
Gay Teenage Love, complexly simple

I would like to state this isn't a fanfic as such I just used star wars so I could write it easily I'll probably go back and change names and things from star wars.

Samuel_Weeks · Andere
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5 Chs

Whispers and football

As Anakin entered the school on Monday, whispered voice surrounded him, as soon as he got close enough to hear what was said they would stop. Anakin felt uneased by the whispers.

All throughout the day they followed him and obi-wan like a hunter toying with his prey before the kill.

Once school was finished and Anakin and obi-wan were finally alone. ( they had decide to keep their relationship private as it was mutually the best ideas.).

"Somebody saw us on Saturday after dinner because I feel like that waht they're talking about slagging us off." Anakin said irratates at the fact somebody knew of their private relationship.

"Does it matter, we have each other and our love, do we need everybodys approval for our love." obi-wan said.

He leant in to kiss Anakin on the cheek but Anakin turned so he pecked a kiss onto his lips.

" Love you." Anakin said wrapping his arm around obi-wans shoulders.

" Love you too" obi-wan said staring once again into Anakin's eyes once again becoming lost in their beauty.

"If it bothers you that much we can go see the headmaster." obi-wan said noticing how uneasy and stressed Anakin looked.

"No, not yet that might just cause more attention to us. Give it a week and then set up a meeting." Anakin said smiling at obi-wan.

"Do your parents know your going out with me. Mine know I'm going out with you and they can't wait to meet you but, do your parents know?" obi-wan asked completely catching anakin offgaurd.

Anakin didn't meet obi-wans eyes for the first time.

"No I don't know how to tell them as they don't know I'm gay and my dad isnt the fondest of the LGBTQ community." Anakin said clearly sad and disappointed in himself.

"He's your Dad he'll love you no matter what." obi-wan said trying to cheer Anakin up.

"Yeah I guess." Anakin replied glumly

"Do you want to meet my parents?" obi-wan asked changing the subject.

"I'd love to but I've got football and my dad would kill me if I didn't train and wasnt chosen for Wednesdays game." Anakin kissed obi-wan on the cheek and walked towards his house. Obi-wan walked to his own worried about his boyfriend, yes boyfriend it felt good to call Anakin that.

Football was Anakins constant favourite thing apart from being with obi-wan. No matter what was happening in the world, football was always there.

When Anakin arrived at the ground, he was surprised to see obi-wan waiting for him by the changing room  entrance.

Obi-wan went to hug Anakin, his surprise to see him was adorable. But Anakin pulled back and said,

"Not here, not yet, my dad's come to watch me play I can't risk anybody seeing, I'm sorry." Anakin said, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"Its fine I know how much football means to you." obi-wan said staring into Anakin's eyes.

He pulled him round the corner of the building so they were alone and kissed him Anakin kissed him back.

"Now go play well, and I might get you a present." obi-wan said letting Anakin go get changed.

Anakin walked into the dressing room, everybody noded as he entered. He walked towards to the managers office.

"So, what's the plan tonight boss." Anakin asked, he was the captain and so he always was told before the others.

"Well about that, your not captain tonight Mace is," pointing to the corner where he sat, "sorry mace could you give us a minute as I need to have a word with Anakin.

" Sure." mace said getting up, leaving and shutting the door.

" Anakin your on the bench," he held up a hand to stop him from interrupting him," Anakin I don't know what's happened at your school but most of the lads have been making snide jokes about you, I don't know what it's about and I want to help. But for tonight your on the bench to see if it passes. And. I need a captain they respect. Are you tell me what's happened or has gone on at your school, to see if I can sort it? "

Bill said looking like a farther worried about his child.

" OK, they, they ha-have lo-"Anakins  oice died in his throat he felt tears rolling down his face like acid.

" Its OK take a minute," Bail said looking worried and handing him a tissue to wipe his eyes.

" Do you want me to go get your dad so he can hear this?"

" No!" Anakin said with a horrified look

"He doesn't know yet."

"Know what?" Bail asked becoming more concerned.

"He doesn't kn-know that I'm g-gay and that's the r-reason the others won't re-respect m-m-me." Anakin said bursting into tears.

Bail grabbed Anakin and gave him a hug, comforting him.

"It's OK I'll tell your dad you can't play due to a minor injury. And I'll talk to the boys about this Friday during training, if it's OK with you I'd like you and your boyfriend to come." Bail said comforting Anakin.

"Yeah I'm sure that would be fine." Anakin's said calming down.

"OK once the others go out to warm up, I need you to get changed and wait in my office I'll go talk to your dad." Bail said as he walked out of the office.

Obi-wan was confused to see  Anakin on the bench, he'd told him he played all the games. He was sure he'd explain it to him though.

After the match Anakin walked to his dad limping ever so slightly he slipped his a note carefully to obi-wan. As he walked with his dad towards his car.

Obi-wan unfolded the note and all it said was:


Obi-wan went home worried and confused. But he knew he'd get answers tommorow.