
The mechanized weapon attacks!

Dennis was prepared to stop the dark moon from accelerating their time.

"This will end right here, right now. There is no more turning back!"

Dennis said as they headed to the Arc-Xenal as the last battleship from X's world.

"F, we need you take out the defenses!"

Dennis said as his future self followed his past selves' orders and took care of the main entrance.

"Neko D go on ahead to turn on the power supply."

Dennis said as Neko D passed by F.D quick to the back side of the ship.

"Nautic, you are coming with me to the bridge to activate the pilot systems!"

As they all went off to take care of their tasks, everyone else made it back to the house.

"Everyone listen up, Dennis went out to get a battleship for us to stop this from continuing, also we may have a secret guest coming over."

X said as he was informing everyone about the current situation while he was detecting another energy readings coming from the nightmare tower. While the other team was taking care of the ship, there was someone else waiting for a potential moment.

"You think he will stop it...?"

"No, but he is sure annoying when it comes to involve himself in our plan for domination. We must go home and report to the empress."

Over 50 soldiers saluted their leaders that were standing in front and left, causing no trouble. Heartless however felt their presence since he can detect things from a 50-mile radius, but he didn't act or told Dennis about it since he felt nostalgic.

"Alright, this should do the trick."

Dennis said as he sat down to sense every contraption near him until Nautic sat on the command pad in front of him.

"Nautic you better prepare yourself." Dennis said.

"Why? Are you worried that ill get hurt?"

Nautic said as she sat on Dennis's lap, trying to seduce him.

"You don't mind if I sit, here do you?"

Nautic said as he was about to make an approach.

"Get off me, you know I'm already taken."

Nautic giggled despite that what Dennis said was true.

"That's the captain that I know and love!"

Nautic said once more before F.D kicked the door open and tossed his lance to the floor.

"I'm getting sick of this; X made this place too fortified!"

F said. Neko D just returned with a bag of cookies and was giving one to Dennis.

"You went too the kitchen? Thanks. Now let's get going!"

Dennis said as he pressed the launch button and turned on the engines, F.D sat near the radar while Nautic was going to pilot the ship.

"Fuel levels are good, energy efficiency at 100%, we are good to go!"

Nautic lifted the piloting wheel to raise the ship, then started to fly over to X's house. Meanwhile, X was trying to explain things one last time.

"Ok, how things are going we must prepare for battle against a massive destructive weapon, Owen and Dwight, you two will take care of the guns, Eve you will be our scout while Wulf will be our sonar." X said.

Owen raised his hand but X already answered without giving time to hear the question.

"And yes some animals can detect stuff by sound but Wulf has all active senses when it comes to detecting, he is the one for it all"

As X finished his explanation, the others showed up by bursting thru the main entrance. X pulled out his gun and pointed at it at Claire.

"I knew we cannot trust him!!" Claire said out loud while suddenly X pointed his gun to the pool and pulled the trigger.

When the bullet hit the crystal door, it suddenly spat out a black mist with a sinister laugh.

"Eve, Wulf, Dark, Kuo, You guys know what we must do..."

Their face expressions changed to take the situation seriously and blasted the door with their elements.

"Ok, so we going to do that soon depending on our training?"

Dwight had to ask since they are all in the process of their awakening.

"Yes, and can we get moving? I don't want to make Dennis wait that much longer." As X took the first step out, Dennis suddenly showed up with the Arc-Xenal and turned on the speakers. "

Everyone, get on! Before Nautic losses it! -Dennis look out!!"

The speakers turned off as they hear F.D warning Dennis.

"That blood thirsty succubus!!"

Wulf and Eve were mad and went to save Dennis.

"What everyone standing there? Lets go!"

Maita grabbed Kiwi and Nidializ while Dark had to carry Owen and Dwight on to the ship.

"Would you like me to give a lift?" Kuo asked Claire with formality, since she was the only one remaining.

