
Gaming IRL?

Blake Corvin returns with his family to visit his old world before he had gotten isekaied. Read as Blake, Selene, and Lena get up to some tomfoolery in our world before taking a quick stop to the world of DbD, where all three proceed to absolutely clown on The Entity and it’s chosen Killer. You may need to read Gaming in the Underworld before this if you want to get the background information to the lore. It isn’t wholly necessary though.

Vargr_the_Skald · Videospiele
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15 Chs

Blood Stained

Turning Carmina had been an impulsive decision but I felt that she deserved the revenge. Many would say that revenge was the wrong path to take but those people had not gone through what she had.

Even if the Entity had manufactured her ill luck, what she had gone through was completely fucked.

Not even the worst of prisoners on death row would have gotten tortured as she had. I put a hand on her shoulder and focused on the last images she had seen. Space around us shifted as we jumped through dimensions. 

'Huh, didn't think that would work.' 

Carmina immediately rushed over to her friend's bodies. I could hear her sobbing and apologizing to their corpses and contemplated bringing them back to life with my new skill. I decided that I'd give her the choice. 

"I can bring them back if you wish." 

"No, no. They deserve to rest. I will not bring them back to this world to face the dangers they've already left behind." 

"It's your choice, I'm just throwing it out there." 

"Thank you, but… I've already defied the natural order of things by coming back. Let's just get this over with so that my country can finally be free."

"Hopefully things change." 

"It will, I shall stay to make sure it does." 

"Alright, now where to?" 

Carmina said a quick prayer over her friend's bodies before straightening up. She walked over to a mutilated body surrounded by black feathers. She nudged the body with a foot. 

"This man may have known where their base of operations were but he's dead. I don't know where we are. We could be out in the middle of the countryside judging by how quiet it is." 

"Hmm, let me try something." 

I raised a hand and used my new skill. Watching in sick fascination as the shredded body pieced itself back together I waited for the man to sit up with a gasp. Carmina had averted her gaze when I began to resurrect the man.

I had heard her gagging earlier, she was now glaring at the man with pure hatred. The man cried out in pain as I lifted him up by his throat. Carmina's eyes glowed golden as she bared her fangs at the man. 

"Speak quickly and truthfully then maybe I'll spare your life." 

"I will tell you nothing demon!" The man cried out. 

Carmina hissed, "He will not talk. He works for Vack, he's probably one of their contractors." 

"We'll see about that." I chuckled darkly. 

The man's eyes widened when Dark Sister materialized in my free hand. I turned to Carmina to warn her about what I was planning to do. 

"You may want to look away, this is going to get bloody."

"N-no, I will stay… this man mutilated me. I wish to see him break." 

"Fair enough." 

"I- it's not natural! You're supposed to be dead!" The man shouted. 

Carmina growled at the man's outburst. I tightened my grip on the man's throat. 

"You know… I could just rip the information from your head. It's frighteningly easy what I can do with a bit of magic, but lately I've gotten a taste for torturing those who would harm the innocent." 

The man struggled against my grip, his hands trying to pry my fingers loose. I grinned at the man exposing my fangs. 

"Did you know that skinning someone won't kill them outright? No, the human body is a marvelous thing. It's not the bloodloss that kills you, it's the shock.

Fortunately I can keep you awake, alive, and completely conscious while I peel the flesh from your body." 

The man's wriggling doubled, I raised Dark Sister and cut a strip of flesh from his arm. The man screamed in pain as I cut another strip off of his arm. Carmina watched on, I could tell she was fighting back the urge to vomit.

I continued to hack away at the man's skin. His screams turned to hoarse croaks as his vocal cords were shredded. Once I ran out of skin to take off on his left arm I moved on to his leg.

The fabric of his black cloak did nothing to stop the mythica blade from removing a chunk of skin from his thigh. Tears streamed down the man's face mixing with the blood splattered on his body. 

"Pl-pleesh stgop- I-I I'll ARGHHHH!!!!" 

