
Gaming IRL?

Blake Corvin returns with his family to visit his old world before he had gotten isekaied. Read as Blake, Selene, and Lena get up to some tomfoolery in our world before taking a quick stop to the world of DbD, where all three proceed to absolutely clown on The Entity and it’s chosen Killer. You may need to read Gaming in the Underworld before this if you want to get the background information to the lore. It isn’t wholly necessary though.

Vargr_the_Skald · Videospiele
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15 Chs


The next day I went to a Swiss Bank after putting a glamor on myself so that I wouldn't be recognized. I remembered a few crypto currencies going supernova around this time in my past life. I had billions already but more money never hurt anyone. The teller behind the counter gaped at the obscene amounts of money I had hauled in and had called for a manager to 'help' me open an account. Less than an hour later my investments were made and I safely deposited half my inventory of cash in an offshore bank. 

 As I left the bank I ducked into a quiet street and flashed away into my pocket dimension. There I dropped the glamors on my face and looked at the house I had created.

I had a theory that my pocket dimension worked a bit like my Inventory. On that basis I should have been able to pull the home from here to the outside world.

I attempted a small experiment to test ny theory. I focused a bit of my power and shifted the entire building three feet to the left. When it did exactly what I had hoped it would I chuckled and teleported back to the hotel. 

"I've solved our housing situation." 

"What do you mean? We can stay in hotels, it's not that big of a deal." Selene responded. 

"No, I know it's not that big of a deal but I've managed to figure out how to have a home wherever we go." 

"Oh? And how exactly have you done this?" 


Selene glared at me, "Fine, don't tell me. Are we still staying here then, or are we moving to this magical house?" 

"We can stay here for a few more days, we're in Los Angeles right now it'd be a shame to leave before enjoying what the city has to offer." 

"What are you thinking?" 

"Nothing crazy, just a bit of sightseeing. Maybe drop by the beach so that the kids can have some fun for a bit." 

"You do realize that they're less than a year old right?" 

"Yes, and they're already speaking like three year olds and look the part." 

"Fair point." 

"Where are the kids," I had just realized that they were not in the room. "Lena too for that matter." 

"Took you long enough to notice. They're down by the pool, Lena went with them." 

"So we have some time alone?" I smirked. 

Selene crossed her arms, "Yes and I plan on using this time to speak with you." 

I frowned, "What about? I didn't do anything wrong did I?" 

Selene smiled, "Of course not, I'm just worried. The kids, if we travel worlds they won't have a normal childhood. I'd like for them to be as normal as possible." 

"They will be, I'll make sure of it." 

"I'm not sure that's entirely possible Blake. We're their parents. Our lives are as far from normal as it gets. What if the potential enemies we make target them." 

"Hey," I pulled her into my arms. "Like you said, we're their parents. If anything the assholes that target them will have to worry about the girls beating the shit out of them." 

"It's all happened so fast…" Selene sighed. 

"Are you having second thoughts?" 

"No! I mean, no. Not in that sense. I could never have second thoughts about you. You complete me, I'm just saying that everything that has happened has been like a dream."

"I never took you for a romantic…" I smiled at her.

She slapped my chest, "Piss off, I'm serious. Never in my life did I think I would be where I am today. A year ago I thought that my entire life would revolve around killing Lycans, eventually making a mistake somewhere along the way and dying because of it." 

"I know what you mean." 

"Now I'm a mother, to three daughters if you count Tiamat. I have a sister wife, and my life mate is practically a god." 

"Are you two about to get naked, because if you are I'll take the kids back down to the pool." 

Selene's head snapped over to Lena who was grinning by the doorway. Luna and Aurora peeking out behind her legs. 

"When did they start walking?" 

"A few minutes ago, they decided that they were done playing in the pool and snuck off to come back here." 

"That's- surprising. Though not unexpected, they're frighteningly intelligent for their age." 

"They're our children, of course they'll be intelligent." 

I could sense a bit of pride behind Selene's voice when she said that. I looked over to her and smiled at the look she had on her face as she beckoned our kids over. You could almost forget that she could rip a man's head off with her bare hands with how loving she looked.

I wondered if this is what she would have been like originally had she raised Eve from the beginning in the movies. Luna and Aurora giggled as Selene tickled them. Something clicked into place when I watched them. 

'This is it… this is my family. Something I've always dreamed of having. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I'd have kids.' 

Letting out a contented sigh I sat on the edge of the bed and turned on the TV. Which so happened to be playing a commercial, which conveniently was a perfume ad with none other than Kate Beckinsale. 

"Mommy look it's you." Luna cried excitedly. 

I let out a groan, Selene's head snapped over to the TV. I could hear her frown from where I sat. It was almost comical how wide her eyes got. 

"So it is… Luna go play with your sister. I need to talk to your father." 

Luna nodded and ran off to find Aurora who had gone off to Lena. Selene stood in front of the TV blocking my view. 

"Will this be a problem?" She asked. 

"Not in any way that I can think of, why?" 

"That woman, she's wearing my face. What if I get seen in public? People will mistake me for her." 

"Is that really a bad thing though? They'll think you're promoting a new movie or something." 

"Blake I'm serious here, I hate it when people crowd around me." 

"It won't be a problem. I'll put glamors on you if you decide to go out for a walk." 

"What are we even doing here, there's nearly nothing to do." 

"Not true, I had planned on taking you on a date. Lena can watch the kids and we can go have a quiet night to ourselves. No Lycans, no bloodshed, and no fighting. Just the two of us, making the most of the peace while we still have it." 

Selene sighed, "A date?" 

"Yeah, a date. You know, when two people  spend time together to become closer as a couple. Usually devolves into a night of hot steamy sex."

"I know what a date is Blake, I'm just surprised. We have kids, I hardly think we need to go on any dates." 

"On the contrary, date night is common and even encouraged for a healthy relationship." 

"Oh fine, alright. I've got nothing to wear on this date and I hardly think leather bodysuits are the fashion here so I'll need to buy some clothes." 

"Selene the Death Dealer in anything but skin tight leather? Oh I can't wait to see this." 

"Shut up." She sent me a glare that had no heat behind it, her lips twitching upward in a small smile. 

"We'll need to speak to Lena about watchcing the kids while we head out." 

"Already have it covered. You two enjoy yourselves." Lena said from behind us. 

"Were you listening in on the conversation?" Selene asked. 

"Of course not." Lena smirked.