
Games We Play -Shaman

Main world (DxD) Dungeons (GoT, Vanadis, Danmachi) Chaos Incarnate Raynor Valeron sent back to his time as a kid. He was living normally as any weeb would do with a second chance. That's until he saw someone on TV. From here out, his life has spiralled out of control. He unlocked a 'dungeon' and started his grind. Oh, he can't cheat. --- Mc is Neutral Evil, and his magic is Esoteric Shamanism, in other words ritualistic symbolism, including souls, blood magic, and beast taming. He has a partial Game system interface and dungeon, which acts like a doorway to the multiverse --- Tags: Evil Mc, Gore, alot of killing ( I mean alot...he killed over 50k in just 22 chapters, including some important characters), Souls slavery, Hunting, Kingdom building, supernatural, Gods, pillaging of bloodlines, totem magic, pets (Like wolves and Dragons), Harem and wars. Patreon: Patreon.com/DragonsFics Discord: https://discord.com/invite/denoffanfics

Dragon15681 · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

Bandits and Lord's Attention

"Hahaha! I can't believe how easy this was!"

"Walk in, take stuff, and leave. We should visit that hut occasionally. The boy has talent."

"Aye, the meat is delicious!"

Other bandits laughed while munching on the meat greedily. They never ate anything like this before, this was good stuff and a good snack if you slice it into small bits.

Before long they almost finished the entirety of a boar's meat just from a single sitting.

Seeing this the boss of the bandits was thinking to hoard stag's meat for himself. Being a Boss means you have some privileges.

Though some of the bandits who were on the watch stiffed as they heard something.


"What is it, Rodrik?"

"I heard something…"

Then another bandit on the other side of the camp heard something as well! It was as if something stepped on a fallen branch.

"Someone in the bushes!"

The bandit got the attention of everyone which split the attention of the group.

Everyone stopped eating and slowly stood up on their feet and slowly started to pull out their crude weapons. They had iron and bronze weapons only their boss had a castle-forged steel sword which he took from Noble's house guard.

Then there was another sound from the back, it sounded like someone or something scratched a tree…with sharp claws.

Then they saw something rustling the bush.

"...Robb! Check what it was! We are going to be right behind you!"

The Bandit Leader said with a serious tone, but this was nothing more than a sacrificial move. He doesn't mind sacrificing one of the youngest followers…

The teen boy nodded before slowly walking over to the bush.

What he didn't expect was for something to pull the boy in and what happened next was toe-curling screams as someone was shredding the teen.

Just a few moments later one of the arms was thrown out from the bush.

It was bitten off by something…

This was too much as some of the bandits tried to run away! Though the same stuff happened to others on the other side!

They were shredded and mauled by some sort of predator!

"Running away?"

A boy-like voice spread through the band of bandits.

"W-Who are you?"

"You eat my meat. Yet, you don't know me? That's quite the arrogance you have there."

"You are that hunter boy!!!" The Bandit Leader said with a furious tone.

"Aye, asshole. Just for you, I have tamed an entire wolf pack. They all are hungry, so I promised them fresh meat. Let's see how you like stealing from a kid."

As he said that growls spread through their surroundings, but they can't see any of these wolves!

"Even if it's a whole pack there are more of us here! Let's band together and then run out into an open field where we will get an advantage."

The bandit leader loudly said as he made the bandits gather around him. Though he is using them as a meat shield. If they're going to survive it's fantastic, he would not need to rebuild from scratch. However, if they all die protecting him then it's just unfortunate.

"Let's charge forward!"

As the band was about to begin the charge arrows started to fly one after another. Targeting their legs as one went right into the knee, another into the very feet which nailed the bandit to the ground.

Such an attack stopped the bandits in their tracks which affected his buddies behind him.

This was what the boy was waiting for… they bundle in one place so that he could start raining arrows.

Before long the bandit leader started to panic when he saw that his buddies started to drop like flies!

Out of 20 bandits by the end of it only 5 were left!