I hacked off his right ear with a flick of my wrist. I dropped his bleeding body to the ground and waved my hand over him healing all his wounds.

His eyes grew wide in panic when Dark Sister disappeared, being replaced by the Elder Wand. 

"Too late fuck face. I gave you a chance earlier and you didn't take it. Now I will rip into your mind, every secret you hold will be laid bare." 

"Please! Don't!" 

Carmina landed a punch to his jaw sending some of his teeth flying. She growled and lifted him by the collar of his cloak. 

"Begging for mercy? No, you get none. Not for what you have done." 

She threw him back on the ground and stomped on his leg. He cried out in pain as his ankle shattered under her foot. 

"Now, where was I… oh yes, ripping apart your mind for everything you know." 

I pointed the wand at him and cast the spell. I ripped through his mind, breaking everything in sight. Once I got the information I had been looking for I released the spell and glared at the man.

The man relished causing other pain, his memories of victims he had tortured or killed had been erotic to him.

Not even the vampires and werewolves had been as vile as this man. I returned the wand to my Inventory and looked at Carmina. 

"He's dying here today. What I saw in his head sealed his fate. Do you have any objections?" 

She shook her head, "None, but I need some air. That- that was not something I expected to ever see in my life." 

I watched her walk out of the building before turning back to the man who lay huddled into himself. His eyes had taken an unfocused look. I smirked at the man and pulled Dark Sister back out from my storage space. 

"For the crimes you have committed against your fellow man, your the torture and murders you have committed today. I, Blake Corvin of the House Corvinus. Sentence you to eternal damnation." 

Another edgy performance but it felt right, the cloaked man genuinely made me feel disgusting and I was supposed to be the Demonlord.

I stabbed the man through the head with the sword. I willed the Void to consume the man's body and soul, making the corpse disappear.

I took out Dark Sister's sheath and belted it on. Sheathing my sword I walked outside and stood next to Carmina who was taking deep breaths while looking out to the night sky. 

"It's done, his soul will never find redemption. I also have information on Vack, we're about thirty miles away from their base of operations." 

"It's almost done then?" 

"Depends on you honestly, despite their name, which again. Is fucking stupid, who the hell thinks 'Vack Label' is a good name? They are an international company even with the dumbass name. That means they won't be gone completely even if we do destroy their presence here." 

"Then I will continue to destroy every building they own, every business they have, every single bastard that works for them, and every coin they have. I will destroy it all and I will not stop until the disease is purged from this world." 

'She's committed, she wants to go down a slippery slope. One wrong move and she could become an even worse monster. I guess I could test out a few skills, technically this place should count as a dungeon so no time should pass outside of this dimension.' 

"Better get started then." 

Carmina's face shifted to grim determination, lips in a thin line she gave me a nod. I took her arm and teleported us straight to the office building from where Vack operated out of.

Around us workers shouted in alarm and called for guards. The former artist let out a scream of anger and charged forward, ripping people apart.

It was fascinating watching Carmina tear through people. Sometimes I could almost catch a glimpse of her shifting back to the strange form she had when I first found her. 

Guards finally burst into the room with their guns drawn. I drew Dark Sister and took a stance blocking their path to Carmina. Their attention on me I grinned, I could smell the sour stench of fear on them.

A man shouted in Spanish, it sounded like an order to drop my weapon. One I responded to by closing the distance and beheading the man. The guards shouted in alarm at my speed.

Using my new perk I danced around the security team. I was a blur of movement, my sword a cyclone of blood and steel. I couldn't help but appreciate the people who had created the fighting style I now wielded.

It was perfect for dealing with multiple enemies. Didn't hurt that it was unnecessarily elegant too. Blood splattered the carpet of the office, dying screams rang out around me.

Bodies littered the floor while injured workers tried to flee only to be cut down. Carmina and I made short work of the building's occupants. I had sealed the doors with my power as soon as Carmina had made the first move. These people had been doomed from the start.