
Chapter 36: Checking Stats

In the afternoon, The Gantz Fighters was having a training session. For their first training session, they decided to train near the place where Sakurai live. So, the group gathered at Sakurai's house.

Before they begin the training session, Kurono decided to show the Room of Limit to everyone. He then took out the badge-like door of the Room of Limit.

"What is this badge?"

"This badge is a door to a pocket space." said Kurono. "Look. I put the badge on the door, and...I open the door. See, it's a different room inside."

"Woah! Is not this just a door to Sakurai's house. How did it suddenly change into another room?" Sakata looked inside and saw that it was a different place. Sakurai also looked into the room and recognized that it was not his room.

"Like I said, this badge is the one allowing us to enter into a different place. Here I take it off. Look again." Kurono took off the badge.

When everyone looked inside, it was Sakurai's house.

"That's incredible. That thing seems to be some kind of high-tech gadget." Sakurai curiously observed the badge.

Kurono then said, "Another thing is that, it only works if I'm the one putting the badge on the door. Sakurai, try it, and you will see what I mean."

Sakurai nodded, and tried to embed the badge on his door. As he let go of the badge, it instantly fall to the floor. He tried again, and the same thing happened. The others also tried, but the badge did not get embedded on the door.

"So, how did you get this thing? Did the Gantz gave it to you?" asked Kishimoto.

"I'm not sure. But, I found this thing in my pocket after getting out of the Gantz Room." answered Kurono, lying to them about the origin of the badge.

"Maybe you got this thing after you reached 200 pts? Other than that, I don't know what is the reason for Gantz to give you such items." Sakuraoka gave her opinion. The rest also have reached the same speculation.

"Let not speculate on that. Come on guys, let's enter the room." Kurono invited everyone into the room.

Inside the room, there are twenty more doors. The first eight doors in the right has a 'Strength Training Room' written above the doors. In the middle, there are six doors with the 'Dexterity Training Room' written above it, and on the left, there are the last six doors with the 'Intelligance Training Room' written above the doors.

"Three types of training room? What's inside?"

As someone who get the Room of Limit, Kurono have the information regarding it's use. He then explained it to the others. "The Strength Training Room is a gravity room. When you enter inside, you will first be asked to decide how much gravity you wanted to be trained in. After you decide, you will be put under that exact amount of gravitational force. Additionally, there are many falling objects in there. So, be prepared if you decide to enter that room.

The Dexterity Training Room is a place to train your mobility speed. Once you enter, you will be asked to choose the degree of speed you wanted to experience. After that, you will be under a critical situation, where the place you are standing will fall down, ans you need to decide the next footing for yourself. There are also the flying objects to disturb your movement.

The last one is the Intelligence Training Room. I call it Einstein playground, as it will test your thinking ability, whether in ability to solve problem or to think fast. As you enter inside, you will be asked to select the difficulty level of the problem you wanted for yourself. Be prepared, as there are also the flying objects that will always disturb you."

"Did you already go inside?" asked Reika.

"Not yet. I just know all of this the moment I got the badge." replied Kurono. "By the way, every time you failed the challenges inside, you will die."

"What? Then, it is not safe to train inside, right?"

"Don't worry. If you die, you will be teleported here in the outside. You will also only gain one fourth of the supposed gain from training inside. By the way, if you succeed in your training, you will get up to 10% gain in the type of base you are training in, for your first five entrance. The next entrance, you will gain lesser and lesser, unless you change the degree of difficulty of your training.

For instance, if you train in the strength, you will first go to the twice amount of Earth gravity. If you succeed, you will gain 10% strength based on your current strength for the first five entrance to that strength room.

After that, you will gain lesser and lesser, from 10% to, 8% then, 6%, 4%, 2%, and no more gain. If you increase the gravity to thrice of Earth gravity on your six entrance, you will still get 10%. This is the same for the next difficulty. Also, the same situation is applied to the other two rooms."

"Hey, slow down. I think I'm getting some headache just to listen to your information." Kaze who was being silent all this time decided to spoke out. He is not the thinkers type. So, he only could catch the first few information.

"Well, just experience the training yourself, and you will understand." Kurono cut those long details, and just invited everyone to go inside to train.

At this time, Reika saw a weighing-scale-like object on the side. "What is this thing? A weighing scale?"

"It said Stats Checker at the top of the screen."

She tried to stand on top of it and looked at the screen. However, the things displayed on it was not her weight.

Stats Target: Reika Shimohira

Strength: 28

Dexterity: 27

Intelligence: 39

"Woah! It can tell your current stats? Also, it knows your name?" Sakurai was surprised when he saw the words on the screen.

"With this, we can check our progress everytime we train ourselves."

"Should we check everyone's stats?" suggested Kishimoto.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Reika got off the Stats Checker, and Sakurai get on top of the checker.

Stats Target: Hiroto Sakurai

Strength: 28

Dexterity: 32

Intelligence: 43

"Hmm...I guess my stats is pretty average. I'm just a bit better in Intelligence." said Sakurai.

