
One friend on the way

It was 10am of the morning. As Donte stayed at the house with the girls. He felt weird and uncomfortable at this rate. Donte was down on the couch trying to understand his current situation. Staying in a place with without friends can be hard sometimes, that what was going down thru Donte's mind until the screen activated in the living room. Donte then saw Dwight messing around with some devices. Then Owen passed by and snapped his fingers at Dwight, then pointed out at the screen.

[Dwight] "Donte!? What the hell you doing over there!?"

[Donte] "What am I doing here? I was looking for you guys! Neither you, Nidializ or Dennis responded to my calls or texts."

Dwight pulled out his phone and noticed that he didn't have no signal. Then he tossed his phone at the couch and continued to argue with Donte.

[Dwight] "We don't have bars, man."

[Donte] "What do you mean you don't have bars!? There's no Wi-Fi over there?"

[Dwight] "Guess you can say that."

Dwight then picked up a tablet and was messing around with it. But messing around with the tablet was making someone uneasy that was resting. Donte was confused at start. But he wanted to know where was his friends currently at.

[Donte] "Do you even know where you at?"

[Dwight] "Yea.. This is Dennis's house, its pretty neat."

Dwight putted the tablet down and sat down on the couch to focus on the rest of the conversation with Donte until he saw that Nautic passed by and waved at him. He didn't respond since he felt as his life would go away if he even has a conversation with her for about a minute.

[Dwight] "Donte, has thing been going normal over there? Or is it like bad, bad?"

[Donte] "If your talking about a weird eclipse, then yes. Things have been bad these days, and recently people around here have been disappearing for no reason."

After he heard Donte. He knew that the only person who could understand it would be Dennis. But before Dwight could continue talking, someone was knocking on the door.

[Dwight] "Hold on, man."

Dwight got up from the couch and went to open the door. When he opened the door. He saw Nidializ wearing Dennis coat. The only thing that he could understand was that something happened to Dennis.

[Dwight] "Did Dennis screwed up?"

Dwight asked unintentionally to get information of what happened to Dennis.

[Nidializ] "No. we had a bit of a sparing and he ended up in the hospital."

[Dwight] "Meaning that he screwed up, me and Donte need him here right now."

[Nidializ] "Donte?"

Nidializ turned over to the screen and saw Donte sitting on the couch. She got motivated since it's been a long time since she hasn't seen Donte.

[Nidializ] "Donte! My bro! How's it going?"

[Donte] "All good, all good. I just wanted to know where you guys at. Like you guys off the states?"

Nidializ paused for a moment was trying to process it. She was trying to recall if Dennis told them what was the place that they are staying right now was called. But the only thing that came into her mind was the word Kingdom.

[Nidializ] "We are at Kingdom."

[Donte] "Kingdom of what?"

At this point. Nidializ have given up on explaining this further to Donte, but it would be easier for him to understand if he heard it straight from Dennis. She then pulled out her phone and was going to call Dennis. Until she realized that she didn't have no signal.

[Donte] "You don't have no bars as well?"

[Nidializ] "How are we supposed to call Dennis!?"

Nidializ was panicking out since trying to go back to ask Dennis some question at the hospital would be pointless. She would have forgotten everything half way.


Meanwhile, at the hospital. Dennis was having an odd feeling that someone was talking about him. He then pulled out his phone was dialing a call to the house.

[Obliviona] "What are you doing?"

[Dennis] "Just give me a moment..."


Back at the house. As a minute passed by. There was someone joining the active call. Nidializ got confused and accepted them in.

[Nidializ] "Hello?"

"Finally, bro, Sara is going to pick my coat soon and I want everyone tomorrow in the living room during 2pm."

[Nidializ, Dwight and Donte] "Dennis!?"

[Dennis] "Wait, did I just heard Donte?"

Dennis could recognize the third voice. Then he activated the cameras and saw his friends surprised.

[Dennis] "Great, now we need Donte over here. Maita, you may all come here."

When Dennis said Maita's name. She appeared behind Donte and picked him. He was silent since he didn't know what to do after being lifted by a tall girl.

[Maita] "Should we shut down this place?"

Maita asked. She wanted to know before she heads out with Kiwi and Nautic.

[Dennis] "Barricade it."

Maita nodded and took Donte to the transporter. She placed Donte in the middle and had a hold on Nautic so she did nothing. While Kiwi was placing the commands on the device. Once they left, the barricades activated and closed down every window and door with a metal wall.

On their way to the alternative world. They made it safe and sound.

[Nidializ] "You know, I should be glad that the squad is all together."

[Dwight] "Same, but I'm worried on how will Donte react once he sees all the things that we can do."

It took some time for them to hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Once they looked over. They saw Donte by himself.

[Nidializ] "Um... Where's Maita, Kiwi and Nautic?"

[Donte] "You don't want to know."

Donte shook his head in disappointed. He wanted to forget what happened, but someone was knocking on the door. Dwight was the closest to the door and opened. They all Sara walking in without even saying hello. She then walked over to Nidializ and picked her up as if she was a pillow. Then she took Nidializ with her back to the hospital. She had as well a small bag full of girl clothing. From out of this commotion. Donte and Dwight followed Sara back to the hospital.


Meanwhile. Back at the hospital. It was 12pm. Dennis and Obliviona where five minutes away to have a fight for no reason. They were off their hospital beds and walking in a circle in the middle of the room. Dennis was holding an empty fruit basket with his right hand while Obliviona was holding a chair with her left arm and was pointing it at Dennis.

[Dennis] "We can talk this out... Just put the chair down and Ill let go of the basket."

[Obliviona] "Not happening. You put down the basket first and I will let go of the chair."

[Dennis] "No doing it. If I drop this first, you will just attack me and lock yourself in the bathroom to escape from the cold."

No one could convince the other to lower their guard. As they kept walking in a circle. Someone was knocking on the door.

[Dennis & Obliviona] "Come in!"

As the door opened. They both saw Sara carrying Nidializ that was using Dennis coat. Dwight and Donte that wanted to know how was he doing as well since they came along. But they were all in confusion since they didn't know the situation.

[Dennis] "I can explain."

As Dennis was about to explain. Obliviona saw that Sara brought the clothes that she asked. She then quickly grabbed it and locked herself in the bathroom.

[Dennis] "And there she goes."

Dennis then dropped the empty fruit basket and went back to his hospital bed. But Sara noticed that Dennis has made even worse with his left hand. She quickly went to get a doctor and left Dennis friends to have a bit of time to speak.

[Donte] "Bro, do you know what's going on?"

[Dennis] "Yes..."

Dennis explained everything to Donte. From how they met X, getting their weapons. To how they ended in this world and what they are dealing with right now. It took some time for Donte to understand, but he decided to help a friend.

[Donte] "Dennis, since you and everyone else have like a weapon, what would mine be?"

[Dennis] "Hard to say... But you will figure it out soon."

As time passed by. Nidializ returned Dennis coat, and he was looking for his book. It wasn't in the pockets. The only thing that crossed his mind is that Nix somehow took it.

[Dennis] "Nidializ, can you go to Nix and ask for a book? I really need it right now."

[Nidializ] "Sure thing."

As Nidializ left. Donte and Dwight went with her to take an opportunity to explore. As Dennis was stuck in the hospital, he put on his coat and Obliviona finished changing. They both went back to their minds to spend the rest of the day resting.