
Rescuing Spike (3)

As Dennis and his friends where on their way to the city. They noticed something strange in the distance. The first one to call it out was Owen and it made everyone to stop.

"Hey, what is that?"

Owen asked. He could tell that whatever they saw was moving.

"That I believe is a ns... And a big one at it..."

Dennis said. He then sat down on the ground to think of a plan.

"Well, if it's another enemy, we can take it down easily."

Dwight said, but everyone was sure that they couldn't take it down without an actual plan. As they waited for Dennis to come up with a plan. They began to come up with a few strategies.

"Hey, I can attack from a distance, making it focus on me while you guys go look for Spike."

Owen said. It was a good idea at first, but Dennis stood up and taped Owen's left shoulder.

"That won't be enough. Take another look at that thing."

Dennis said. He then points it out and they saw that it was growing.

"That thing can move itself, basically has control over the city."

"Then what do you suggest?"

As Owen asked. Dennis hands and feet where covered in flames.

"I'll make it chase me out of the city, giving you guys enough time to find Spike."

Dennis said.

"What about the other Dj?"

Owen asked.

"That's when I come in right?"

Dwight asked. Dennis then looks at Dwight and nodded, confirming him that he would take care of the future Dj.

"Alright then, I'll see you guys later."

Dennis said. He then ran into the city to make a distraction. Giving a chance for his friends to enter the city.

Meanwhile at the city. Spike was sensing something in the distance. He then pointed at the entrance of the city and the ns that was covering the buildings began to become one. During that moment, Dennis arrived to the city and saw that something was waiting for him.

"You got to be kidding me."

Dennis said. He saw that it was the future Dj that was standing in front.

"Took you long enough to show up."

The future Dj said. He then took one step forward and Dennis went into his defensive position. Waiting for any sudden movement.

"I don't have time for this!!"

Dennis yelled. He then ran past Dj and continued onward looking for his actual enemy, but the other Dj was following him.

"I already told you I don't have time for this!!"

Dennis then turned around to throw a fire ball and continued running backwards. The future Dj then flicked it to the side and continued moving forward.

"You should really keep your eyes on the target!"

The future Dj said. Dennis then realized and turned around to simply see that the enemy he was looking for was actually looking for him. It was the ns that was a massive shadow that was covering everything.

"Burning soul..."

Dennis said in a low tone voice. He then extended his hand and touched it. It then got indulge in fire, making it burn down and disappear. In the distance, Dennis friends saw the ns burn down. Indicating that it was time to enter the city. As they entered, they saw Dennis in the distance but with the other Dj approaching him.

"I got this!!"

Dwight said. He immediately activated his elemental overdrive and went past his friends in full speed. Causing a burst of wind making them all stop.

"Dennis... You should know by now that your friend is gone..."

"Oh really? Then why do I sense his anger getting close..."

Dennis said. He then saw Dwight and turned around, giving Dwight the option to fight now or later, but Dwight then saw Dennis extend his right arm. As if he was waiting for a response.

"Dennis!! You got this!!"

Dwight screamed. He went past the future Dj and quickly rotated and gave Dennis a low five and proceeded to go deep into the city.

"Who was that??"

The future Dj asked.

"A friend... Now let get this fight started shall we?"

Dennis then turned around with a smile in his face. At that moment the other arrived and they were ready to fight.

"Owen, Donte, you two should go after Dwight."

Dj said to them.

"You sure don't need our help with him? I mean he was able to handle all of us yesterday."

Owen said. He was unsure if to trust Dj or not after what happened the other day.

"It's fine, I can promise you that we can handle him."

Dj said. He then started to stretch his body. A simple warm up before getting into a fight.

"Alright, come on Donte!"

Owen said.

"I'm right behind ya!"

Donte said to Owen. They both went past the future Dj and Dennis to go after Dwight.

"That was a mistake, they won't survive a minute without the two of you."

The future Dj said. Dennis and Dj started to laugh as if it was a joke to them.

"Whats so funny?"

The future Dj asked.

"Don't get us wrong... It's that we already know why and I have the culprit right on my hand."

Dennis said. He then showed his right hand, the same hand that Dwight low five it. And it had the remains of the enemy that Dennis burnt down.

"What!?! How!?!"

The future Dj asked. He was about to lose his temper at any moment.

"When Dwight went past you and gave me a five low. We captured it before it was sent flying."

Dennis said and clenched his right hand to burn the last remains of the ns. The future Dj then lost it and a enormous amount of energy was building inside of him. It caught Dennis and Dj's atention that they should get ready for a serious fight.

"You must understand... In the future, I am the number one strongest while you retired!!"

"So? We can take you down if we want... There's nothing holding us back..."

As Dennis said to the future Dj. Dj decided to make the first move by charging right at his future self.

