
First day of the new world

It was morning. The day was calling out for adventure. While Dennis was the first to wake up. He decided to make sure everything was ok. When Dennis got into the living room he saw X trying to add a giant computer screen.

"You guys did this in one night?

"Yea but we need a strong power source to power some of the secondary devices." X said as he pointed the devices near the walls.

"Ok ill go send them now to start up the search." Dennis said.

He went to the back side of the house and saw Neko D, Kuo and Wulf still sleeping outside. They looked so peaceful yet harmless at the same time. Dennis crossed his arms and sighted. He started to think of away to wake them up. Once he figured it out he snapped his fingers.

"You guys better wake up or you will all miss breakfast!" Dennis screamed.

They all heard Dennis and quickly woke up. Wulf and Kuo got confused while Neko D was still sleeping on Wulf's head.

"X needs a power source for one of the devices. Do you guys think you can find one?"

"Give us like a few minutes to get ready."

Wulf said. He wanted to take charge on this since he was the first to answer.

"Alright, you can take your time but just be careful. I'm not sure if this place is dangerous or not."

Dennis said. Wulf and Kuo nodded to Dennis and went back inside the house to get ready.

"I should head out as well. Theirs got to be like a town nearby or..."

Dennis stopped himself from speaking. He felt that someone was walking towards him. As he waited he was able to see a glimpse of rainbow hair getting closer. Dennis thought that they could be friendly at first but he was getting the felling that he was about to fight.

"Huh? Who in the worlds walks in the forest in the morning?"

Dennis asked to him self. By the time he was waiting, he could clearly see that it was a girl. She wasn't aware that there is a house in front of her so Dennis sat down and waited for her reaction.

"Wasn't there a house here?"

The girl asked to her self. She decided to step in to figure it out. Once she passed the barrier, she saw Dennis sitting down on the ground.

"Um? Hello? Do you know the owner of this house?"

The girl asked. Dennis clearly was confused since it qas hard to read the situation.

"I guess you can say that. So tell me, who are you?"

Dennis wanted to know before he could answer any other questions.

"My name is Dahlia, what's yours?"

"Dahlia? Well my name is Dennis and I... what are you doing?"

Dennis stopped introducing himself after he saw Dahlia's hair glow. He took a step back to get up his guard.

"What? You mean this? Don't worry, this is fine its just how my body expressing itself to a new friend."

Dennis sighted in relief after hearing that. He wanted to tell the others after looking back at the house.

"Are you by any chance alone?"

Dahlia asked. She wanted to know if Dennis was alone by himself in the house. He really didn't wanted to lie to her. But he didn't wanted to know on how she would react if he lets her in.

"I'm not alone, its just me and my family. (This day cant get any worse.)"

Dennis told the truth and a lie at the same time. Before Dahlia could ask. They both heard the door bell.

"That's weird, I didn't expected a visitor today."

Dennis said as he was wondering if someone else found the house.

"What are you waiting for!? Come on lets go!"

"H-hey wait a minute!"

Dahlia grabbed Dennis harm and dragged him inside the house. Dark and Eve where nearby and saw Dennis being dragged by Dahlia in the hallway. Then the others saw Dennis passing by the living room until they reached the door.

"Come on open it."

Dennis opened the door and saw another girl waiting patiently. She had a rainbow pale color on her hair as she had a similar dark skin tone as Dennis. When he saw her, only one thing come into mind that made him realize who she was.

"X, by any chance does Dj's wife knows about the house?"

Dennis said out loud for X to hear him.

"Yea, why you ask?"

When X asked. He looked over by the door and saw what Dennis meant.

"Paige? You could have dropped a call or a text."

X said. Paige moved Dennis out of the way to have a proper conversation with X.

"Yea, yea. I saw your ship crash last night. And I was wondering what happened."

"Its a... pain in the ass story but if you want to know something, ask him."

X pointed at Dennis. He was about to attempt an escape outside but it didn't give him enough time.

"Oh this is going to be fun..."

Paige started to crack her hands as she approached Dennis. She had serious expression on her face. While Dennis decided to stay and confront her to see what she wants.

"Tell me something... Do you know my husband?"

"Yes, and we are the only ones that knows how to get to him. So you either help us out or be against us."

Paige expression, for concern of her husband.

"I guess..."

Then her expression changed to joy. She hugged Dennis tightly that made him beg for air.

"Its good to see you are ok boss!"

"Wait boss?!"

Dahlia said. She looked at Dennis and started to put the pieces together.

"So you are Dennis. The Dennis the Menace, we thought we lost you for about two years ago?!?"

Dennis looked at Dahlia with a confused stare. He knew what she was saying but didn't comprehended his current situation.

"Two years? Wait, by any chance you know something about me not long ago?"

Paige put Dennis down so that Dahlia could explain.

"You see... Two years ago, you were on a mission on finding away to get back your world. When we found out that you left, we received your letter but we didn't know that you would return."

Dennis closed his eyes for a moment and activated his left eye. He saw himself with Dj and Claire on the same room as he was from the Nightmare tower with the transporter. He couldn't make out what they talked about but he saw that the device worked.

"Yea... I do recall that happening but I cant say that I still remember all of you. I kind of lost parts of my memories so I came here to get some answer."

"Oh then you should go see Selest sometime later."

Dahlia said.

"Selest? Who is that?

"Its the former ruler of this kingdom. Well I need to get going. I got some things to attend to back at home."

Dahlia said as she walked outside waving back at Dennis. He waved back as well as he was trying to stay calm after hearing that name. His left are was intensifying its glow as it began to burst out energy traces. By the time he closed the door. He collapsed right at the spot.

"Hey, hey! Are you ok?! Say something will ya?!"

Paige panicked trying to figure out what's wrong with Dennis. Until F walked in and picked him up.

"He will be fine. He just had a terrible flash so it will take like a few hours for him to get out of it."

"Oh ok. Its there anyway I can help around?"

Paine asked. She saw how X was still working and was wondering if she could do something to help.

"Ah yes. Dennis sent some of our group out to get some things from our ship. Do you think you can go help them finding the stuff. And keep them out of trouble...?"

"Sure, I guess I can help."

"Good, Ill see you back here with the stuff they are bringing."

X said to Paige as she was heading out. F took Dennis to his room so that he could recover for now. While everyone else was cleaning the house while the others kept working.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

(Selest may be mis spelled but it was important for the main character to realize it soon. It should Celest but the correction will be done in future chapter when the time is right.)

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts