
The start of madness for a menace

{Dennis POV}

Something trapped me in my mind, floating for the longest time in my life. They have turned the place that was once my mind into a pitch black room. I turned around to see if I could find the slightest trace of where it all goes. But sadly, there was nothing to be found.

"Where did it all go?"

I asked myself out loud after seeing that theirs nothing left, but staying in a room like this with nothing to do would kill me out of boredom. There is no other way out. If someone even attempts to wake me up, it would end up in a disaster.

As time passed by, I wondered how my other versions were doing. It's been a week since we fused, and they haven't attempted to get out. Best course of action would scream out their names, but I didn't try since this room feels like being in space. But I found out my chances of staying here would bring me to my death if I don't find away to get out or wake up. I turned around again to see if something was nearby, but it was still pitch black until I felt something with malicious intent coming from behind me.

When I turned around, I saw the same dark energy when me and my friends where searching for Donte. For a moment, the only thing that would make sense was that I got infected.

"How in the world... Did you got in here....?"

I asked to whoever is inside the dark energy. But no one responded. The dark energy got close. It wanted to consume me and take over control of my body. As soon as it got into close range, I pointed my left hand at it in attempts to cast a spell. But my arm was trembling in fear.

"Oh, come on!! This is no time to coward out!!"

The dark energy was still getting close. As I slowly running out of time, my mind was processing every action that I can take, but as how my body just a moment ago. It eliminated a few options. There was one action out of 100 after my chances were cut by 99%, and that only action was my only choice. I placed my right hand over my left shoulder to get proper control over it to take aim once more.

I was going mad at the time; I lost myself in reasoning with my body as my left hand was charging up a spell.

"Bring... it...."

My speech even slowed down as my mind entered madness. While in the effects of madness, I have no control over what I say or do while confronting an enemy or a friend. During the time I was preparing a spell, the dark energy was right in front of me and ready to consume me. As it engulfed me in a bright red light, I cast my black ice spell over myself and took the dark energy with me. Making sure that whoever was in the dark energy wouldn't take control over my body.

While I trapped myself, I was looking around after seeing that it still lit the place up. As a previous result, no one else was here except me. Or so I thought to myself. I heard a faint laughter of a child, making me turn around in every direction while putting on my guard.

"Show yourself. I'm getting bored already!"

I said out loud to make the person laughing reveal it self. And luckily for me, they didn't wait. As I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to while pulling out a gun out of my pocket. It was the only weapon that I could use since I can't call out Obliviona. I saw a person using a dark cloak walking towards me with a knife in hand. At that time, myself of reasoning came back to me.

"Wait, a minute... What are you even doing here? You shouldn't be even in my mind!"

The person didn't respond, instead they were handing me over their knife. I was confused at start since why would they even go this far to just hand me a knife? How did they even got here? It felt weird, and I then remember the wound on my left shoulder from today. At this point, I realized that whoever took over Donte ended up transferring over to me.

"Take it, it would suit you!"

When I heard the person speak, it sounded like a young girl's voice. I gladly took the knife, and I was terrified of what could happen next. Then I heard a shining sound coming from behind me and I turned around.

When I turned around. I saw my other versions of a giant crystal gem with their corresponding colors. There should be an explanation for this, but my body has fallen on its knees after seeing my other versions.

"Lets make a deal... Help me out with what I need and ill release your friends. You get what you want, and I get what I want. It is a win-win situation for the both of us."

The girl asked. She had my alternated versions hostage inside my own body, and I had enough of it. My left eye began to glow as my head was slowly turning over my left shoulder. I entered into a state of madness once again and gave in to my urges as I hold the knife with a firm grip.

"Only in one condition. I want you to free X that is inside on the dark blue crystal and F that is in the light blue crystal out, and you will have yourself a deal."

I agreed to her offer with these conditions. If she accepts it, we would both have our ways.

"You have yourself a good deal... Dennis."

The girl agreed to my conditions while saying my name.

"Hold on, who are you anyway?"

It didn't hurt to ask, since I was going back to normal for a moment. They looked at me straight at me and forced me to turn around.

"Don't worry, you would remember my name, eventually."

She then proceeded and freed X and F. They both punched the ground and examined the area until they saw me standing next to a girl. They were both mad and wanted answers. So they pulled out their weapons and pointed them at me as they walked by.

"Who the hell is this Dennis?"

X asked me, I shrugged at him as a sign that I don't know for now.

"Dennis, explain to me, what the hell is going on..."

F said. I then placed my hand on his shoulder and he understands what is going on.

"That is... Actually reasonable, I'm impressed that you made a good deal. Now who actually are you..."

F eyes glowed as he had his eyes on locked on the girl. He gave a step back since he wasn't able to see anything.

"F, just leave it for next time... We got things to do right now. X you as well. And I hope we can get in contact soon."

I then grabbed on to X and F as a magic circle spawn below me. We all saw the girl wave at us as we were getting out of my mind.



I opened my eyes and saw that I was back in the hospital, but I wasn't alone. X and F were passed out on the floor while Sara burst into the room with some medications for me.

"I can explain..."

I said to Sara while trying to think of an explanation.

"Don't worry about, you have been thru enough for today. Just take it easy for today. Also, you should come to my house tomorrow. I got something for you that will make your day."

Sara said as she messed up my hair. She then left since she was done with work for today. As I stayed in the hospital, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.



While time passed by. I woke up around 6am. I didn't see X or F around, so they probably left a few hours ago.

"Theirs no need for me to stay here, better get out before a doc shows up."

As I told myself that I need to get out. I opened the window and jumped out.

This is the first chapter in a first person perspective. I'm going to role with it for a few chapters, and still working with the aux chapters. Two or Three aux chapters will be out for tomorrow.

If you have questions on what direction the story should be going. Leave a coment, share and mark this book into your collections so you wont miss out on the latest updates and chapters. Hope you all enjoy reading!!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts