
One Hit Wonder

All was staring to look good but then the spear girl fell to her knees and started to cry. That was completely not my fault by the way, she just did. I was in this world for two minutes and I had women already crying, I really needed to work on that.

'Samuel, you have three very powerful mana pools coming your way."

I turned to my left, ignoring the spear girl and focusing on the three armor plated women who turned the corner. One in completely silver armor with black robes and skirt came rushing toward me, only she stopped mid-way. She was beautiful, hell most of the women I saw were drop dead gorgeous. How was someone like me supposed to do about that? I was maybe a five at best, and I was literally in my underwear. However her beauty, I grabbed Excalibur and readied myself for any attacks. Then it hit me, I did not even know the spells I had.

'Aurora expand my spell list.'

Spell List----

Divine Judgement°


Frost bite°(40s)




Health Up°(One use)


My eyes widened as I realized I had so many spells already, even if none rang a bell.

'It might take a while for you to fully learn each spell but may I suggest you use the first one.'

I locked my eyes on an ability called Divine Judgement.


Divine Judgement (Fate Magic)- allow the next attack to either reflect back onto the attacker or increase the damage by twenty.

-Ultra Rare spell-

Class Specific


I laughed internally, Aurora wanted wage my life on a spell that could easily send me to the grave. Great. For a second there, I thought I was the luckiest man ever. I had abs, I had abs, I had spells that helped me and I had a badass sword, oh and abs. A frown grew on my face as the pale woman came charging toward me. It was the ultimate hit or miss move, and I guess I can't miss eh?


Name: Mary Thaggard Rose

Lvl 35

Class: Quick Knight

Mana- 1,000/5,200

Health- 60/100

Ability Active- none

Ability: Holy Power- Allows the user to access the ten Holy spells.

Spell list----(expand)


Why was she so weak already, and what does Holy Power mean?!

'Samuel swing Excalibur in twelve seconds,'

I blinked rapidly as white light started to emit from Mary's rapier. 'Why should I swing then, are you saying she is going to attack?'

'She is, and the women of Iro are strong and faster to the point they will move quicker than you can perceive. It will take time for your eyes to adapt to such speed so my calculations say if you do not swing ten seconds from now... You will die.'

I gulped down the pride and cockiness I materialized before and tightened my grip on Excalibur. Easy right, just swing the sword in the next ten seconds.


Next eight seconds.


I can't do it, I was shaking from just the idea. If these woman could move faster than I could even process, what could I do to fight them. What utter bullshit was that? Plus how do I swing it, I always watch characters in games swing a sword so precisely but never have I done it with my personal control. What do I-

Mary exploded toward me.


Shit, shit, shit. 'Auora how-'


Damnit Samuel, just swing the damn sword, you can't be a pussy all your life.

With my last breath I said one word aloud while also screaming it inside my head.


I brought Excalibur in front of my chest like I was swinging a baseball bat, no way was I going to get away with this. //Divine Judgement//

It felt as if the world around me was being ripped apart, along with my arms. A shock so great that my body made a popping sound. I saw Mary stop dead in her tracks as the tip of her rapier touched Excalibur.

"Helena give me power!" She cried through gritted teeth.

And with that, I died. Like My entire vision was taken up by an eruption of white and black. I no longer knew were I was, everything dark. Then I slowly felt my heart beat racing and my chest rising and falling.

The smoke cleared and low and behold, I was in the air again.



--Health Low

Health- 1/100

--Health Low



I was a few hundred feet above the frozen lake, or what was left of it, my entire body covered in black smear marks. My once white underwear now darkened and singed. How was I not dead, and how the hell do I not feel pain?! I was sure my brown hair was gone but it seemed all my limbs, and thankfully eyebrows, were still attached to me.


'I used Health Up as a means to save your life, I was unsure if Divine Judgement would save you.'

Health Up was one of the spells I saw on my list, only it had one use so I ruled it out completely. I was thankful that Aurora did not.


