
Volume 2: The new Horizon

Chapter 1: The acquaintance

5 hours have passed since her departure with Sandra, the elevator station was bustling with people and the announcement of departure time, it was quite a scene where families hugged their children and cries were heard, people laughing and people talking, it was a weird moment where the blue and cold atmosphere that the bunker usually radiates, dissipated at that moment. it made Patricia's heart sink; Patricia was alone again, and she felt isolated and she felt anxious, about her new life, she looked down and looked at the red bracelet Sandra gave her, she held it tight and it gave Patricia some needed courage; She thought to herself "I'll surely miss Sandra, but it's going to be alright because I know this is for the best and I know that Sandra believes in me...ohh but ill miss her cooking, the way she cooks me some adobo..." she felt a longing and nostalgic sensation crept in her head, she shook her head with fierce determination, and self-assurance. Patricia looked at the TV showing their time for departure, she was sitting 20 meters away from the giant elevator; she looked at her white ticket she was given and written on it was her departure time, she thought "right...I still have a couple of hours to wait...I might as well account my things." as she thought of that she remembered Sandra the always meticulous woman she is. it warmed her heart to remember the only person that treated her kindly.

she slowly sat down, with her legs crossed, and slowly unzipped her bag to review the contents of it to make sure she hasn't forgotten any of her things; as she was accounting her things, she noticed a white rectangular mushed paper, she realized it was her Ecard written in front of it was "To Patricia A. Povlove From The department of education" she smiled a little with a hint of joy because she hasn't forgotten that the letter existed because of that gassing, which still left her questioning but she moved that question aside and thought "I might try opening it....oh what the hell I might as well surprise myself, I honestly don't care if its a good news or a bad news..." she opened her envelope and after finishing it, a spark of joy can be seen in her face, she was happy that she didn't fail no she was happy that her hard work paid off. She felt like she could dance and sing because of it, but she kept quiet noticing the other people around her trying to sleep and compose themselves, she placed the envelope back in her duffel bags' mini pocket. she looked at the TV screen again and saw that she still has an hour left. she thought to herself "Man waiting is really boring, I should get a shut eye..." Patricia closed her eyes and slept.

Patricia woke up and looked at the time it was roughly 30mins away from her departure, she grabbed her duffle bag while walking to the row of chairs she thought "that's a bit odd...she noticed it was empty, silent, and isolating...she heard murmurs, and when she blinked everyone was back but this time they looked at her blankly with eyes staring at her with dilated pupils, they slowly opened their mouths and screeched, Patricia had to crouch and cover her ears but again, everything went back to its previous state empty and cold, Patricia worried started to run, she ran straight to the blue door when she opened it and she was greeted by an empty station, she went back again and called out for everyone, while tears started to fall all over her eyes. she screamed but her mouth was missing, her voice was missing. but her hearing was clear its almost as if everything was amplified she could hear the trickling sound of water on the water fountain 5 meters away from her. then she heard footsteps, her legs were frozen again, she turned her head...she heard a voice shouting with a high pitch and annoyed tone "Hey! Wake up the fuck up! You idiot, you're going to be late!" Patricia opened her eyes she saw a familiar face with a familiar voice, her long light brown hair, Patricia noticed some clips on her head keeping her hair clean and kept, Patricia looked down and saw a green trench coat inside it was the uniform of her department it was clean white with a necktie and was properly ironed, Patricia noticed some pins on her left breast pocket and on the collar of her uniform, as Patricia continued to look down the person was wearing navy blue trousers, and her black leather shoe that was polished so well she could see her reflection, Patricia's vision was a bit hazy, she touched her forehead she noticed cold wet beads of sweat were rolling down Patricia grabbed her white handkerchief on the left pocket immediately wiped the sweat off her forehead. Patricia stood up and stretched as her joints cracked, she yawned and rubbed her eyes, she looked at the TV screen, and looked at her ticket, she realized she was 10 minutes late for her departure and she heard this squeaky voice "What the fuck! are you looking at let's go! already!" she realized it was Alice.

As Patricia was grabbing her duffle bag Alice immediately grabbed her hand and ran towards the counter within seconds while yelling at everyone "Fuck out of the way bozos! move!" Patricia, a bit confused, thought, "I must've had a nightmare....wait no why is she being kind to me?" Patricia was a bit confused so she muttered "Why a..are you...be...ing kind to m..me?" as she finished that sentence they were already on the elevator, and Alice answered her with annoyance and in a disgusted tone and said, "Look Patricia I'm not being kind nor you should try to be my friend, I just don't like to be late and you're the one that the conductor was waiting for so I might as well wake you up from your amazing dream, God your such a dead-weight honestly..." Patricia looked down and looked at her with shame, Patricia opened her mouth but as she was about to say, Alice cut her off, this time her voice is filled with Anger and prejudice "Stop saying sorry! do better next time, because I won't be there to berate you next time..." Alice stopped and continued with a tone of sly and sarcasm "You might even get kicked out of this department" as she finished her sentence she snickered, and slowly walked away and went back to her friends wearing the same brilliant uniforms. Patricia looked embarrassed and looked at everyone, everyone was watching her while Alice berates her for her negligence. Patricia looked down. Patricia thought "She's such a drag, why did I even think of saving her when we were gassed, God I'm such an idiot" Patricia sat down with her arms wrapped around her legs.