"I would love too." Claire said as she took Kuo's hand and proceeded to get on board with the others.

Meanwhile, in one of the dorm rooms in the ship...

"Ok... I think we lost her..." Dennis said in a low toned voice.

The boys locked themselves in one of the room to hide from Nautic. Neko D was in a corner shivering in fear, Heartless had a barrier on the door in case of an emergency while Dennis and F.D were thinking of a way to get back to the main center.

"This sucks..." Dennis said.

"This is why we don't let Nautic be near you, Dennis...!" F.D said while trying to scream at with a low toned voice Dennis.

"It wasn't my fault that she was my guardian angel! But anyway, we need to get off the ship." Dennis said as a response, Heartless and Neko D looked at him with curiosity.

"Well, if you ask me, we should jump out the window right now and head to the sea." Dennis was trembling when F.D said sea.

"You know the terrain was suddenly changing because of the moon... and I spotted a cliff nearby that we can actually lead Farion too." F.D said.

"So lets go!" Dennis said. F.D grabbed Neko D and jumped off the window.

"Oh, crap, we got to go!"

Heartless said as he got a hold of Dennis and turned into a flying black ball that left a hard trace behind. While that happened X could make it to the command center and turned on the ship properly and activated its full battle mode. He knew that when they are in the air, things will turn bad.

"Where da heck is Dennis at?" As Wulf asked that, he sensed Dennis moving quickly to the west alongside a big object.

"X! Set us to 180 degrees northwest! We don't have much time!!" Wulf said while X was in doubts of the sudden reaction.

"Why?" X asked.

Wulf stomped the ground that made everyone on board jump.

"Dennis is on that direction and something is following them!" As Wulf gave out his reason, X turned the ship to the direction that they need to go.

While Dennis was taking a break from getting off the ship and landed on a hospital roof top thanks to Heartless. They felt uneasy, as if they felt something was coming after them.

"What is this place?" Heartless asked since he never been into a hospital before.

"This was the place I was in while hospitalized during my last few days of school... But don't you guys feel that?" As Dennis asked, they suddenly heard a roar that could be heard around the world as they turned their view to the bridge from a far.

"Dennis... if I may ask, what would be the worst-case scenario right now...?" Heartless asked.

"Well, we either get destroyed first or our friends fall victim to him and we go in an uncontrollable rage for revenge... But worst-case scenario? It would be that Farion sets off to look for Ragnarok since that's its initial programming while I'm its priority..."

As Dennis finished talking, Farion was also emerging from the water that no one dared to tell Dennis and left him to find out by himself after he turned around.

"Well, speak of the devil... Guess is time to run..." They all said.

Heartless went to Dennis body after he saw him jump off the building while Neko was on Dennis shoulders. F.D had a plan and cast an ice bridge to the closest mountain as Farion was trying to lock on its target.

"Hmm...?" Dennis turned around to see Farion, but he dint noticed that his left eye glowed that completed the target lock.

"Target found... approaching to destroy."

"Oh crap." Dennis took off his coat and tied it around his waist that triggered his shoes to activate a built in rocket.

"Everyone hold on!" Dennis grabbed F.D and jumped off the bridge to head flying to the mountain.

"There is no escape!" Farion unleashed a bombardment of missiles to the mountain.

"Heartless! Do it now!" F.D said to Heartless to execute his perfect plan while the others were on their way to join the fight after they see Farion from a far.

Dj and Claire were standing out in the ship's front prepared to join the fight.

"What are they doing?" Nidializ asked since she was getting worried.

"They about to get ready for a fight."

Dark answered since she was doing nothing but to stare in the window. Everyone stood quietly waiting to approach Farion until they heard Claire shout out orders.

"Everyone get into positions and start shooting at the mountain! Farion just made the first move!" X said.

As they used every type of weaponry on the ship to attack Farion, it seems it did no effect that made Claire mad. She called out her weapon to take aim.

"I won't let you hurt them..."

