
Gaming HorrorStory 2

Hey, I'm Jacob something terrible happened to me just last week and I don't think I'll ever recover I just got off home from work, got a bag of chips and went to my room and cut on my system. Been playing for a couple hours by myself until I know when my friends Alex and Mathew got home from basketball practice. I called them up and we started to play Call of Duty. There was this kid on the voice chat and he was acting really weird. At first I thought he was just a troll, just a little kid who have to much time on his hands who go on the game everyday and talks shit but the more he spoke I came to realize it was Elijah from school. Elijah is pretty weird kind of creepy too. I remember when he put a live mouse on the bathroom door and stuck him on there with a knife and I even heard he also follows girls home. Anyway as I'm trying to focus with Alex so we can win Elijah started his nonsense then out of nowhere he started to say my address then my doorbell rung. I ignored it, deciding not to give this creep any attention unfortunately my mom wasn't in the know and went and open the door then I heard the loudest most heart breaking thing in my ears. A gun shot. I didn't want to belive it, I wanted to think it wasn't real but when I ran out my room and downstairs there she was, lying on the floor, blood coming out her mouth and all I see is the blood from stomach seeping into the shirt. It was a while until the cops came all I could do is try to stop the bleeding but it already to late by the time they came she was already dead. They got Elijah that night and had him in pre. Although yes he did have an alibi that he was on the game with me he still wasn't in the clear because he obviously set up the hit. Apparently I was the one who was supposed to shot but since my mom the one who answered the door he ended up taking my bullet. I will never forgive him of what he done and he better hope we don't meet because while I'll be walking into prison he'll be leaving in a body bag.