she shrugged that thought away as she was about to shift her thoughts she felt a looming feeling, yet familiar but somehow ominous she tried to recall her nightmare, but there were no memories if there were it was nothing but a hazy vision...Patricia's heart pounded and she started sweating as she noticed this she was confused and alarmed and thought in a panic "Wait am I having a side effect from the gassing, I really need to ask the supervisor why they did that to..." as she continued to ponder she heard a huge clank and felt her body weighed a lot thus she lost her center of gravity, she fell sideways and had to stop her head from hitting the metal thus using her left arm, she remembered her physical training, and she snickered a bit with a sense of pride, she looked around and everyone did the same, she felt a little bit of embarrassment as she was standing up to compose herself, a shout was heard it was raspy and loud it said "ALL OF YOU, GET UP AND BRUSH YOURSELVES" he paused for dramatic effect "THIS IS THE NEW WORLD NOW!" everyone's gaze were greeted by a bright light some lifted their hands to cover their eyes provide shade and once their eyes adjusted they were for the first time in 10 years they were greeted by the sun that they read on books, they felt the warmth and warm breeze and they saw cliffs and birds flying around, they were rotating their heads, if they could rotate their heads in a 360 degree they would've done that, everyone felt an overwhelming amount of happiness and a combination of joy, they saw vehicles and military men Jogging and carrying a flag they heard a loud WHOOP-WHOOP over their heads as winds created a bit of dust cloud, Patricia was shocked the incredible marvel of those vehicles, everyone was, Patricia thought to herself "HOLY SHIT! what is that The department didn't even mention those flying things, are they like dragons? or something?" the warmth of the sun made Patricia unbuttoned her coat and placed her right hand on the necklace her father gave her. Everyone did the same they all unbuttoned their coats, Patricia noticed Alice with an awe-struck look her eyes were big and her mouth slacked a bit and their eyes met, Alice immediately looked away from Patricia's gaze, she covered her mouth with her fist and brushed off the dust that made it to her coat, unbuttoned it and straightened herself, Patricia ignored her and started to look around she heard the same murmurs that sounded like they were also amazed and perplexed, with the new world and what it brought them, and the chance to finally be free with the monotonous life in the bunker, but they all felt unease because they know that with change comes danger and the possibility of death.

Fifty of the students stepped out of the elevator and they heard a mechanical sound and looked back and saw the elevator going down, and the conductor waved his hand to sign that he is going. Fifty Students the last batch of the 15,000 recruits. Patricia dropped her bag and sat down to absorb the scenery, she thought to herself "10 years have passed, I wonder how many things have changed" as she was pondering that, a burly man in combat uniform walked in front of the group, with a voice so raspy that Patricia struggled to understand, he bellowed, 'All right, everyone! Gather your things and form 5 columns NOW!' His voice demanded absolute loyalty and respect, leaving no room for disobedience, Since Patricia was far behind she didn't understand what he said so she observed everyone and followed suit. The man introduced himself "I am Sergeant Michl Graves, you are not allowed to address me by my 1st name" he paused for a dramatic effect "Do you understand!" everyone replied snappily "Yes! Sergeant Graves" Graves smirked a little at the same time scanned everyone and continued "From now on all of you are now under my care" he paused again and made sure everyone understood, and everyone replied, he continued, "Welcome to your 1st day above ground." he clapped, Patricia was startled, but continued to listen "Right now you are in ground zero of life, from here on out you will be your brother's keepers, I will not hold you an ounce of mercy nor a quarter of you slacking off, everything here is scheduled and you will do you utmost diligence to keep that standard." he stopped and howled "DO you understand!?" and every one replied together. he continued "from now all of you will no longer bear your names all of you will be known as unit brown with a tag number of 10231...Do you understand UNIT BROWN 10231?!" everyone replied. he shouted "now then move to that building, I will be waiting for you in an hour" he pointed out an old raggedy building no it was more or less a shack it was roughly 3 kilometers away from the elevator, the only house that can be seen by the eye no it was the only house that they saw. Patricia noticed and thought "That's an odd carriage why isn't there a horse pulling it?..." as she was thinking that Graves hopped on it and it sped away leaving dust and making everyone cough. They started walking under the heat of the sun, and reality set into everyone that this isn't just a simple department nor was this a free holiday trip this was hard and it is going to be a grueling 4 years of their lives.

Chapter 2: The road to hell glitters in gold.

They slowly moved their way to the shack, under the heat of the sun, in front of them was a man, he was a natural-born leader type of guy that lacks physical traits but has the initiative and charisma. Fifty people walked in a straight line under the scorching sun, and some were already experiencing heat exhaustion. Their faces were a stark contrast from when they first arrived.", their faces were a stark contrast when they first arrived, it was evident that they hated this, they were grumbling some were picking a fuzz out of it; Patricia took off her coat and placed it over her head making a little shade, some followed her example and some followed the groups leader's example, Patricia saw a little pond and stopped needless to say those who followed her example all had the same Idea, only 3 people followed her, nobody introduced themselves they just cupped their hands and fetched water and drank it, Patricia took out her empty canister and filled it up, her group followed suit, Patricia didn't mind how things were, she was happy that there are people that would gladly give up their bravado and pride, they were behind 50 meters from the group so they picked up the pace; however they noticed some of the people were collapsing so Patricia and her followers picked them up and removed the coats, Patricia thought

"These kids they're pretty proud of their department and their bunker...I don't really understand why...does it really damage their departments pride when they take off their coats?..." Patricia coming from the lowest rank of the hierarchy didn't understand the significance nor the culture behind it. Patricia's group arrived 30 minutes late than the 1st group.

when they arrived they were greeted by everyone eye's their uniforms and coats composed and their straightened backs contrary to Patricia's group they were soaked with sweat, they smelled, their back slumped, and their uniform covered in dirt, Sergeant graves looked at them with interest and smirked, he pointed at Patricia's group and said you form a column alongside with the 1st group. Graves looked at his right wrist and observed the time, barked "Your late..."

Patricia's group looked scared and quite frankly didn't know who should represent them, so they slowly looked behind their backs to look at Patricia. Patricia was startled, she was looking around and saw everyone's gazes fall upon her, Patricia gathered all of her courage to mutter.

"Ye...yes w..were late..im so-" graves pulled his hand up to indicate for her to stop, he pointed at her and fingered indicating for her to move to the front to hear her closer and as to be their representative, the groups eyes gazed upon Patricia as she moved in front, she saw Alice's gaze fall upon her with eyes tired and yet something shined, it wasn't malice it wasn't prejudiced it was genuine respect.

Graves barked again "Your late!" Patricia was startled tears started to well in her eyes Graves shouted "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" despite her fear and her anxiety Patricia gathered all of her courage and looked at Graves with eye's almost breaking, and she replied meekly "Yes, I..i'm s..sorry were l...late...Si..sir Graves Sir...." Graves still eyeing her with such ferocity that Patricia would rather sink than be stared by him. Graves said "I didnt ask for an apology I asked why!"... Patricia about was about to cry answered in a stutter, "s..sir we...were L..late be...because" Graves cut her off and bellowed "are you retarded!? talk to me clearly!" Patricia flinched and as tears rolled down her eyes she bellowed "Sir! we're late because we went to the pond, and gathered water to stay hydrated and we helped those who collapsed on the way sir!" she sobbed while being so embarrassed, Graves looked at her at her a smiled and said "See when you speak clearly, I dont have to shout at you. now go back in front of the line." as he finished that Patricia saluted him and stepped back her head was down and tears were still falling down her face, while she did that Graves looked at her impressed and genuinely smile, a smile in which all them noticed aside from Patricia.

Graves clapped his hands and said "now then...clearly you've helped those who fell and that's good" he eyed the leader of the first group a gaze that would be more or less frustration and violence that was kept in check; Graves continued "however such acts can only do so much..." he stopped and looked at Patricia with a gaze like a father disciplining his child, he continued "I have to punish you and your group for being late...you will have to clean this shack every inch and every nook and cranny, I expect it so clean that even the mother of God would live here." Graves stopped and bellowed "DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Patricia's group replied "Yes Sergeant Graves" Graves nodded and looked at the first group and said with ferociousness "Do you remember what I said that you are your brothers' keepers?" he pointed out to the leader of the first group and said "lead your team outside" the leader was shocked and angry and replied, "Sir! that is unfair we made it in time why are we being punished!?" Graves looked at him and smiled "say that again one more time and ill have your blood smeared and have your team clean your remains, Trust me son you achieved your goals but to the expense of your people." he continued and said in a manner of its just a fact "I don't make promises I make Guarantee's...so if you don't lead your team outside..." he chuckled and continued "well you know what happens next" the leader looked hesitant but steeled himself and replied, "Sir...if I may, I didn't tell them to follow me, why should I take responsibility and care for their well being!" Graves raised an eyebrow stepped in front of the leader and punched him so hard a crack was heard by everyone, Patricia was taken aback and tried to interfere but as she was about to move she saw Alice's gaze, Alice slowly shook her head, as if implying don't interfere, Patricia stood there as Graves was beating the leader senseless after that Graves stood wiped his bloody knuckles, and looked at the leader's team and said with such calmness "now if you don't have any questions please carry this idiot out." the Group didn't react their faces were stone cold and they picked their leader's unconscious body, he was still alive, and some were tending to his injuries after that his group promptly went outside in the scorching heat of the sun.

Patricia remembered when she witnessed her father beating her older brother, she was about to step in but her mother held her back, and said "sometimes you do not have to interfere with things that you don't understand. you have to understand that it also hurts the father disciplining his child" she remembered her mother's face it was a bit hazy but her eyes welled up with tears, Patricia's heart warmed, she thought to herself "I think mother was wrong, I think Parent's shouldn't beat their children." but as Patricia thought of that, she remembered the time when she was in school and was bullied because of her parents being farmers and her eyes shined in a purple hue, she was bullied because she was different she thought. So she stepped in and punched her bullies, after that incident, she saw her mother and father kneeling down for forgiveness from the parents of her bullies, later that night her parents were in anguish with Patricia balling her eyes out because she was no longer allowed to go to school, she was asking her parents was it because of her eyes or was it because she stood up for herself, Patricia was confused, and she remembered the look of her parents faces it was heartbreaking while they were consoling her, she saw her brother's teary eyes, it was the first time she saw her brothers cried, even when they were beaten by their father they faced the punishment with full conviction and a stoic outlook. Patricia remembering her family she unconsciously held her necklace and smiled, Patricia continued to brush the tile she saw some of her group cleaning the walls and stairs, some were cleaning the forge, and the dirty kitchen some were clearing the cobwebs, and the rest were moping the floor.

Twilight was fast approaching, they heard numerous footsteps, her team had already cleaned the shack it was already a stark contrast from being an unlivable place to a somewhat comfortable and livable shack, food was already been semiring, the shack was warm, it was warm and comforting, outside lamps shined in a welcoming aura. when the first group went in they were greeted by Patricia, Graves was taken aback and questioned her "what are you doing?" Patricia looked at him and said "I'm greeting you and the first group..." Graves replied with concern "you are not a maid..." Patricia said, "I know but at least let them have something to eat..."Patricia looked conflicted but gathered her will and continued "I...I think it gives a boost in morale...Sir Graves..." Graves looked at her with worry and said "I see so that's how it is". The UNIT BROWN ate together although the food doesn't have meat, it was still savory it was full of vegetables, like carrots, potatoes, and legumes. The dinner hall was filled with life. after everyone had their fill; Graves bellowed "Everyone come to the briefing room" the briefing room was just the living room it had lamps that shined on the corner and a fireplace, when everyone was gathered, Graves checked his watch and told them the schedule, "all of you at 10:30 pm you will sleep, you still have 3 hours of leisure time, so take this to unwind or to clean your clothes or talk, tomorrow Education will start and this will last for 2 years, and you will learn this " he pointed his pointer finger up and a small flame appeared, everyone's eyes were wide and the excitement and curiosity were prevalent on their faces.

Excerpt 1: Rationale

He was on the ground once the fist connected he felt his face ache and then go numb, he cried and was embarrassed as his eyes jotted around the room and the people that followed him, he saw a face he made when he saw those people collapsing, their eyes were empty and their faces showed no emotions as if this is the natural conclusion of this violence, he wondered "why am I a victim of this, I am not the one who told them to follow me" he wanted to shout "I am the son of Sims!" he thought "I will tell father, this man will be punished accordingly"

he was angry at Graves no angry is an understatement he's furious like a volcano about to explode as he thought of that the onslaught of fists raining down on his face stopped he felt his crotch wet, he was still alive, but those thoughts about telling his father was replaced with heat and excruciating pain he felt, he was in dazed and his vision was swirling he saw a hazy vision of Graves wiping his fist and said in a calm voice as if he has forgotten he has beaten the son of the general of the military senseless "now if you don't have any questions please carry this idiot out."

he felt this body lose energy and was carried outside he saw a familiar face it was Alice,

he said in a broken tone "A... Alice?"