Claire took a deep breath and slowly focused until she pulled the trigger. Dennis felt an incoming sniper bullet, so he landed and decided that it was best to walk.

"We only have two moves left..." F.D said while calculating the spot that they need Farion to float.

"Arc cannon and the orbital strike..." Dennis pulled out both his phones and started a 30-minute countdown.

"F.D, Heartless, Neko D... you can go all out on him..."

As Dennis walked past them, they got fired up and went into battle. As the fight continues, Claire kept shooting and Farion that was doing some damage after shooting at the same place repeatedly that made Farion act.

"Foolish human... you think you can beat me?" Claire laughed and pointed behind Farion.

"No, but he surely can!" Claire said.

As Farion turned around and saw Dennis walking to the top of the mountain while noticing F.D and Neko D approaching with a fist prepared that pushed Farion a bit.

"Neko D! grab his tail and pull him to the spot!!"

Neko D saluted F and quickly went to grab Farion's tail while F was heading to the ship while it was preparing for a last attack.

"Aww man, you left all the fun just for them..."

F broke the ground that caused an energy out brake that triggered the ship to fire. They sent Farion to the spot that Dennis was waiting for and he had his weapon out, pointing it at the sky.

"Gate of M... defied of law itself... Open...."

Dennis said as a light was coming out of his weapon that was connecting with the orbital strike. As Farion was in place, Heartless locked him up using his move called hatred thorns so it doesn't move from the mark. As dark rose thorns grabbed Farion's legs, slowly crawling up, causing a hard grip.

"His all your Dennis!" Heartless said.

Dennis smiled with a passion for this fight. He swung his sword down on Farion, causing a beam slowly to circle around him as an immense light was descending.

"Claire!! Dj!!! You guys coming or what!?!"

Dennis was calling them out from over the mountain, everyone could hear him and for those he called had jumped off the ship and into the light. Dennis did his signature salute to everyone in the ship along with a fierce look.

"They will be back." Maita said as she was trying to relieve Nidializ worries as she prayed for their safety.

As Dennis, Claire and Dj went into the unknown along with Farion. They got stranded and separated once again.

"Well shit, I thought for sure we will head to the kingdom this time..." Dennis said.

Dennis was the only one that hardly remembers the location that they are in right now, he couldn't no one of his friends nearby that left him with one option left.

"Guess I'll start walking, I wonder if I'm near him..."

As Dennis looked deep beyond his location, he felt Farion nearby and turned around.

"You got to be kidding me?!"

Dennis was enraged, not because of Farion but for the person who is on top of Farion right now.

"DJ!! You need to get off from him right now!!"

Dj wasn't able to hear Dennis, he was about to go all out to chase Farion but he would have gotten tired half way.

"Damn it... if there was only away... That's it!!"

Dennis realized what he needed to do. He forgot he was in the void of dreams so anything that he does can become possible.

"Meteor shower!! Tidal wave!! Leviathan!!"

A combination of three attacks but Dennis regretted saying that last one, as sea dragon showed up and passed by Dennis quickly that made him instantly vanish before the tidal wave could have gotten him.

"What in the world?" Dj said.

Dj looked over the direction were the explosions where coming from as he noticed that meteors where falling from a blank sky.

One meteor was heading towards Farion but it got disintegrated as Dennis got closer to Farion but as soon as he was too close, Farion vanished alongside with Dj.

"No... you can't be serious..."

As Farion and Dj vanished, a massive castle was raising up.

"Voidus castle..."

Dennis knew the name of the castle. As his attacks slowly faded away, he was about to take things a bit more serious.

"This game has gone for far too long, Farion..."

Dennis pulled his sword and pointed at it to the castle.

"This round will belong to me and no one can't stop me!"

Over and thousand swords formed a circle behind Dennis as his left eye slowly glowed. He was determined to end this fight for good and restore what it altered.

"Game... on." Dennis said as the glow of his left eye intensified.