

#System #PoorToRich #Student #Athlete #SliceofLife #MultipleIdentities A failure, due to an accident, is recompensated with regression. The 36-year-old Sage Everest is killed by a passing meteo--- no, a passing AI mother brain of a bot from a faraway space. It is her first time being unlucky that leads her to restart her dog-shit life and regressed to when she was 16 years old. Now with the system. She does everything she regrets not doing so in her previous life. But her achievements accumulated, and unintentional multiple identities are accidentally created. Fans argued: : My lady is an academic star! : No, you're wrong! She is the best influencer! : My lady boss!!! Mwah, mwah! : Bullscram! She is the country's six-time gold medalist! : To the one above, don't stain the name of the goddess, she is obviously the best actress. : Heh, if it isn't a secret, I might tell you. : She is an angel sent by the heaven A certain someone, “My wife could never be yours.” But it was treated as a fanatic delulu. He came home and cried wolf, but Sage was out again giving freebies to the masses.

ymakji · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Road to the First Pot of Gold

"Where did you go?" A question from a beautiful middle-aged lady greeted Sage as she entered. The woman's voice was laced with a mocking tone. "You're thick-skinned, aren't you? You only got that worthless achievement and you're showing it off to the neighbors, Hah!" Her words were sharp, like the edge of a knife.

Sage took a fleeting glance at her mother's face, noting the mole under her left eye, her fair skin, and the curly hair that framed her features. But she quickly looked down, her eyes fluttered as she avoided her mother's piercing gaze.

"I sent you to school to study, not to waste money. I feed you and take care of you, but you can't even enter the ranks of the highest honors? Worthless bastard!" Her mother's words were like venom, dripping with disdain.

Sage pursed her lips, a storm brewing behind her stoic facade. She thought, "Useless money, nyanya. You never even gave me a single cent, and you demand the heaven to be yours. Bullscum! What take care of me? It is better to say that I'm taking care of you. AHHH!!! And FYI! You were the one showing off!" Her thoughts were a silent scream, echoing in the hollows of her mind.

With a deliberate ignorance, Sage checked the time on her phone, her fingers brushing against the screen with practiced indifference. She strode to the table in the kitchen and grabbed the envelope that contained her diploma, her movements calm. She then walked towards her mother and extended the envelope to her. "This is yours now," Sage said meekly.

Mother Everest's face was a canvas of confusion, unable to react properly.

[HOST! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!] The system's voice was a sudden intrusion, a crackle of static in the air.

"Being filial?" Sage's reply was tinged with irony, her lips curving into a half-smile.

[Host, do you lack common sense?] The system's incredulity was almost palpable.

"No. I have common sense. Do you want to know why I gave her the envelope?" Sage's tone was light, almost playful.

[No, host.] The system's response was curt, a digital sigh.

"This mother of mine loves bragging about my achievements. If I give it to her, then she'll be able to brag that it was because of her that I got what I have right now. Isn't it the best solution and best filial piety I could offer?" Sage asked the system innocently, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous light.

[Host, your common sense is different from the common sense of regular people.] The system's observation was dry, a hint of amusement in its synthetic voice.

"Are you insulting me? Why would you give this to me?" Mother Everest's shriek was a sudden explosion, her anger tearing through the room as she tore the envelope into pieces. Sage was shocked, her mouth opening in a silent 'Oh...' as the fragments fluttered to the floor like fallen leaves.

A knock from the door broke the tension between the two people.

"Aunt, is Sage here?" Khal'el's soothing voice resounded. 

Mother Everest's face underwent a transformation, her features softening from that of a lioness to a gentle dog-like expression. She opened the door with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Yes, Sage is here. Why have you come, Khal'el?"

"I want to take Sage with a few friends out for celebration."

Sage slipped from behind her mother and chimed in, "Oh, I almost forgot. Please wait for me to get changed." Her words were a flurry of feathers as she dashed upstairs, her footsteps a rapid staccato on the floor. She did not remember any appointments, but if it could provide her freedom, she would go anywhere.

She heard her mother's voice, now honeyed and welcoming, "Come sit inside, Khal'el."

Sage selected her attire with care: an off-white crop top sweatshirt paired with beige shorts. She pulled on white knee socks and slipped into blue slip-on shoes, tapping them twice to ensure a perfect fit. She checked her reflection, a quick nod of approval before descending the stairs.