Alice glared at him with such hatred and annoyance she murmured as if nobody was there to listen "Norman, you're an idiot, even if you tell your father about this incident you know he will agree with Graves, you have no power here, and you cannot use your connections from below to get your so-called justice from above."

while she was cleaning his wounds he said "it's really that bad huh..."

Alice looked more annoyed and stared at him and continued cleaning his wounds, Norman noticed a weird white-looking patch,

he said, "w..what is that?"

he was expecting an answer but all he got was a hand gripping his mouth and aggressively turning it at an angle, Alice looked at the members and they handed her some a clot wrap, then Alice removed her hand from his mouth.

Alice replied, "there, it's done! get the fuck up and get your head out of your ass."

Norman remembered when they were still kids he had conflicted feelings for Alice, she was always on top of the class she was elegant she was kindly spoken like she can do no wrong and she was someone that was caring, but this person Norman is facing he wondered who is she... Norman touched her face in an intimate manner, she grabbed his arm and said "Don't touch me, or ill break your hand and you'll have more problems, explaining why you can't use your hand and Friday nights will be more lonely after this..."

Norman said in pain "Y..yes I won't I swear",

Alice let go of his hand and said "now pick yourself up, we still have to be punished"

Norman stood and grumbled as if letting Alice hear his grumbling "that Girl she's such a goodie two shoes, God I swear ill fucking get my revenge on that bitch, ill make sure she'll regret embarrassing me"

Alice looked at him as if he was an idiot and replied in a tone of sarcasm and intrigue "well if you do that you might as well take over the world" she laughed as if to belittle him, she continued, "Your overcompensating for something again, you let your emotions and ego take the best of you."

she laughed and moved towards the column that has formed, Norman didn't mind that provocation, he went in line and saw Graves, Graves pointed at him and pointed on his flank it was to signal that he is separated, so Norman still angered and terrified followed suit then Graves gave them and order to run until their feet are bleeding until they collapsed and they did a lot of calisthenics, needless to say, due to the scorching heat and the weight of their outfits some collapsed some were exhausted, Norman was tasked to sit down and watch his teammates collapse and suffer because of his mistake, it shook Norman seeing his Teammates collapsing as if their strings were cut, they suffered for his mistake, Norman wanted to look away but when he did his Teammates and friends got even more time and punished even harshly.

It broke Norman inside...

Chapter 3: Duality

Patricia was woken up by a loud banging sound it was a metal getting hit by a solid object, she and the rest of the UNIT-BROWN immediately sprung up and looked at their surrounding, it was cold and empty with the moon slowly going down but still shined its final light to assist them, then they heard a voice, followed by a strong and pungent smell, then they heard the voice

"Wake the fuck up" the voice paused and inhaled "You got a long day a head of you...todays your lucky day you'll finally be going to the new city"

everyone immediately recognized it was Graves, and promptly fixed their beds, after that some went to the kitchen to prepare the food, while Graves was sitting down watching his watch, as minutes tick by everyone was doing their best to clean their bed, to prepare the food some didn't want to take a bath with the water that was so cold it would make their bodies freeze and shiver, Patricia wasn't a morning person however she knows that if she's going to be late a second time, she might get reprimanded or even get punished which scared her that she was the first person to complete her task of preparing their bed, she immediately went to the kitchen and started a fire, however the shack was pitch black which really hindered Patricia's ability to create a fire so she had to spend ten minutes, starting a fire, some of the unit helped her, with their pupils dilated to see clearly in the dark.

The food was simmering, everyone had finished their chores, rays of light started to fill the room, it slowly crept its way to the dining table, for the first time everyone had seen a sun rise, everyone looked at the window pane, the house that was cold and dark, they felt the the cool fresh air, and the warmth heat of the sun, Graves looked at them with a smile, remembering his first time experience in the surface, as he was taking in the moment he looked at his watch and it was time for them to form up, Graves bellowed

"Alright, are you all done eating?"

Unit brown replied "Yes Sir!"

"I see, now you have 5 minutes to wash your plate and form 2 groups, Do you understand?"

As the Unit Brown finished their final chore they immediately formed 2 groups, and Patricia followed suit.

They made their way out and saw the rays of the sun contrary to their first time, the heat was comforting, Patricia looked around she noticed some were basking in the heat of the sun and had their eyes closed, Patricia also closed her eyes and inhaled deeply and heard a cough she noticed it was Graves. Graves took out a white stick from his left pocket and raised his finger to light it, it was followed by this awful smell of something burning, which Patricia remembered it was when they burned their fields after harvesting their crops.

Patricia asked her father while looking up and and her eye brows knitted

"Dad, why do you burn the plants? isn't that bad for the plants?"

Patricia's Father replied in a raspy voice "Well Patty, it is to thank Eurydice of course"

Patricia with a face that confused repeated her fathers word "Eurodi-What? Are you making up names again dad!?"

Patricia's Father smiled and patted her head, and grabbed the same stick as what Graves had on his pocket...

as she was remembering that their was loud GRRRSSHHHH, and then it stopped in front of them; it was big it was dark green, and two circular wheels behind it and one in front of it, it was dirty and rugged, then Graves moved in front of them and said

"Alright this right here is a Transport Utility Chassis KIT, I'm sure you heard about it but let me reiterate, this is a A Transport Utility Chassis KIT or we call it TRUCK, now then all of you get behind the back"

Patricia didn't know about that and looked at everyone and everyone was carrying the same expression it was an expression that seemed, that thing was a trivial matter, Patricia thought "Man this is really huge, wish my brother's could've seen this...Wait no I think dad would love this thing since it would help a lot in transporting our harvest to the market, rather than carpaccio our horse AHAHHAAHA I still miss that horse, the horse was always supportive it wouldn't even complain despite how heavy the load was..." Patricia followed the group slowly getting in the TRUCK.

they all sat down in the middle graves was sitting silently staring at everyone a few hours had gone by since their departure Patricia was sick her butt hurts and she was a feeling sick after what felt like ages; she looked at everyone and they also carried the same feeling on their faces. A person raised his hand, Patricia recognized him as the leader of the first group, Graves noticed it nodded he placed his head over the railing of the truck and vomited, one by one everyone followed him including Patricia.

The TRUCK stopped they all lost their balance and had their bodies moved from right to left, it was as if they had no bones, recovering from that Graves went out first and said

"Alright listen up, compose yourselves, we have arrived in the new city...all of you will meet your instructors..."

Graves looked at his watch and continued "We will meet here at 5:00pm if you're late then you're walking back home, now then ill see you later"

Graves hopped in the TRUCK and left the group, a few minutes had gone by and they settled in a near by shed, Patricia sat on the corner and she looked at everyone and they were talking like normal people, she smiled, she noticed someone was staring at her it was the first group's leader she noticed that he was staring to her,

Patricia thought "what..is there something on my face? what do you want?"

he slowly approached Patricia, he coughed as if to quell the awkwardness around them and said "hey...uhh Patricia- id like to say sorry, for what happened..."

Patricia looked surprised and said "i...im sorry w...who are you?....I don't mean to be rude or anythi-"

The person cut her off and said "I see, I'm sorry My name is Norman T. Sims" Patricia even more surprised "Y...you're the son of the Mr, Sims?"

Norman handed his arms out as if to signal to Patricia to shake his hand, Patricia accepted it the handshake, then he moved back with his friends, a few hours had gone by and they noticed a someone walking towards them and Norman bellowed


Everybody stood up and composed themselves and formed 2 columns.

Chapter 4 Arcanum

As the Silhouette got closer the figure became sharper, slowly the details revealed itself, the figure was tall, it looked like the figure was carrying a saber, Everyone felt the tension in the air, Patricia looked around and saw everyone's faces as beads of sweat started to form on their foreheads, nobody moved; the silhouette finally revealed itself, it was a woman she was wearing a black uniform with an eyepatch on her left eye, with a small cape around her shoulders down to her hips. She paused for a moment, and continued to walk towards the group, she clapped her hands to get everyone's attention, she surveyed everyone as if to measure everyone, and she spoke

*cough* Everyone I am Larisa Laetitia, I will be your Arcanum officer...

She paused

now you may or may not be confused, I'm sure everyone here has some questions in mind, I'm sure you already saw graves yes?

silence everyone was silent, she looked dumb struck,

do you guys hear me?

silence again, she placed her right palm to her face and murmured something to herself, the winds started to bellow, and she looked at everyone and said

alright, since no one is...oh right...you guys are too tense, don't worry I'm not like Graves, but please address me as AO Larisa or AO or start with ma'am wait no ma'am is too formal hmmm ahhh address me as Ms, Larisa...?

as she was talking to herself, everyone was dumbstruck, with the change of atmosphere they thought she was going to be worse than Graves.

Larisa shouted address me as Ms,Risa...yes, understood?

everyone shouted in unison

Yes! Miss,Risa!

Risa replied

alright I thought you guys had your mouth stitched, anyways please pick your things up and follow me.

after walking for 30mins, they arrived on the academy grounds. Everyone's head was moving in all axis that their necks allowed them they were gawking at the architecture of the building.

alright everyone said Larisa, I will guide you to the testing fields now but before that please drop your bags on this room she pointed at a door with brown paint on it, but please place it nicely I don't want anyone to mix their things okay?

everyone noticed the testing Ground was just a field a huge field, it wasn't anything special

everyone followed suite, and formed a line.

Larisa looked at them, and coughed everyone as what I have said I will explain further What Arcanum is, Arcanum is this She raised her pointer finger above and a flicker of fire it formed it to a small ball a size of a marble but as bright as a torch, I'm sure graves had already showed you this. so now please form one line so that I can asses your levels

she opened her eyepatch placed it on her left eye, revealing an eye that matched the opalescent shimmer of her own mysterious eyes. The moment her gaze fell upon the students, her eye emitted a faint ethereal glow, as if it were attuned to the very essence of the Arcanum itself. It seemed to penetrate beyond the surface, delving into the depths of their souls, seeking out the hidden potential that lay dormant within.

One by one, the students stepped forward, their hearts pounding with anticipation. As Larisa's gaze met theirs, they felt a surge of energy coursing through their veins, as if the very fibers of their being were being assessed and measured. The opal hues of her eyes danced with an enigmatic intensity, betraying nothing of the secrets they held.

As the last student passed through the assessing gaze of Larisa's opalescent eye, a hushed silence fell upon the room. The air crackled with anticipation, the students eager to discover the insights gleaned from their encounter with the Arcanum instructor.

When it was Patricia's turn, Larisa's gaze lingered on her for a moment longer than with the other students. A flicker of unease crossed her face, barely perceptible. She quickly masked her expression, dismissing Patricia with a casual remark.

"huh, Purple eyes yet Talentless... ungifted. No matter, there's still potential to be found," Larisa muttered under her breath, her tone tinged with uncertainty.

As her eyes returned back to normal, she noticed Patricia's concerned look, but Larisa chose to ignore it. However, unbeknownst to Larisa, a faint trickle of blood escaped her nose.

Patricia hesitated for a moment, her voice trembling as she spoke, "L-Larisa, a-are you alright?"

Larisa looked surprised and replied, "What do you mean? I'm alright."

Patricia stuttered, her eyes fixed on the blood streaming on Larisa's nose down to her philtrum, "W-Well, y-your nose is b-bleeding..."

Larisa was astonished and touched above her philtrum and noticed a wet yet sticky substance as she held her fingers closer she noticed it was her blood, in embarrassment and not to concern her new students, she wiped it away hastily, a furrow forming between her brows. Something about Patricia had stirred a disquiet within her, an inexplicable sense of foreboding. But for now, she chose to dismiss it as a passing notion, focusing on the task at hand.

Larisa lowered her eyepatch, concealing the captivating brilliance of her gaze once more. A knowing smile played upon her lips as she addressed the group, her voice carrying a mixture of confusion and intrigue.

"It appears that all of you... are quite....the enigma," Larisa mused silently, her mind racing with questions. "What secrets do you hold? And what is it about this girl, Patricia? There's something peculiar about her."

She placed her palm towards the students, steadying herself as a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her. She stumbled, falling onto the ground with a thud. The concerned gazes of the students only fueled her determination to uncover the mysteries that seemed to surround them.

