
Garou of WTF???

This is a story about a guy have Garou body and a systems from a God will trying to find out what him really want to do PS i am is a newbie author and there will have a lot line and idea i am take from other novel to improve my novel . And English is not my first language so be prepared for a grammatical mistake or two. Because of my busy schedule I can not guarantee a consistent publishing rate Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor any of the anime in this fan fiction, belong to me. They belong to their respective owners PS i am is fanboy of Garou and check this magazine cover https://i.redd.it/dozf1htru8111.jpg

mikatamo1 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 17

Next morning

Merlin POV

Merlin woke up in the morning and relaxed after the first sleep in days of being chased by her pursuers after she wakes up, Merlin began thinking about the man who called Garou was saved her, from Merlin's point of view that the man is strange, from her perspective, it was strange that someone as strong as him tried to learn magic when he was too strong, even what he calls science, from what he says that what he does science can do what magic can do and science can do things that even magic cannot do it either.

That makes her wonder, If what he calls science can do what magic can do, then why doesn't he use what he calls science instead of trying to learn magic. After all, he said that science can do things that even magic can't

Keeping that thought in mind, she got out of bed and left the room she had slept last night on the second floor and went to the living room on the first floor, while she walks down the stairs, she could hear two people talking in the living room but the voices of the two people who were speaking made her feel the most strange because the two voices sounded very similar, as if it were from the same person.

After walking down near the living room, she stuck her head out and peeked into the living room, and then she saw a most bizarre sight she had ever seen, there is two Garou is wearing only shorts and both Garou were standing face to face with each other, one Garou is holding a book in one hand while the other hand is was poking another Garou with his finger, and as for other Garou, he just stood still and spread his arms to the side and answered whatever other Garou asked

"How it feels" the first Garou poking another one then ask

"Nothing" the second Garou answers

"What about this point?" the first Garou poked another position and then asked

"It ticklish a bit" the second Garou answers

While Merlin watching Garou poking other Garou, Her face gradually turned red because both Garou muscular bodies, after all, it was her first time seeing someone like this while he was almost naked (PS I doubt the men in Belialuin can have such a body, after all those are most is a magician not a warrior and this is actually the first time Merlin saw a man there muscular body like this, so for her, it's very impressive)

While Merlin stared at both Garou body, she heard Garou holding a book telling her

"Good morning Merlin, please wait for me a little. I'll prepare breakfast later because I'm in the middle something now" Garou hold a book while talking to her without looking back at where she was


After spending the night reading about anything that relates to Nabong Needle Ryu without sleeping, then early the next morning, Garou tries to practice Nabong Needle Ryu by making a clone of himself after he takes off all the clothes he wears besides the shorts, to use the clone as the dummy

While testing Nabong Needle Ryu on the clone and hear how it effective it is, then Garou could see Merlin waking up and down the stairs through Haki. Ever since the Arena, he has always had a habit of keeping Observation Haki (or Kenbunshoku Haki) active at every single moment in his life because it has become part of his life or perhaps it has become part of his instincts. After seeing Merlin keep staring at him for a few minutes, Garou started saying hello to her first to reminded her that he know she there

"Good morning Merlin, please wait for me a little. I'll prepare breakfast later because I'm in the middle something now" Garou says while he still focus on testing Nabong Needle Ryu on the clone

Half an hour later, Garou finished testing most of Nabong Needle Ryu moves on the clone while Merlin is sitting on the sofa watching they are after Garou understands most of the effects from Nabong Needle Ryu on the clone, then he dismissed the clone and started to put back on the clothes that him take off to testing on the clone

"So how do you feel after a good night's sleep, Merlin," Garou asked Merlin after getting dressed

"It felt good and now I'm a little hungry, by the way, what is the person who looks like you," Merlin says then she asks about the clone she just saws

"Oh, that is the clone I created from one of the power I inherited"

"One of the powers you inherited? does that mean you have other power that you have also inherited?" Merlin asked curiously

"Yes, there is many other power I was inherited. One of them is called "Infinity", that power is also the reason why I try to learn magic because that power is unique and especially for the magic, so if I don't learn magic then that power is basically useless because I can't use it with anything other than magic"

"Infinity huh?, I also had a power is call Infinity too, not sure if that power is the same for you. Hey, can you tell me what your power Infinity can do?" Merlin asked to confirm that is his power "Infinity" is similar to hers or not

"Well, I only know some basic about my Infinity power, which is that can be used to keep the spells active until I choose to dispel them or something like that since I don't know magic so I cannot confirm it true or what else it can do" Garou created something to lie to her because he didn't want her to know why he came here or this age with the purpose to learn magic from her.

"Well that sounds like my power, but I'm not sure about that until I see how your power works," Merlin answered based on what she heard from what Garou describe because even if their powers had the same name, their powers can work differently.

"Well, you can see my power after we have breakfast and you teach me some basic magic spells, and by the way, let me introduce you to something or someone, because I'm not sure if it's a creature or what it is, but I'm sure it's a sentient being, System came out and said hello to Merlin" after talking with Merlin, then Garou makes the decision to introduce her to the System, because if he lives with her for a long time, then one day he will have to introduce her to the System

[Greeting, I'm is the System, you can just call me System]

"Where the voice is coming from is it Garou" Merlin jumped up after hearing the voice but not see anyone and asks Garou

"Well, that kind comes from my head? Or maybe my souls?, anyway I just know that the System is connected to me but I'm not sure where the voice came from through" Garou answer since he never think about thing like that before

[Please let me explain my existence to you, Miss. Merlin, basically I'm is a sentient being that connected to Garou, to help him learn to control his power and also works as the personal merchant to him, and I do not exist in his head or souls. After all, I just simply connected to him" the System explained its existence in a simple way for Merlin to understand

