
Gangster to Idol

Cain was living his best life as the leader of CROSS, a gang ruling Zone A, District 4. At 21, thanks to constant cigarettes and booze, he looked older than his years. He didn’t finish college or have a job, but he made a living through “guard fees” from local markets and his shady side business. One night, his life turned upside down when a shooting star crashed through his window, transforming into a cute fairy girl in a pink dress and rabbit hat, who declared herself the Idol-Idol Goddess! Now, Cain has to juggle being a gang leader and a rising idol star. Can he balance both lives without blowing his cover? [RPG System Style. No Harem. Drama. Romance. Face Slapping. Idol. Magical Realism. Urban Setting. Beautiful Female Lead. Strong ML. Smart ML. Handsome ML. Cold ML] XD

MiuNovels · Urban
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85 Chs

More than Just Dance    

The trainees mirrored her steps, some more in sync than others. The basic framework of the routine was simple: a few sharp body pops, a smooth slide across the floor, and then a burst of energy during the chorus where the choreography became more intricate — spins, jumps, and a challenging sequence of quick footwork.


Kalista paced in front of the group, eyeing their form. "Don't rush it. The trick to making this look effortless is in mastering the flow. Sharp, then smooth. Contrast. That's what makes it pop."


Cain, like the others, worked hard to catch the subtle nuances in Kalista's movements. He realized that while the moves weren't impossible, executing them with her level of finesse was another story.


The balance between fluidity and power was key, and Kalista embodied that perfectly.