"Now... now, I'm alright," Larisa assured them, wiping the sweat from her forehead. She couldn't shake off the disquiet that had settled within her. "There's more to this group than meets the eye. I must tread carefully and discover what lies beneath their surface."

Larisa looked at her students, her eyes shining with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Her voice carried a note of intrigue as she composed and continued, "It appears you people are a mixed bag... That will be all. You are now dismissed."

As Larisa observed the exchange of glances among the students, she sensed their growing curiosity. She maintained her enigmatic demeanor, knowing that the path ahead was fraught with secrets waiting to be unraveled.

she raised her eyebrows and said

"don't worry, I will mold you for 4 years so rest assured you wont be left out, now go and eat your lunch....and be here at 13:00 okay?"

The students left he testing grounds and moved to the mess hall, The mess hall was filled with not only unit Brown but other unit as well, they were the last unit to come everyone looked and stared at them, what was lively became dead silent. everyone observed them from how they moved, or how they carry themselves, Patricia heard Alice complain to her friends

these people are so fucking annoying can they just mind their own business? its really getting in my nerves how these people literally stopped and stared at us for no reason what so ever just to sniff us, after she said that

everyone went back on eating, everyone followed Norman and they all sat on the furthest corner of the mess hall. as they sat down and ate, Norman whispered to everyone

alright once we're done we should go back to our barracks...we should be able to rest in a bit...so lets finish our lunch early and get some shut eye, or just relax...we still have a long day.

After an hour had passed, everyone settled into the room, which felt humid and damp. Patricia, settled in the end of the room on a side of piles of stacked books which were covered in dust and cobwebs, feeling uncomfortable,Patricia took off her coat as she noticed the other students doing the same she sat down. Patricia overwhelmed by her thoughts and feelings, she placed a bag over her head and lay down, contemplating her own perceived lack of talent and feeling a sense of resentment. 'Am I really that talentless and ungifted?' she thought to herself. The image of her fellow students achieving greatness while she lagged behind intensified her anxiety.

In the grip of her emotions, Patricia unknowingly shook her head with force, not realizing she was acting it out in reality. Her actions caught the attention of Alice and her friends, who stared at her curiously. The sight of their gazes only deepened Patricia's anxiety and embarrassment. She locked eyes with Alice, who raised an eyebrow and casually asked, 'Yes? Is there something on my face?' Alice then dismissed Patricia's gaze and continued walking, accompanied by her friends, who laughed at Patricia's expense. Patricia thought 'well fuck there goes my last shed of dignity, fuck.'

As she looked at her watched, Norman Shouted to everyone in the room leaving everyone's gaze on Norman, Patricia noticed Norman's Demeanor shifted a bit, and he said 'Everyone we have to go to the testing grounds to meet our Professor yes its 20 minutes before the said meeting time, I suggest that we should go to the Training ground as early as now, so pack your things and lets head out.'

Norman went back to his bag and packed his things, he adjusted his uniform and composed himself, everyone followed suit, Patricia noticed this she was intrigued, and thought to herself 'Man, he really changed that fast huh...', as she continued to think everyone finished packing and composing themselves, Patricia noticed that everyone had slowly went out she hastily belongings, but due to her haste she accidentally knocked down the stacked books, it caused a loud clattering sound, everyone stopped what they were doing, and stared at her...a sinking feeling a sharp and guttural embarrassment sunk on Patricia's psyche, she immediately picked up and stacked the cluttered books, Norman went back inside and told Patricia, 'hey Patricia, we will wait for you so clean up the mess you made' Patricia replied 'Yes, Sir!' Norman looked at her with shock and confusion but shook his head and left without saying anything, Patricia continued stacking the books, however she noticed a book a book that was dusty and musty, she wiped off the accumulated dust that clearly showed the book's age and read "Research Proposal for Meta-physical properties relating to the Golden Dust and its effects Volume 1" as she slowly wiped off the rest of the books cover She noticed it was Larisa's work and the book was made 10 years before they went to surface. She immediately Hid the book on the corner of the Stack, She hastily composed herself and took her belongings and went out.

As she opened the door she was greeted by a beam of white light a a cool air breeze washed on her face, She immediately went back of the line, but before she could proceed, Norman made a slight comment 'took you long enough now fall in line we've wasted 7 minutes already. The Testing grounds was a vast Open field it had some Tree's that could have shade, birds were singing which gave them a sense of ease and peace, Patricia Dropped her bags, as she thought of the book even more, it gave her intrigued and a sense of confusion, she thought with how things were, She was quite disturbed due to the book's published date.

Larisa made her appearance and everyone stood up they noticed a new look, Larisa was wrapped with dark brown robe and a dark green cloak with markings of runic origin covering her cloak, pauldrons with sharp angle at the end of it laced with a highlight of gold and a figure that quite hard to decipher, a silver white chain hung on her left breast with Markings on it, above her head was a conic hat which resembles those midwives tail of the witch but this time it had insignias on its throat, lastly they noticed what Larisa had on her right hand, it was a staff, at the end of the staff was a metallic circle shaped with symbols hanging on it, and at the tip was a diamond shape that held a red gem but changes in color to dark purple depending on how it is held or in what angle it is viewed, her left hand a book was held snugly, a book which raised intrigue and fear it was darker then her outfit it had symbols and what looked like stitches, it was quite a sight to behold, a book which could harbor such emotions that it would lead to distraught, on her left hips was an hourglass, and on her right was a small bag of tiny branches.

