
Claire's moment at the beach

As Dennis was still in the hospital with Obliviona. His friends Donte, Dwight and Nidializ came to visit every four hours by taking turns. During one visit, the last person who came in was Nidializ. She brought a gift for Dennis, but he didn't open it yet. He then was wondering on how everyone else was doing. But as a surprise, Dennis and Nidializ's phone received a notification from Claire.

'At the beach today with Paige, Owen and Spike taking care of the kids. Hope you guys can come over to have some fun.'

Then they saw the image file with the text, and Dennis recognized that it was near the shipwreck.

[Dennis] "Bro, can you do me a solid and head over there? I have a bad feeling about it."

[Nidializ] "Sure, I'll let you know if something goes wrong."

Nidializ waved at Dennis and headed in the direction of the beach.


Meanwhile, at the beach. Claire was sitting on a flat rock in the water with her light blue swim suit. She was looking at how everyone was having fun in the distance, but she felt as if something was missing. Claire then turned her view towards the ocean and felt as if something or some was calling out to her. She then extended her left arm as if she was trying to get a hold of something that was once lost.

When Claire got a hold of what she was looking for. She was suddenly dragged into a sudden light that brought her into her own side of a world. Claire quickly turned around after seeing everything was time stopped. But she noticed that the way she got in was still open, but the only thing that coarsened her was that she has someone left her body and then she was stuck in a higher plane field.

[Claire] "What is going on..."

Claire told to herself after seeing her body just stand still, looking at the distance. She then turned around and called out her weapon out loud.

[Claire] "Guntria!!"

She expected to have called her weapon, but her weapon materialized into her human body. As bright light blinded Claire. It allowed her weapon to hide, to stand behind her as a shadow. Once the light was gone, Claire turned around with her guard up after sensing someone behind her. But as she turned around, she only saw a girl in a maid outfit but in the style of a militia. She had short brown hair and had an eye patch on her left eye while holding a cigar in her mouth. The maid was holding over different kinds of guns on her back and was holding one at Claire.

"Who the hell are you and why you called me? I swear if it's killing someone then say your prayers!"

Claire got confused as the maid was walking towards her. She didn't dare to move because she was being held at gunpoint.

[Claire] "Guntria?"

[Guntria] "Don't answer me with a question. Tell me who the hell are you before I end you right on the spot."

Claire knew what she should do. She needed to establish dominance and show Guntria who is in charge. She grabbed Guntria's gun, disarmed in less than five seconds. As all the pieces dropped, it made Guntria enter in shock. Claire took this chance to make everything clear.

[Claire] "The name is Claire, now listen here you smoke addicted gun lover, I'm the one that called you here and I can uncal you. You will call me by my name and I don't want to hear a nickname out of your mouth. Now knell."

Guntria knelled down and acknowledged Claire as her owner. She then turned herself into a sniper and floated on to Claire's hands. Claire hugged Guntria in her weapon form and returned to her actual body.

When Claire returned, she felt that time didn't move for the longest time. She turned around and saw everyone was having fun. But as soon as Claire took a step, saw Nidializ in the distance.

[Claire] "Guess she received the text, but where's Dennis?"

Claire asked to herself and returned to the land to approach Nidializ. When Claire got back, she was grabbed by all the kids and was taken to a giant sand castle.

[Claire] "Who made this!?"

As Claire looked up, she saw her daughters Niza and Dawn and her son Yen on the top of the sand castle. Then she was approached by Pyra as the rest went inside.

[Pyra] "We all did this! It took us some time to figure out on how to walls. But we actually made more inside. Do you want to see it?"

[Claire] "Sorry, I'm going to have to pass for now. I was about to ask someone about your uncle."

[Pyra] "Ok!"

Pyra then went into the sand castle and let Claire's head to Nidializ to figure out what was going on. But Nidializ was right behind Claire. And when Claire turned around, it surprised her to see Nidializ with news from Dennis.

[Claire] "So, how is Dennis? IS he doing ok?"

[Nidializ] "Yea, he is ok. He told me to get over here to check things out while he is hospitalized."

[Claire] "Hospitalized?!? Did he get sick during the day he went to see the queen!?!"

Nidializ placed one of her hands on Claire's mouth to stop her from raising her voice.

[Nidializ] "Keep it down... Or you will make the kids worry. Anyway, they hospitalize him after doing some training and passed out when it was done. He should be out in a week or two."

She then took off her hands from Claire's mouth to let her speak.

[Claire] "Ok, I'll go see him tomorrow. Why don't you hang out with us for today?"

Nidializ did want to hang out with everyone, but she had other things to do.

[Nidializ] "Nah, I got other things to do right now. Hope you guys have lots of fun!"

Nidializ then walked away and waved at Claire.


As Nidializ left the beach, she heard the voice of her weapon with something important to say.

[Crimsonia] "It seems that another maiden has finally awakened. We most report this to Dennis and Obliviona as soon as possible."

[Nidializ] "Agreed."

As a few minutes passed. Nidializ made it to the hospital and informed everything to Dennis and Obliviona. He understood most of it, but something was off. No one heard about Dj for the past few days. Dennis thought that they need to find him to know what he was up to by now.

[Dennis] "Bro, I think we might have a problem, we need to find Dj."

[Nidializ] "How are we going to do that?"

[Dennis] "I think Paige and Spike can handle that, you go with them and they will for sure find Dj in no time."

[Nidializ] "Got it. See you tomorrow."

Dennis waved at Nidializ as she was heading out. He didn't have nothing else to do till Obliviona sent Dennis again back to his mind to meditate.

Author here. I will like to inform you readers that around chapter 70 or 75 will start the long titled chapters. And once chapter 100 is out, I'll be working on the aux chapters to make a few things clear.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts