
Chapter 81: Interlude: Twelve

Second day, First Moon, 254 AC (+1 day)

He stared into the fire as the hour continued to grow later. He had been here a while, but these moments had always given him his greatest clarity. He was safely ensconced in his solar the night after the other nobility had all left Winterfell to return home after the Lord's Gathering.

Edwyle was confident that it had been a successful gathering – unique too, with the addition of new noble houses – the first in a long time.

Thinking of Michael, his thoughts drifted to the risk and reward of his previous actions. The hints that Michael would repay the money that Edwyle had given him through increased taxes was already evident, and it looked to only to grow further. Giving away that money to House Ragnar had been risky as it had left his supply of coin dangerously low, which left him dangerously exposed to any unexpected events or even, gods forbid, a war he could now not afford.

Coin and existing taxes had already been reallocated to address this lack, but the lack of coin going to its previous destinations would have ramifications – even if he could not see it yet. Still, he had been able to address many of these issues, and stymy other ones before they could grow, at this latest gathering.

Luckily, Michael's good showing here had quelled some of the doubt – even if not all, but that had never been a reasonable expectation. Michael's clearly good relations with House Manderly had also been a boon, and with Theomore's clear approval, Michael had started to develop a reputation of being a West Coast Manderly.

It had been amusing to see Michael be unaware of the undercurrents that moved around him, but it was something that needed to be addressed in time. Having a vassal be uninformed like that could only be borne for so long. Seeing the Dustins trying to grow their power block by taking Michael as a subordinate had not quite succeeded, though Denys seemed to have thought it did.

Manderly seemed to have staked quite the clear claim to Michael, but Michael had also given signals that he was attempting to form his own block with the Glovers and Mormonts, who were currently out in the cold. The Manderlys had always stood alone among the Great Houses of the North but retained great power by themselves and still managed to hold a great number of lesser houses to themselves and be a major player.

The only other block of similar size was the Boltons who always managed to punch above their weight, especially compared to the Dustins, who had the Ryswells within their block. It seemed as though the Dustins were trying to make moves and make a real third party to compete against the Manderlys and Boltons. Interesting developments but Edwyle was not worried. So long as all were underneath his House, and their loyalties clear, then these moves proved to be inconsequential.

It mattered not what block Michael attached himself to, with his House so recently elevated, his loyalty shall not waver. If only the same could be said of every House.

And to top it off, Rodrik's report of Michael's land and new processes was certainly food for thought. The so-called 'Fresno Scraper' was certainly potent and the example that Rodrik had brought back – though it was kept under wraps – was intriguing. Tests needed to be done in the spring, but perhaps Michael's vision would come to fruition.

What was truly fascinating was the farming implements, as well as the concept of a Northern Knight. Michael seemed to have downplayed the importance of his farming machines – for what reason, Edwyle could only speculate – but even with Rodrik not seeing it, the implications were clear. They would be transformative. Their potential enormous if they indeed performed as well as he guessed – and seeing how well the Fresno Scraper did, he had no reason to doubt such things.

The coming decades would be transformative, and a new social class may help to ease the troubles. If men are given an easy way to rise, they will be less likely to tear others down so that they can do so. How it could be done eluded him still, but transformation on the scale that he foresaw was a thing of years – decades perhaps. All he could be certain of, is the name Michael had suggested, Mounties, was to never be considered.

He shuddered. A brilliant man, but his naming abilities left something to be desired.

Still, next summer, perhaps a trip to King's Landing was in order. He would need to King's approval for a new social class to equal that of the knights, and perhaps deals can be struck for a small Northern fleet. He dreaded what favours he would need to trade to obtain them, but his duty to the North was clear and perhaps he could get away with simply supporting one of the King's smallfolk policies. Plans needed to be made, and with Rickard now a man, he ought to be included so he may learn how to rule. A trip to King's Landing would benefit him as well, as Edwyle was not getting any younger.

He nodded to himself. That was the beginning of a plan. Now, all he needed to do was start to move the pieces into place. He could feel himself start to smile as ideas started to fall into place.

Yes; yes, that could work.

A/N: I have a feeling tonight's episode will depress me, so I thought I would do what I can to try and cheer someone up by releasing a short interlude.