Larisa Scanned the entire field of students, and Smiled. She announced 'it's good to see you students...now then' she clapped and pointed her staff at the first person in line, 'Norman...ill be teaching you how to sense the Arcanum and use the Element of the Arcanum' Norman stepped forward, and faced his colleagues, Larisa continued 'Everyone look and listen closely if you're done form a column on the right side of me' she paused and continued 'before teach you, remember this power is not used for oppression and but to help us reclaim this God forsaken lands and help our cause to live our lives outside the bunkers, if you use this power' a sense of dread bellowed in the air it sent shiver's down everyone's spine as Larisa continued 'I will put you down personally and I will break everybone and cells in your body, only death can peace grace your pitiful tyrannical existence' after she said that she smiled, a smile that was contrary to her demeanor its like everyone had cold water poured on them, it caught them off guard, even Norman had to look behind him and saw Larisa Smiling so brightly

larisa covered her mouth and faked coughed she continued 'alright I can sense the anticipation in the air, now then I'll have to say this to you, you wont get it in the first try but you need to keep in mind that this is just a your first time with this foreign concept' she laughed and continued 'now lets continue' she scanned the everyone and looked at norman 'Norman, I can sense that you're nervous, please try to calm down or else you'll be incinerated' Norman looked at her with worry, Larisa laughed 'ohh im only joking' she paused this time Norman looked even more worried Larisa broke the tension 'I think...oh well...nahh I'm just joking alright let's do it this time, watch me okay?' she yelled 'Everyone please watch me and learn from what i'm doing' Larisa closed her eyes and took a deep breath and the staff started to shake the gem started to shine in a light hue, the cool air started to gather around her, the trees were swaying along side the grass around them the earth trembled, and as she opened her eyes the tip of her staff and the concentrated air forming a sphere that swirled around itself; Larisa, looking at it with seriousness 'Everyone this is the power of the arcanum' she pointed her staff at a tree on the side of the line, she continued 'Behold the power of the elements' A whistling sound was heard so deafening they had to cover their ears, a loud crash was heard and a followed by an object falling, everyone looked to their side and noticed the tree fell on its back leaving a stomp that was filled with sharp shards of itself, what looked like a hurricane uprooted the trunk, it wasn't clean like what a lumber jack would've done it was visceral and evil.

Larisa looked at Norman and then passed the look to everyone 'now then I hope everyone understood what I did' she poked at Norman, use this, she was holding a small what looked like a crooked small tree branch with a small white gem on its end. 'Norman why don't you try it?' her tone so eager to see what Norman is capable or what element He was intrinsically connected to.

Norman proceeded to do the same the wand shoned and a small fire was created, Larisa looked ecstatic, her smile was through ear to ear. "Norman your a Fire user! you're like that old man Graves!' Norman looked surprised and smiled wryly, Larisa continued 'alright just be careful when using that, you may go back to you post' Norman went back in line however before he left he looked at her and the branch he was holding, Larisa looked at him with a questioned and gasped 'ohh you mean that well you can keep it as a memento and of course you can call that whatever you like but personally its a Wielders Arcanum Nexus Device or just a WAND for short' Larisa paused and cupped her chin and grasped, 'oh yeah, Norman you may go back in line, right all of you will get the wand if you showcase your aptitude with the elements. anyways ill discuss it further after you showcase your affinities' as everyone shown their elements it was time for Alice.

Alice followed the same way Larisa demonstrated even at the intervals of her breaths and Larisa's moment of closing her eyes, this time the wand shown brighter than Normans, it was stronger it was greater power, Larisa had to hold her hat, her face plastered with excitement and joy she was gripping her books and her staff so vigorously, at last the wand displayed a circular sphere of liquid this time vestiges of green hues dotted around Alice as she pointed her wand to her side at the fallen trees' stump a moments notice the sphere raced straight at the stump this time the earth that was holding the stump was missing at an angle the earth scarred like it was an open wound the stump was gone. Larisa out of excitement Jumped and hugged Alice 'Yes!! you are very special you are able to use an Valnaer tier element' Everyone's gaze fell on Alice a sense of pride was shown on her face, Larisa continued 'everyone behold the power of the element when harnessed properly' Alice when she was hugged felt for the first time what it felt like to experience genuine joy and accomplishment, naturally Larisa also mentioned 'remember Alice my dear student, help those who cannot harness or are having a hard time with their affinities, it is the job of the powerful to help those who have not shown yet. you may head back in line' before Alice could go back in line Larisa whispered on her ear 'before I forget you and Norman stay for awhile I have things to discuss with you and Graves or to anyone who shows potential' Alice looked at her and nodded, she was greeted with friends with excitement and joy.

Lines began to dwindle down every minute it, Patricia's heart began to sink lower and lower, anxiety began to crept in her psyche, embarrassment and her drawn out insecurity began to surface as she gripped her necklace she remembered that time with her brothers

'I don't really see a point in continuing this practice Anthony' Patricia sighed heavily and fell on her back and continued 'I just wanna play and look' she pointed at kids running around the fields 'see they're very happy' she looked at her brother, her brother smiled and patted her hair 'Patty you have to learn the value of weaving, I know its boring' Patricia cut him off 'and tedious look my hands hurts a lot' Anthony looked at her with a smile 'this is our income aside from the corns,wheats and live stocks we sell, but still my point still stands, you need to learn this skill so that one day when Hadrian and I will go to the city to get proper jobs, maybe you can also help mom with this?' Patricia looked at him with suspicion 'are you sure you're going to the city? its filled with people you know?' Anthony laughed it off which annoyed Patricia, 'well patty just remember nobody cares about who we are everyone of them" Anthony pointed at people passing by he continued 'are having their own lives, and problems I think that they cannot spare any thought of us, in reality we place so much weight on ourselves just to be perfect for everyone's sake, remember this and remember it well patty, it doesn't matter how you started what matters is how you handled the end of your journey' Patricia looked at him with confusion Anthony giggled 'you'll understand it once you grow older. for now look what I'm doing with the weave" Anthony pointed at a completed red bracelet 'see its done just by talking with you i've already finished my piece' he laughed and teased Patricia. 'you still have 3 bracelets pieces to finish and its getting dark' patty looked distraught and yelled at anthony. Anthony looked at her and said 'patty you're being called'

Patricia looked at her sides and in front noticing Larisa was moving her mouth as she noticed that her senses went back to the present and she hastily made her way towards Larisa. she stiffened upon arriving, Larisa noticed this and whispered 'Don't be too nervous calm, let the world around you absorb you' Patricia relaxed and sighed, Patricia thought to herself 'I got this just like weaving I think' Patricia took a deep breath and closed her eyes, she noticed hints vestiges of gold and white flow, Larisa whispered on her ear 'Do you see it? do you see the flow?' Patricia 'it's kinda hard to say its just dark.' Larisa "well we all went there don't worry about everyone's start, focus on your start' she placed her arm on patricia's shoulders, and continued 'now harness it absorb the arcanum surrounding you" as Patricia readied herself she opened her eyes the gem shoned dimly dimmer than anyone 's wand, on the tip of the wand nothing appeared. Patricia looked at Larisa with face plastered with conflicting emotions which also broke Larisa's heart, she placed both her hands on Patricia's shoulders and whispered 'its okay patty its just that it happens to the best of us. its you first time, I mean when I was in your level I had to struggle to even make the gem shine' Larisa knew it was a lie but a lie that could at least give Patricia hope, she continued 'you may keep that wand and practice it yourself okay? or you can ask anyone i'm sure they'll help you' as Patricia went back in line head drooped down Larisa noticed the gem of the wand became black, but as she blinked it turned white, Larisa dismissed what she saw.