"So, you are some kind of soul or something like that?" Merlin ask

[You can think like that, now let back to business what you need Garou]

"I want to buy food from Toriko world, its 20 Rainbow Fruit Pudding, 10 plates of Puffer Whale Sashimi has been prepared, the whole Jewel Meat, 10kg of 300-year-old Garara Gator grilled meat, 2 Ozone Herb, 10 Bubble Fruit has been prepared, 10ml Mellow Cola, that all" since this is the first meal Garou had in ten years so he makes the decision to buy all famous food he knew from Toriko world, after all, he always want to taste how good food from that world can be

[It's total 120.000 CP]


[Please enjoy, the food is been put in your inventory] after hear what System said Garou immediately check item box (from now I just call inventory as item box) and he sees that all the food he buys was in there

After has the food Garou immediately cleaned the table in the living room and started to put down one by one the food he buys and enjoyed with Merlin, and it was the best meal he ever has in his entire life


One hour after the meal

After finishing the meal with Merlin, the two sat lazily on the sofa to digest the food in a while then Garou say

"Hey Merlin, can you move yet, if you do, then you and I can leave the house and you can start teaching me some magic spells so I can show you how my power works," Garou asked Merlin to leave the house with him and teach him some magic spells

"No, I still can't move because I was too full, but I can teach you some basic magic spells in here so you can learn it first and show it to me later."

"Okay, can you teach me something easy so I can show you how my power work"

"Here is a basic spell call Fireball, most of the time I can use it without having to chant, but since you said you don't know magic, I teach you a spell about Fireball so you can easily use it. Now just repeat this spell ######### while pouring magic power into the palm of your hand and you'll be able to use Fireball magic." Merlin teach Garou a chant of basic spell call Fireball

"######### right" Garou repeat the spell Merlin taught him (Here I will assume that when someone learns a magic spell, they will need to know a spell and after they master a spell they can use it immediately without having to chant the spells after all in the manga I see Merlin sometimes chanting spells when she uses powerful magic)

After remembering the spell of Fireball, Garou walked to the front of the house, then he repeated the spell while pouring magic power into his palm and after he finished the spell a small Fireball appeared in front of his palm, after seeing the small fireball appear in front of his palm, he immediately applied Infinity to it and immediately his small fireball became 10 times bigger than before and after see how big his Fireball become he aimed it at the nearby fireball and shot it out to see how powerful it could be when Infinity applied on magic spells


After the impact when Fireball hit the ground, Garou then could see that his magic created a large dent about 500m to the ground

"The destructive power is not bad, maybe I can increase the magic power after I mastered Infinity" Garou muttered after he saw the destruction of his magic, after the first test with his Infinity power Garou began to start training it with Fireball spell in half of hour


Half of hour later

After half an hour resting on the sofa while listening to the explosion outside the house, Merlin was finally able to move and she started going outside to see how Garou was practicing with the spells she had just taught him.

When Merlin goes out of the house, then she can see how Garou Infinity works and after seeing how he uses it a few times she can be sure his Infinity power is the same as Infinity of her.

"So, what you think about my Infinity huh" Garou talk to Merlin without to look back

"After seeing how you use it a few times, now I can make sure your Infinity is the same as mine" Merlin

"Really, my Infinity is the same as you?" Garou say

"Yes, in fact, it's amazing to know someone who has the same power as me"

"So now that you know how my Infinity works, you can start teaching me your magic, right?"

"Indeed I can, but since I still studied before fleeing from Belialuin, I don't know many high levels of magic spells, is that okay with you?"

"It's easy to solve, I can buy anything from the System if you need me to be able to buy the entire magic book that Belialuin has"

"If you can do that then I will be able to teach you all high-level magic spells" hearing what Merlin said, then Garou immediately spoke to the System

"Hey System, how much does it cost to buy all the books related to knowledge of magic from Belialuin"

[That depends on what kind you want]


[There are two types for what you want, the first type, if you choose this one, it'll cost 500,000, because I'll have to make a copy of every book from Belialuin and put them in the library I built. and then you can choose where to put that library"

[The second type is much cheaper because in this one then I just need to create one tablet and copy all the content in all the books belongs to Belialuin and put them all into one super tablet I created and it only cost 50,000]

"Whoa, the second type is only 1/10 the price of the first type"

[So which one do you want huh?, If you like to use materialized books, you can choose the first one or if you like digital books, just choose the second one.] The system asks after explaining about the two different types

"I want to buy the second type, but I have to ask how can I charge super tablet here without electricity? And if I want you to add all the scientific knowledge from the DC world to the tablet, how much will it cost?"

[The first answer, there's a reason why I call it a super tablet because it absolutely doesn't need to be charged and just in case you need to know it can repair automatically itself, so you don't need to. worry about nonsense like that, and about the second it will cost 1.000.000 CP. And never ever ask why it's so expensive, especially when you know what a DC world is like]

"Fine, I buy the second type plus the all the scientific knowledge from the DC world"

[Good, here catch] after System said, then a tablet appeared from the air and Garou immediately caught it before it could fall down and complain to the System.

"Why the Fuck, can you just put that in my inventory like when I buy food but have to throw it in the air and let me catch it like that is it"

[…] but instead of responding to Garou complaint, the System just stay silent

"Great now you just play dead huh, Fuck you," Garou say then he middle finger to the sky

"Here is the tablet Merlin, come let get in the house then I teach you how to use this thing" Garou talk to Merlin and walk into the house after he middle finger the System

"Coming" Merlin giggled after she heard the conversation between Garou and the System

This chapter is takes me 5 to 7 hours to writing

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