"Fool... I know that you would do that!"

The future Dj said and turned around to face his younger self. Dennis then went charging in with a fireball on his right hand.

"Now come on, you shouldn't have done that!"

The future Dj then stomped on the ground, causing a small earthquake that only affect its surroundings. It made Dennis fall on his knees while Dj was able to maintain his balance. He then continued onward until he reached his future self and punched him on the face. It stopped the earthquake, allowing Dennis to get up and attack. Dennis then slammed the fireball on the future Dj's back and it pushed him behind Dj.

"Wait... I thought you couldn't use fire for awhile."

Dj said. He noticed that something was going on with Dennis. His flames on his hands and feet where losing color.

"Well... It still hurts, but I can handle it. I only have a few minutes left..."

Dennis said to Dj. His flames where slowly going down, but he could still fight during this situation. Then the future Dj recovered and saw Dennis in his weakened state.

"What a disappointment and I thought I was the one going easy."

The future Dj said to Dennis. He was mocking him to fight in his weakest and it made him mad. Dj saw this and stood in front of Dennis, showing him that its okay to fight even if he was weak.

"Alright... Let's get this party started!!"

Dennis shouted. They then continued to fight again. Meanwhile with the others. Dwight was running around the city until he noticed the nightmare gate closed. At that time, Owen and Donte were catching up. They were both tired trying to keep up with Dwight.

"Hey!! You going to fast for us!!"

Owen shouted. Dwight turned to his right and saw that his friends were catching up, but in his mind. Something told him that something wasn't right.

"Hold on, why Dj ain't here?"

Dwight asked. Owen and Donte arrived and they sat on the ground.

"He stayed back to help Dennis."

Donte said. Dwight then took another look towards the direction he came from and was seeing the light of a fire.

A few minutes back with Dennis and Dj. Dennis was going first and tackled the future Dj. He then grabbed him and prepared his left hand with a fireball, but the future Dj punched Dennis in the face with his right hand.

"Not so fast!!"

Dj said. He went past Dennis and charged in with a straight punch to the stomach. As his attack landed, his future self got pushed back. Allowing them a few seconds to spare, but it wasn't enough.

"Dj look out!!"

Dennis shouted. Dj noticed a shadow on him and it was growing smaller by the second. He then looked up and saw that it was a Boulder falling on to him, but Dennis was able to act quick enough to push him out of it.

"Were did a boulder came from?"

Dj asked himself. He then looked at Dennis and saw him pointing at something. He looks over and saw his future self carrying another boulder.

"Dj, I think I know of away to take him down fast."

"Alright, lead the way."

Dennis then lift Dj up and proceeded by charging in one more time.

"Oh please, it won't work!!"

The future Dj then throws the boulder at Dennis, but he expected it to do it. Dj then followed Dennis and jumped on to Dennis's back then leaped forward to punch the boulder. As he punched it. It then cracked and slowly separated it self into smaller pieces.

"Dennis, go!!"

As Dj screamed out Dennis name. Dennis was hearing a faint voice in his head.

"Law number twenty...."

The voice said in his head. Dennis then felt time move slow while his left eye glowed.

"Never let the enemy a resting chance..."

Dennis said, completing what the voice in his head wanted to say. Time resumed, and Dennis flames were changing into the color black.

"That's impossible!! You don't have your shadow mode anymore!!"

The future Dj said.

"Well I don't give a damm if it's gone or not!! I'm getting it back one day either by force or it returns to me!!"

Dennis said to the future Dj. He then instantly teleported right in front of him and had a right fist prepared. The future Dj wasn't able to react in time so he took the hit on. Dennis punched him right on his stomach, but he was not far from over.

"Now... let us dance..."

Dennis said in a low tone voice. He stepped back to turn around-the-clock to do high kick that hit the future Dj's neck, then as he was falling down from the hit. Dennis self trip himself by lowering himself all then way to the bottom, but recovered his stance and pulled out a low upper cut that landed right on the chin.

"Hey Dj!! Get in on this!!"

Dennis said. He stood up fast and began to land punches on the future Dj while the actual Dj decides to join in.

"Fine! Don't you dare finish my future self off before I could get a good hit on him!!"

Dj said. He got prepared his right fist and gotten himself into a stance that seemed as if was charging it.

"You truly not giving me a cha-"

The future Dj got cut off from speech. Dennis punched him in the face then grabbed his face and slammed it to the ground.

"Huh... That ain't right..."

Dennis said to himself. He then jumped back and saw that the future Dj's body was standing back up.

"E... volve...."

The future Dj said. His body then shined as if it was the sun. Making Dennis and Dj blind for a few seconds. Afterwards, the light was gone and the only thing that they were able to see was like a shadow that has lost a body.