Health Up(Item use)- Upon Activation, all incoming damage will not be stopped but allow the caster to permanently keep one hit point no matter how great the attack. Pain will also be nullified by 99%.

-Ultra Rare-

One use


Holy. Shit. I almost face palmed but the weight of Excalibur still in my right hand stopped me. Upon inspecting the blade, I noticed not a single scratch. I sighed heavily, glad my plot armor was still at work.

You really get use to being in the air when for some reason you keep ending "up" there. However the case may be, I was falling once again. Looking down to examine the area, a giant crater took the place of the shallow lake. The crater was about twenty feet deep and void of any ice. Instead, hundreds of ice shards and chunks lay around the grass and huts. Some even completely taken down by the blast. It seems Mary had powers that were dangerous. I searched for her, finding her standing just a few feet away from the crater, breathing hard. Her once perfect hair now spread across her back plate and her armor littered with black smears. She must of not expected such fire power to come from her attack, her face littered with confusion.


Mary stood dumbfounded, unsure of the events that occured. She was sure that she did not use all of her mana, and she was even more sure she did not mean to level half of the surrounding buildings. 'What power was that?!' She thought as she turned to Margret and Alice who now managed to stand.

Reina came rushing over, her eyes red from crying, "What the fuck was that Mary?!"

Mary glanced at her rapier, "I am unsure how I did that..."

Margret smiled as Alice wiped sweat from her forehead. "I'm okay Margret."

Margret sighed before drawing her black saber. The curved blade emitting strange energy. "Where is the Grimm Reaper, are you sure you killed him?"

Mary glanced at the crater, "He has to be dead, I'm sure a spell like that would even hurt Tiana."

Alice pointed her pale finger upwards, three sets of eyes moving toward the sky. Just about a hundred feet up, a black outline of a body was clearly seen in the blue sky. Reina laughed internally as she saw the so called better gender falling helplessly to the ground.

"How is he even alive, exactly how strong is he?!" Margret said as she stalked toward the crater. The wind started to pick up and a grey silence fell upon the group.


The purple haired girl looked at her captain, wondering why she look so distraught. "I need you to use your ability. This is our best opportunity to end it now."

Reina's ability, Momentum. Her ability would allow her to throw her spear with the full amount of her power without wasting any mana. The ability was ranked one of the best in High Castle, but also as one of the most devastating. An ability like that could easily strike down armies at a time.

Alice took a step back as Reina started to laugh aloud, she sounded insane. Reina kept laughing as she gripped her bronze spear. Then the laughter died as her eyes narrowed toward Grimm. "Oh how I have been waiting..."

She wanted so bad to hurt him, the man who broke her on duty, the same man who made her cry. She was furious, so much so that she wanted to see him bleed. Mary noticed this bloodlust from instinct, "Calm down Reina yo-"

"Oh shut up Mary, now is not the time for a lecture, fuck off."

Mary retracted herself as she knew they could not argue in front of their captain. She sheathed her rapier and exhaled. "Just be careful, whatever he did to my attack made it way stronger than it should have been, something is odd about him."

Reina took a vengeful step toward the crater, "I could careless what he did, the fact stands he should be hurt from an attack like that, another full force one will surely send him to hell."

Margret watched Reina closely, her keen eyes dissecting the situation. "Reina will use her ability, if some how things turn, me and Alice will fight him. Reina will have to wait to retrieve her spear and Mary..."

Mary under her strong stature was barley able to stand, she lost to much mana to continue the fight. "Mary if all else fails, get Tiana, she will be angered but all of Iro rest on our shoulders."

Mary nodded before speaking, "What of Alice, I never have seen her in battle."

Alice smiled slightly and held her hand out, "I'm Alice Breach, a Knight under Margret's grace."

Mary took it with pleasure, Alice noticing her hand shaking. "Mary Rose, Second Holy Knight of High Castle, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Reina spit on the ground, a tradition she always did before getting serious, "Greetings' over, stand back."

The three women sheathed their weapons and moved a few feet behind her. Reina spawned a hellish grin as she took a stance, her spear tip aimed at Grimm.