Patricia fell in line she didn't even bother looking at everyone, she just fell in line. Patricia thought "I know she's lying, but I don't want to give up yet I want to continue this...' she tried to console herself, but an idea came, and Idea that would help her understand Arcanum. but her Idea was up in smokes when Larisa got their 'Everyone please listen' everyone looked at Larisa, 'you all are good candidates but please try to help those who cant' Everyone's eyes dropped on Patricia as Patricia noticed she thought 'please stop staring at me, I want to disappear I don't want this.' Patricia displayed a poker face but inside were waves of emotions anger, embarrassment, and shame. Patricia held back her tears, Larisa once again announced 'everyone read this book and share your thoughts and opinions, do not be afraid to ask or take notes' Larisa raised the book she was holding and gave it to Norman she continued 'i'll be expecting you to learn everything in 2 years time. in your 3rd year here you will be given appropriate titles of your skills. and in your 4th year you will be sent on a mission once you successfully accomplished the mission that's the time where you graduate and be a full-fledge wing of this bureau.' She paused and her brows her sewing around she gasped 'oh before I forget let me reiterate yes.... the rank of your rank' After Larisa was done with her reiteration she dismissed the class.

Chapter 5 Cloak in Shadows

As the unit's numbers began to dwindle, Patricia looked at the three remaining individuals and thought to herself, "I wonder what they're going to talk about." She noticed she was the only one left, and the three people were looking at her. She yelped, "I'll be taking my leave now, Ms. Larisa..." Larisa smiled at her and waved goodbye. Patricia made her way out, leaving the room.

Larisa then clasped her hands together and said, "Alright, let's wait a bit for Graves..." She continued, "He usually doesn't arrive this late anyway, so let's not waste our time. Let's talk about what your purpose is. I have notified Graves about your positions, so what do you think?" She looked at both individuals, Alice and Norman, who both nodded in response.

Larisa decided to start with Alice and asked her, "Alice, you're very advanced for being a beginner. I want you to tell me what you think about the Unit." Alice, with a nonchalant tone, replied, "Terrible...I can already see the Unit would be fractured. It's a bit annoying having to spend time with people like that...I think that's all that I can say about the unit."

Larisa's disappointment was evident, and she said, "I see, it's that bad, huh? I guess you can help them out, Alice, since you have a great affinity with your Spirit..." Alice pondered the question and replied, "I won't promise you anything, Larisa. I don't care whether or not they will listen to me. I only care about those who listen."

As the conversation continued, they noticed the approach of someone with a dangerous presence. It was Graves, whose aura demanded authority and respect. He had a rugged appearance with a scar on his left eye and a mysterious air about him. Larisa, Alice, and Norman looked back at Graves as he walked steadily towards them. They exchanged waves with him as he finally arrived.

"Took you long enough..." Larisa commented, to which Graves replied, "Well, the CO chewed me out..." Larisa looked at him with concern, and Graves nodded, indicating that he was back and ready to discuss the next steps.

Alice, on the other hand, faked a cough and emphasized that she wouldn't make any promises. She only cared about those who would listen to her guidance. Norman shared his impressions of the unit, mentioning that it lacked cohesion, and he wasn't comfortable being a leader.

Graves agreed with Norman's assessment and proposed a solution, "Now, for the final part of this conversation, I suggest that we should form this cabal." The room fell silent, and Larisa seemed skeptical of the idea. Alice and Norman also had reservations about the proposal.

Graves explained his reasoning, expressing the need for a cohesive unit that goes beyond just being kids roaming the surface. He wanted to utilize Alice's affinity and Norman's charisma to help those who are struggling within the Unit.

Larisa considered the plan, Alice reluctantly accepted the necessity, and Norman acknowledged that it might be their best option. They decided to end the meeting and observe the Unit's performance for the next three months to draw conclusions on whether to create the cabal that would steer the Unit towards becoming a special operations force.

With that decision made, Larisa, Alice, Norman, and Graves left the room, ready to face the challenges ahead and guide the Unit towards a more united and purposeful future.


As the two of them were left in the field, Graves asked Larisa, "Lars, where is that girl?" Larisa looked at Graves with confusion and said, "You're really asking me about a girl...do you understand how vague that is?" Graves looked at her with annoyance and clarified, "Hmmm, that girl... Patricia..." Suddenly, something lit up in Larisa's head.

"Oh yeah, Patricia... well, she isn't really that talented. She's more or less this hollow, honestly Graves, I don't really know... I've read some books regarding the existence of them, but it seems that it's quite rare... and I don't think she's the one... you know, she has the eyes... however, in the books, it described them as purple eyes with amplified affinities. I don't really know... she needs more testing," Larisa explained.

"I see... well, if that's the case, she's going to break it or make it," Graves replied thoughtfully.

Larisa raised her right eyebrow and questioned, "Why are you taking a liking to that girl?"

"I don't know, honestly..." Graves admitted, his tone tinged with uncertainty. There was something about Patricia that intrigued him, even if she didn't fit the mold of a typical exceptional talent.

As they stood there in the field, Larisa and Graves exchanged glances, contemplating the future and the potential impact Patricia might have on the Unit. They knew that their decision to create a cabal and guide the members was crucial for the Unit's success.

Sorry for the delay...in later Chapters I will be publishing those in a weekly manner. I hope you guys enjoy this. By next month I will be redoing the prologue and volume 1.

Joey_yeetcreators' thoughts