Kurono on the side said, "The average stats for human is 30 for each Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence."

Hearing Kurono casually mentioned the stats for average people caused Sakurai to feel a bit dejected. His strength seems to be somewhat lacking compared to average people. He then tried to convince everyone. "I...I think, I will do my best to increase my strength."

Stats Target: Kenzo Sakata

Strength: 34

Dexterity: 35

Intelligence: 46

Sakata smiled when he saw that he was better than average. After that, the others also tried to check their own stats.

Stats Target: Kei Kishimoto

Strength: 25

Dexterity: 26

Intelligence: 38

Stats Target: Sei Sakuraoka

Strength: 37

Dexterity: 35

Intelligence: 38

Stats Target: Daizaemon Kaze

Strength: 46

Dexterity: 43

Intelligence: 26

The moment that Kaze's stats comes out, everyone was astonished and looked at him with a surprised eyes, admiring his advantage in strength. Kaze's ears turned a bit red as he felt a little embarrassed with their penetrative look.

"Kurono, it's your turn now. Go on." said Kishimoto, curious about Kurono's stats.

Sakurai also added, "Go for it leader. We want to see your stats."

As everyone looked expectantly at him, Kurono then stood on top of the Stats Checker.

Stats Target: Kei Kurono

Strength: 70

Dexterity: 58

Intelligence: 90

"Oohhh! Amazing!!"

"Wow! That's very high. How did he do that?"

"Kurono, how did you achieve that?" Kishimoto asked, looking at Kurono with a gleaming eyes.

"With training." said Kurono stoically.

The others looked at him unconvincingly. However, they somewhat believe that Kurono did undergone some training. However, just training doesn't seems to justify his high stats.

"Let's forget about that. Let's go enter the training room." said Kurono.

Kaze was the first one to pick a training room. He opened one of the doors to strength rooms, and entered into it. The door then closed the moment he walked in.

"Which room should we select?"

"Just pick whichever you think you wanted." said Kurono. He on his own picked an Intelligence training room.

Sakurai who already said that he wanted to train in strength took that type of training. On the other hand, Sakata took the intelligence training.

The last three girls looked at each other. They then decided to take the Dexterity training.


After finishing their training, Kurono and his two girlfriends drove back home, with Sakuraoka as the usual driver. While they are on the way back, Sakuraoka and Kishimoto asked some advise from Kurono regarding the way to use psychic powers.

Kurono just answered them honestly, according to what he know. He also take this time to teach the two his newfound skill, like the Psychic Barrier, and the Psychic Chainsaw. Although the two were still a beginner in the Psychic powers, they still managed to grab the gist of the techniques.


Suddenly, a big boulder was thrown and fall in front of the car. Sakuraoka was shocked, but managed to step on the brake and turned the car to the side. The black Honda Civic screechedon the side of the road, and finally stopped some distance away on the side roads.

Inside the car, Kurono suddenly felt danger coming to them.

"Watch out!"

Ching!! Swish!!

As soon as Kurono yelled his warning, a swords come down stabbing them from each side of the car. At the critical moment, Kurono used his psychic powers to move the entire car to the right side, hitting three to four men in black suit. Those people got flattened between the car and the wall that was constructed beside the roads.

On the other hand, seberal man in black just landed in the place where their car was previously.

"The hell? How did the car suddenly got thrown to that way?" questioned one of the men in black.

The other men in black suit also feel confused.

At this time, the four man in black who got flattened, rised their heads and squeezed out of the flattened situation. They are still alive!

However, something invisible flew hastily, and cut each of their heads. Next moment, the four men in black collapsed on the ground, and no longer have any breath.

"Kishimoto, Sakuraoka, are you alright?" asked Kurono worriedly.

"Oh no. Kishimoto is bleeding." said Sakuraoka worriedly, while holding on to Kishimoto who was bleeding on her head and her right hand. The bleeding on her head was because she bumped to the side of the car, while the bleeding on her hand was because a sword managed to cut through the front passenger's door, and stabbed Kishimoto's right hand.

Seeing that, anger suddenly boiled in Kurono's heart. He said, "Sakuraoka, please try to give her some first aid treatment. Let me settle these ambushers for a moment."

After that, Kurono opened the door, and stared furiously at those men in black suits. One of the men saw Kurono and said to his gang, "He is the one in the picture. He is the target. Let's go kill him."

These men in black suits are just one of the many groups that the Vampires sent out in order to hunt those Gantz Fighters. One of their target is Kei Kurono. Therefore, when they saw him on the roads in a black Honda Civic, they decided to ambush and kill him.

"Vampires! How dare you all attack us and injured Kishimoto. I WON'T FORGIVE YOU ALL!!"

Saying so, Kurono suddenly took out eight Buddhist Swords from his System Storage. He then controlled those swords and launched all of them towards the man in black.

Zwing! Ching! Shing!

In just an instant, many of the enemies lay down on the ground. The swords swished around and killed them.