Hi guys, I'm starting a new project called "The Chaos Within the Ether". I will put all my love into doing it well and I would appreciate your support. Take a look at my profile so you can read it and leave your comments :) https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-chaos-within-the-ether_25862992705173805
Traka - Traka
"It seems to have arrived," said Keith, as he looked at the lights of a carriage rattling in our direction, "I suppose the time has come for us to say goodbye."
I averted my gaze from the full moon rising over the dark sky and dimly illuminating Keith, who was standing beside me with a sad smile.
Silence filled the place where we stood as I met my gaze with the five people in front of me, Keith, Elena, Tasha, Terry, and Everly, all of whom had come to say goodbye to me even when I said it wasn't necessary.
"Adad," Elena said as she took my hands and entwined hers through my fingers, "I know you've resolved yourself has this and you won't turn back," she paused in her speech as she bit her lip, "but I want you to promise me, that whatever happens, you're going to survive."
"I, I promise. I promise that no matter what or who I face, I will survive. - I said, more as if to convince myself of the future than to Elena, from whom tears were falling. "You have, to come back."
Tasha grabbed Elena and hugged her, then turned to me. "How long will you last on Aute's mountain?"
"I don't know," I said as I tried to remember some of the things mentioned about Dawnwinter's style, but even though I didn't know anything I had to go back at least in 2 years before Emilia graduated from the academy. But I will try to come back in 2 years."
After saying that Elena moved away from Tasha's arms and came closer to mine, giving me a tight hug, an action that was repeated by Tasha as well as the little ones of the house Terry and Everly, who had tears on their faces.
As we were saying goodbye the carriage had pulled up to us, stopping for a moment, which was used as an opportunity for a wild-looking man to jump out of one of the doors with abound.
"Looks like you've arrived Bull," Keith said with a big grin, which was reciprocated with a hug from the wild-looking man named Bull, "It's been a while, hasn't it? It's been a while, hasn't it."
Keith and Bull spent some time talking about what had happened to their lives, and I took that moment to check my storage space and the things I was supposed to bring.
Dead Rose, a change of clothes and food, as well as a few gold coins, which Elena had given me, I guess I had everything I needed inside my storage.
I then tugged the bags inside my clothes and looked inside them, I didn't have much more than a few potions as well as my armor, which was leather armor from a rank E+ beast, which Lou had given me.
[Name: Leather armor]
[Type: Item]
[Rank: E] [Rank: E
[Ability: N/A]
"So this is your son," said Bull, interrupting my thoughts, "Keith, you didn't say you didn't intend to kill your son, he doesn't even have a sign of a swordsman, he just looks like an effeminate noble boy. hahaha."
Bull's laughter echoed through the lonely street. "Haa~. I just hope he doesn't stain my name in front of the grandmaster, because if he does, you won't even have time to beg for a quick death."
"Stop bothering my son, you beast," Elena said with clear annoyance in her voice, "Don't pay any attention to him, if he ever bothers you just tell me Adad."
The sad atmosphere that had flooded the place so far disappeared and was replaced by some laughter, among which Bull took a couple of horses that were behind the carriage, which departed.
The laughter stopped and once again the silence fell, but it didn't last long thanks to Bull, who deftly hopped onto the horse's back.
I followed his example and approached the horse and then leaped onto his back.
When I fell I fixed my gaze on the members of the Hall household, to be honest, I didn't know how to feel about them, it was impossible for me to hate them with how well they had treated me, although that was because they thought they thought I was their son.
If they knew that I had stolen their son's body and made his soul go to an unknown place, they would probably hate me, and that had generated conflict and discomfort in me.
And it had been the second reason besides wanting to make me stronger from my departure.
"Will we meet again, little brother? - Terry said as he stretched out his hand towards me, which I took for a brief moment, but then released it and moved them towards the horse's straps - Maybe, Terry."
"See ya."
My words trailed off as I gave the horse a light thump, causing it to move forward, as it ran, for some reason my eyes turned back and met Keith's, he hadn't said anything during the goodbye, but he had a big smile that sent shivers down my spine.
"You said your name was Adad, didn't you? - Bull said as he stopped the horse race, which we had been having all day and had decided to stop now, that he was just hiding - Yes, Master Bull."
I replied as I added the honorific he had told me to say every time I spoke to him, which brought a smile to his mouth.
The two of us stopped our horses and jumped down from them and immediately took them to a log, where we tied them up.
After that, a sword with a curved, silver-colored blade appeared between the fingers of Bull's right hand.
"Let's go look for food," he said as he went deeper into the forest.
The leaves scattered on the ground cracked with every step I took because for some reason Bull's didn't make a sound.
A howl echoed and echoed throughout the forest, alerting me to the presence of some wolves.
