
Gaming IRL?

Blake Corvin returns with his family to visit his old world before he had gotten isekaied. Read as Blake, Selene, and Lena get up to some tomfoolery in our world before taking a quick stop to the world of DbD, where all three proceed to absolutely clown on The Entity and it’s chosen Killer. You may need to read Gaming in the Underworld before this if you want to get the background information to the lore. It isn’t wholly necessary though.

Vargr_the_Skald · Videospiele
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15 Chs

Once More into the Fray

Not bothering to stop time I just flashed everyone back to my pocket dimension before we could be swarmed by the crowd of people.

Bill was sitting on the porch of the house when we walked up to it. He gave us a knowing look and returned to smoking his never ending supply of cigarettes.

I shrugged and stepped inside the house. Selene slumped onto the chair by the fireplace. Lena took the twins' hands and led them to their rooms. 

"I'm going to put these two to bed, I reckon we have a lot to talk about." 

"But I don't want to go to bed!" Exclaimed Luna. 

"Me neither." Muttered Aurora. 

"What's the harm of letting them sit in? They'll be exposed to our lives anyways. Besides, they're growing. They'll need to know." Selene added. 

"Fine, let's just start with what the fuck was that?" 

"The teleportation or the fact that your mother somehow also has powers." 


"She never mentioned them while you were gone. I felt a ripple of power once you left but I assumed it was you." 

"Time should have crawled to a stop, I jumped to another world which should have functioned sort of like a dungeon. Yet when I came back time was flowing as normal." 

"Time did slow, but not by much. Just enough to notice." Selene spoke up from the couch. 

"Grandma made veggies float." Aurora said. 

"So she has more than just teleportation powers… what else did you notice love?" 

"Ummm, her eyes were different colors papa." 

"Interesting, so we can't rule out someone impersonating my mom." 

"Her energy felt similar to yours Blake, she was your mother." 

"So she just hid the fact that she had powers for basically all my life?" 

"I don't know what to say." Lena sighed. 

"Wouldn't be the first time she's kept secrets. Doesn't bother me as much anymore." 

"Still, we don't know the extent of her abilities. What if she's like you?" 

"I doubt it, but let's shelve this conversation for now. The mortals got a few pictures of us after my mother teleported us. That may rear up and bite us in the ass." 

"It can't be that bad can it?" Lena asked. 

"I give it a few hours before the news outlets start talking. There's probably already posts on social media about it." 

"Might as well check." Selene motioned towards the TV. 

Turning the TV on I flicked through the channels until I found a news channel. They were reporting on some sort of conflict between China and Taiwan.

The news shifted to the entertainment section and I sighed. A picture of Selene and I was displayed along with a snippet from a blog.

I wanted to teleport to the newsroom and erase everyone's memories but decided against it. They reported on the rumors that 'Kate Beckinsale' had been spotted in public in what was apparently a publicity stunt for a new Underworld movie.

Then they mention me, and how I looked suspiciously like Brad Pitt and the potential that there was a torrid affair going on between the two actors. It was almost funny, Selene glared at the TV. 

"Well that's fun." 

Selene's eyes shot over to me, I shrugged. "What? You have to admit, it's a little bit funny." 

"We need to do something about this." 

"Like what? Post a video and deny the allegations?" 

"The people they think we are, they're caught up in this too." 

"They have publicists and PR teams that'll deal with it. I think we should just wrap up this vacation and move on." 

Selene sighed, "Alright, what now then?" 

"No idea, we can go fuck with the Vatican." 


Messing with the pope turned out to be funnier than I had expected it to be. At first I had wanted to pretend to be God and really shake things up.

Lena suggested making the poor guy think that demons and ghosts had invaded his office. In the end it was the better idea, the Pope had called for numerous exorcisms.

The joy I felt when I continued to harass the Pope after his 'exorcisms' made me giggle uncontrollably when I told Selene what I had done.

The twins listened excitedly and I could tell that they would grow up to be absolute menaces. We were on our final day in Rome when I spotted several suited men trailing me.