"Let's go," Sage announced, stepping out of the house first.

"We'll go now, Aunt. I'll send Sage back later," Khal'el's voice was a gentle reassurance as he followed her out.

"Where are we going?" Sage's question was casual, her tone light. She still did not remember who Khal'el was, but his youthful appearance allowed her to act with a carefree air.

"Velvet Cuisine in the Temple of Azerbath," Khal'el replied, his fingers dancing over his phone as he called the driver.

"This feels like a last meal. I don't know where that place is," Sage murmured to herself, a wry smile playing on her lips as she browsed her social media, waiting for the car.

A Cadillac pulled up, its sleek form a shadow in the fading light. Khal'el opened the door of the backseat with a flourish. "You get in first," he offered, a hint of chivalry in his gesture.

Sage stepped in, her eyes sweeping over the interior. "Never thought your car would look this expensive," she commented, a note of surprise in her voice.

"I recently bought it from overseas," Khal'el's replied casually. 

"Heh," Sage snorted, her skepticism clear. "How can a child like you have that kind of money? You should stop claiming someone else's hard work." She shook her head, her attention returning to her phone as she scrolled through memes.

Sage's silent demeanor made the young man uneasy. He was not used to starting a conversation. 

Khal'el finally looked at Sage, his gaze lingering. "I had a classmate who likes me so much that she stalks me daily," he sighed, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

"What's up with it?" Sage's response was distracted, her eyes not leaving the screen.

Khal'el's annoyance flickered across his face as he snatched Sage's phone away and handed it to the driver. He softly pinched her cheeks, a playful challenge in his words, "Is your phone better than me?"

"I guess?" Sage's reply was a mix of confusion and defiance as she touched her cheeks, her glare sharp as she faced the young man. But she had no intention to even take her phone back. 

But Khal'el only wore a smug expression, his face tilting as he observed Sage with a careful eye.

He opened the camera application and pointed the lens to Sage. He clicked the circle and captured Sage. 

Sage recoiled, her exclamation a mix of shock and indignation, "Ahh! What the fvck was that bro!" She hated pictures so much. As to why, she had already forgotten the reason. 

The two of them kept bickering inside, until they reached their destination. Khal'el waited for Sage to alight before they entered the Temble of Azerbath. The Velvet Cuisine was located at the 2nd floor of the temple.

Khal'el held onto Sage's wrists, a protective gesture as if afraid she would be too captivated by the view and wander off. He approached the counter, greeted by the staff with warmth. "Welcome to Velvet Cuisine! Do you have any reservations, Sir?"

"No. Is there a two-seat table available?" Khal'el inquired.

"Yes, Sir. This waiter will lead you to your table, Sir. Please follow him," the staff member replied, gesturing towards the waiter.

Khal'el released Sage's wrists, allowing her to walk ahead as he followed behind her.

The waiter guided them to an open space on the small terrace of the temple, a spot that faced west, where the wide mountains and the setting sun painted the sky with hues of gold and crimson. They had 20 minutes before the sunset would dip below the horizon.

Khal'el moved to pull out a chair for Sage, a gesture of courtesy, but she, oblivious to his intention, chose a chair on the opposite side for herself.

The waiter presented them with the menu, waiting patiently for their order.

Khal'el's gaze met Sage's, he asked, "What do you want to have?"

"Same as yours," Sage replied, her eyes scanning the printed images in the menu. She wanted to try everything especially the sweets and drinks, but she restrained herself, aware that it wasn't her money being spent.

Khal'el returned his attention to the menu, his fingers brushing his lips in thought before he spoke, "Can we have two sets of Velvet Mushroom Cappuccino, Herb-Crusted Sunset Lamb, Velvet Chocolate Delight, and Azer Sunset Fruit Cocktail?"

Sage's eyes lit up with delight, a spark of excitement in her gaze as she thought, "Woah, he knows what I like. Heh, heh, heh."

"Noted, Sir. Your Azer Sunset Fruit Cocktail will be made exclusively from fruits, as you are both underage," the waiter confirmed with a professional nod.

"Okay," Khal'el acknowledged with a simple nod of his own.

"Your appetizer will be ready in five minutes, and the main course in thirty. If you need anything else, please ring the bell," the waiter instructed before departing to the kitchen.

The foods were brought to their table. Sage watched at it full of anticipation. Her throat bobbed up and down as she swallowed the saliva threatening to drop from her lips. 