"We're not in a very deep forest," Bull said as he swung his sword simply, but at an eerie speed, "so they're probably white-footed wolves, which are rated between Rank G and F+ at most."
His words were relaxed as if he was talking about a simple ant, something probably true thanks to its Rank and strength, which although he didn't know what it was, it was easy to imagine hovering around Rank A or higher.
Once again the howl of the wolves echoed.
The leaves rustled, announcing that they were rapidly approaching us.
A threatening sound came from the wolves' snouts as they left the darkness generated by the moon and the shadow of the trees, revealing a black pelt, which flooded their entire body with the only exception of the paws, which were silver in color.
"I guess this is a good time to see your strength," said Bull, as he took a big leap backward, dodging the wolves that had begun to surround us, "If you don't even manage to survive this, you don't even deserve to step on Dawnwinter's land."
I cleared my gaze from Bull and moved it to the wolves, scanning the landscape slowly and concentrating on searching for and identifying the wolves.
As I moved my gaze over the slight glow generated by the wolves' paws, I summoned Dead Rose from my storage to my right hand.
"6 wolves."
I said aloud as I placed Rose in her scabbard that I had positioned over my waist.
It didn't take long to identify the strongest wolf in the pack, which had silvering that extended past his paws to his legs.
The wolves finished surrounding me and began to approach as they would make their menacing snout.
The rattling sound of lightning coming from my sword echoed through the forest as I slowly moved Rose out of the scabbard.
I muttered as I released the tension in my legs in a leap towards the wolf approaching from my left.
He responded with a quick leap towards me, which I dodged with a quick step followed by a spin on my axis, in which I lifted my leg towards the wolf's stomach.
The wolf flew a few meters, which I followed until the moment when the wolf's stomach was exposed.
The sound of metal begging echoed.
But it was replaced by the sound of flesh falling silent.
Blood rained down my body, staining my face red which I wiped with my hand, which I returned to Rose.
I looked with cold eyes at the wolf I had split in two, then moved them to the other wolves.
An icy breath came out of my mouth and became visible in the air, a consequence of Ice Heart, which made my body temperature drop exponentially.
I leaped towards the second wolf, which stretched its claws towards my face, I dodged them and responded with a quick ice bullet that pierced its brain, killing it with one shot.
I hurried my next steps conjuring air over my feet and moved towards the next two wolves.
The two jumped towards me forcing me to take a step backward, as I fell I ran to the left and threw bullets at the wolves, which served to bring me closer to them.
With a single kick, I broke one of the legs of a wolf and I gave the other one a cut in the jugular, making the blade of my sword leave its white color and turn red.
I didn't have time to paddle them when my instinct told me to move away, I heeded the warning and tensed my legs, jumping to the side.
I didn't give the wolf time to resonate with its next move by connecting a kick to its muzzle, causing it to snap back.
I went back to generating distance and dedicated myself to casting spells towards the wounded wolves, little by little I felt a smile that no matter how hard I tried to repress was blooming madly on my face.
As I watched the wolves squirm in an attempt to escape my attacks, I felt happy.
All this time I had been repressing myself, I had been dreaming of the moment when I could fight, when I could kill.
On earth, all the time I lived without thinking about myself and I only found happiness in battles, but those I had not fought for me, but for that man.
But now, I could do whatever I wanted.
I left my thoughts while I replaced my spells with my sword and ran towards the dying wolves.
I cut off the head of one, but before I could repeat the action I had to step back.
The boss had moved.
My eyes met the wolf's red ones, which seemed to look at me with uncontrollable hatred and rage.
We both looked at each other for a moment, but I cut off the stares when I generated a bolt of lightning that flew in the direction of the wolf.
We rushed them to the front and moved our weapons - claws in the case of the wolf - and placed them, causing a small battle of strength to erupt.
Bull who was watching all this over a tree was in a state of shock.
He knew the boy was not weak for his age, as he was in the F+ range, but he didn't think so much.
It was visible that he hadn't been holding a sword for long, but the madness with which he swung and his murderous intent was not something normal.
Plus he was a Son of mana, which had two deflections, towards ice and lightning.
A smile is just as mad as Adad's formed on Bull's face, which was full of thoughts about the boy's future.
A thud resounded as my foot connected with the wolf's stomach, sending it crashing to the ground.
I dodged the very eardrums of ice I had created and approached the wolf, which tried to run away.
But it couldn't move as I swung Rose through its legs, immobilizing it.
I slowly crouched down and positioned my hand over her eyes.
"Goodbye, you son of a bitch."
the wolf's muzzle opened but before he could howl an icy tympanum pierced through and protruded from the back of his face.
"Is this enough to carry out the test?"
I said as I watched the wolf's dismembered and lifeless body fall to the ground with an apathetic look on my face.
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