of the earth."

Rojan felt his heart constrict again. He felt a subtle hint of something pressing onto his mind and Sylas felt much larger than life in that moment.