Sage was visibly enjoying her dinner, her laughter light and genuine at each new taste, her cheeks dimpling with pleasure. She couldn't help but express her delight to the passing waiters, her thumbs enthusiastically up in approval. "This is so delicious," she exclaimed, "How can something this good even exist?"

Khal'el, along with the restaurant staff and other patrons, couldn't help but smile at Sage's infectious joy. Her presence seemed to brighten the room, her soft arched brows and warm brown eyes drawing people in, her chubby cheeks reminding them of beloved childhood pets.

"Do you want seconds?" Khal'el asked, bringing Sage back from her culinary reverie.

"No, but... uh, can I borrow some cash? I want to take out food for them," Sage asked, her voice tinged with shyness as she set down her utensils. She wiped the residues around her mouth and smiled.

"Sure, no problem. I'd accept repayment even if it took a hundred years," Khal'el responded, his tone light and teasing.

"Hey, stop joking. I'm a man of my word; you can trust me," Sage retorted with a playful glare.

"You mean woman," Khal'el corrected with a chuckle, only to receive an eye roll from Sage. 

"Ma'am, please, let it be. We'll take care of it later," the waiter interjected, slightly panicked at the sight of Sage cleaning up their dishes. He glanced towards the counter, relieved that their manager hadn't noticed. Internally, he commended Sage for her considerate upbringing.

[+50 Destiny Credits]

The sound of the system jolted Sage from her enjoyment. A wave of worry washed over her. How could she have neglected the task of pleasing her mother, with less than a week left? She felt out of options. "I guess I'm stuck with that dog-sh!t life, again", she muttered to herself.

The mission involving her mother had no deadline, but the Chance Encounter with Khal'el was a rare opportunity. Her curiosity about him simmered within her like boiling water.

After borrowing money from Khal'el, Sage purchased takeout.

"Do you still compete in tournaments, Sage?" Khal'el inquired casually as soon as they went back to the car.

"I don't know. Maybe?" Sage shrugged nonchalantly; her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window.

"Let me know when your next tournament is; I'll come to support you," Khal'el offered.

"Are you sure you want to attend my tournaments?" Sage asked, her tone laced with skepticism. Even her own family didn't attend her matches, let alone a stranger.

"I'll sponsor your club if you want. Just tell me," Khal'el persisted.

Sage nodded, then suddenly remembered to ask, "Where do you live again?"

"Twilight Hills in Love-nder City. Why? Do you want to go home now?" Khal'el teased, a smirk playing on his lips. He was tired from initiating conversation all day, but he wanted to reconnect with the Sage he knew.

"Yeah, I'm tired," Sage admitted.

Khal'el's grin widened. "Uncle, please take us to my house," he instructed the driver.

The driver nodded in agreement, accustomed to the playful banter between the two. "Sure, Sir."

Sage was taken aback, her eyes darting between Khal'el and the driver. "Hey! Hey! Take me back to my mom's house!" She protested, playfully slapping Khal'el's shoulder.

Khal'el raised an eyebrow. "That's a new reaction from you. I expected something like, 'Sure, is my room ready?' You're usually so sassy," he said, his voice tinged with concern.

Sage forced a laugh. "I guess today is just tiring. I've been in a bad mood all day."

Khal'el didn't know how to respond. The issue was Sage's to deal with, and he felt powerless to help.

The rest of the ride to Sage's home was quiet. Soon, they arrived.

"Thanks for today, Khal'el. Bye," Sage said, stepping out of the car.

She walked back to her mother's house, comforted by the darkness of the night. It gave her the courage to face what awaited her.

Her little brother ran up to her, curious about the paper bag in her hand. "What's that, Sister?"

Sage sighed, looking down at her brother's innocent face. "Food. Have you had dinner?" she asked, carrying him to the dining room, ignoring her mother's scrutinizing gaze.

She placed the hot food on the table and began to unpack it. Another hand reached out to see what she had brought—it was her mother.

"Did Khal'el buy this?" her mother asked, eyeing the food.

Sage hesitated, caught off guard. "Well, it's his money..." she replied slowly.

"Give me a plate with rice. I'll eat," her mother demanded.

Sage complied, still in a daze, until a voice in her head brought her back to reality.

[Congratulations, you have completed the mission in an unexpected manner! Depositing 10,000 Destiny Credits.]

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