

Sylas moved swiftly, sweeping down from the skies.

The crossbow bolt was definitely well over a hundred pounds, and it needed far more force than just this to wind up. However, much like old crossbow bolts, they relied on physics to make the output lower than necessary.

As such, after a cursory glance, Sylas was confident that he could wind it up if he used six sets of telekinesis, each working on its wind-up handles.

However, that would eat up all the capacity of his Wisdom, or at the very least, almost all of it. So he wouldn't be able to focus on anything else. Not even his visualization.

Luckily, the large crossbow was already loaded once. As for its bolts, they would be more than useful.

Each one was over 20 pounds heavy, and the kind of devastation that Sylas could unleash with them…

Sylas' kunai slipped into his waistband as he stored the large ballista away.