At first I assumed it was some sort of scam so I ignored it. Then one of the suits muttered something into his sleeve. 

'Fucking amateur, just gave himself away." 

Lena and the twins were back in my pocket dimension. Selene and I had opted to walk the streets of Rome to take in the sights during the day and try the local cuisine. I gently squeezed her hand as we continued to walk. 

"We're being followed, four men in suits two behind us and two by the cafe. I'm pretty sure they're feds." I whispered. 

"Want to take them down?" Selene replied. 

"Sure why not, attacking government agents is on my bucket list." 

"Is it really?" 

"Sure, who doesn't want to beat the shit out of feds." 

Selene rolled her eyes but grinned, "I'll take the two behind us." 

I returned her smile. "I'll take the two on the date then." 

In a blur of movement we jumped into action. The feds didn't know what hit them, all four found themselves tied up in a nearby alley hardly a minute later.

As Selene secured their restraints I destroyed their communications equipment and grinned at the lone woman of the group.

"Four agents for little old me? What have I done to get your attention?" 

The agents remained silent, Selene punched the dark haired man that had been one of the ones following us across the jaw.

The man grunted in pain as his companions struggled in their bindings. Using my power I separated them and sat them by the wall. 

"Listen, they may have trained you to resist torture but I've recently discovered that I'm really fucking good at ripping the information from you. Whether it be physically or mentally." 

"You'll get thrown in a hole for this." Spat the woman. 

"I doubt it, you have no idea what you're dealing with. But let me enlighten you." 

I pushed mental images of my true form into the woman's head causing her to stiffen up and cry out in pain. Her male colleagues struggled to help her but I held them in place with an outstretched hand.

The woman's screams died out and her eyes snapped open. She was shaking in fear, a puddle growing beneath her. 

"Might have overdone it a bit there." Selene mumbled. 

"Yeah, not everyday a god makes you see their true forms in your head. Then again I want to get this over with quickly." 

"I- I- we were told to tail you." The woman stuttered. 

Her companions glared at her and she returned their look with twice as much energy. "He can kill us all with a snap of his fingers, I'm more afraid of him than losing my fucking job." 

"She's smart, but let's continue. Why were you told to trail me." 

"Money, you had a lot of it but no record of you or where that money came from was found. The CIA got curious, then we saw a video of you appearing out of nowhere. We had thought that you may be some spy with new technology sent to destabilize the government."

"That's a fucking reach eh? Seriously? A spy?" 

The woman seemed to be regaining her composure, "That's all we had, what are you going to do with us?" 

"I could kill you all but I'd rather not, I have a date with my lovely fiancé to wrap up." 

"You're not worried they'll send more people after you?" 

Selene replied for me, "They'll try, they have very little hope in being able to do anything to us." 

"What she said. Besides, after today I'll be beyond your reach. I suggest looking for new jobs though, I know how seriously the CIA takes their jobs." 

I took Selene's hand and teleported us to a different part of the city. There we continued our date visiting different boutiques and exploring the expansive city. Eventually Selene grew bored and asked to go home. I obliged and teleported us straight to my pocket dimension.

She went off to see our daughters while I returned to the outside world. I checked on the feds and saw that they had been freed by more agents. A quick scan of their thoughts revealed that they still had no idea who I really was.

Which was a boon as I had planned to return to this world once in a while to check on my money. Satisfied with my reconnaissance I flashed up to a roof and opened my system. Dismissing a few notifications I opened the world jump tab and looked at my choices. 

'Well technically the only logical choice as I did promise myself to confront Hera.' 

I selected the world and confirmed my choice. The world around me shifted and I grinned. 

'Nobody said I couldn't go back a bit before shit hit the fan. This will be entertaining. Maybe I'll even see for myself just how much the Fates really manipulated my life.' 

With that the world around me flickered and I found myself standing at the foot of the Empire State Building.

I could sense the multiple powerful beings high above in the clouds. There was a crack of lightning and my grin grew wider. 

"Once more into the fray."