Honestly, he was so terrified that he nearly pissed his pants. Especially when he saw six wolves coming out from the bushes from all angles.

Leading the front was a big black wolf with yellow eyes.

Moments later he saw the boy walking out from the bushes as well. He had his bow in his hands. The boy was dressed in full fur leather.

Honestly, he was jealous of this kid's clothes and his pets! What the hell! A full pack of wolves!? This is just not fair!

"For what you did I will gut you like a pig. No one steals from me. Not after I spent this long working on that meat. You peasants even wrecked my hut. For giving me extra work I will make you watch how my wolves eat your friends!"

"W-Wait a second lad! C-Can we discuss this!?"

"Discuss what? You are a pathetic excuse of a man for stealing from a kid. What can you possibly have to offer? You look like a wildling from beyond the Wall, dressed in rags, which you no doubt have stolen as well. That weapon you are holding is no doubt stolen from some rich fool. What can you possibly have to offer?"

"...Boy I WILL—ahhhh!!!"

Arrow rammed into the man's shoulder.

"As I was saying you ignorant fool— Fuck…now you made me forget. Fuck this, Deimos tell your boys to start feasting." The Boy said that while lowering his bow, he forgot what he wanted to say!

The black wolf howled as the other five wolves started to circle the bandits.

This is where the bandits realised that this was it…


The bandit leader pushed one of his buddies into a wolf and proceeded to run away.

But this was where the boy pulled out his arrow quite casually, taking his time before shooting at the running bandit. The arrow is connected to the back of the knee. Making the guy scream in pain as he collapsed on the ground.

"You can have fun with these. I will deal with that peasant myself." The boy said to the alpha wolf as he walked towards where the guy was trying to crawl away from the screams and pleas of the remaining bandits.

The hunter boy stomped on the hurting leg making the bandit leader scream even louder than his ex-buddies.

"And now you even run from a simple boy and his few dogs. Aren't you ashamed? You are not even a man, just a worm."

He said that while putting his bow aside and pulling out his knives.

"F-Fuck you!" The bandit turned around and lashed back from his pain as he wildly tried to swing his sword. But the boy smacked the sword away and stabbed his knife into the bandit's sword hand's shoulder making the bandit scream even louder.

"I doubt you can even do that." The boy said that as he swirled his other knife. He was ready to start gutting this human pig.

"...W-Wait…don't kill me! You can take all that food back! T-There is still some stuff left! Y-Y-You can take whatever we have stashed away!"

"You are even dumber than I thought…I will take that stuff one way or another. But that's after I gut you." The boy said with a baffled tone. As he pointed his knife which made the bandit leader shake his head in utter fear.

Then the stabbing started. Yes, he will gut this fool. He hates to his very bones when someone makes his work disappear like this. None of these foolish primates know how much effort and time he puts into his stuff.

So if he has to slaughter over twenty bandits he will do it without even blinking.

A few moments later the hunter returned to where his wolves were.

He walked over and took the arrows out of the corpses where they were getting eaten by the wolves, he then proceeded to loot whatever he could from these fools, getting some of his pelts back. Others already were not useful anymore because those morons used them to sit on the dirt. No class at all!

What he found from the loot was so-so.

There was some pottery, some bread… Though what he found next made him slightly smile, he found salt.

Now that's some rare and good stuff. His meat will taste even better if he uses proper salt.

Though he did find some apples, which is something he didn't eat for a while.

'Heh…I could grow some of the fruits myself…'

Thinking for a while he could grow apples but the cold winters would destroy these fruits.

The first thing which came to his mind was…

'A boundary ritual?'

For a second he thought about creating a boundary field of some sort that would keep those peasants and primates away from his stuff.

After taking a basket of apples, a pot full of salt, and some pottery he proceeded to collect the iron weapons, and the steel sword.

Once he had all of that he then started walking back to his hut. Now he is going to need to spend several hours cleaning up the mess.


Time just kept on moving forward, after the incident with the bandits Raynor got two packs of wolves as security.

He quite affectionately named them Deimos and Phobos. After the Sons of War God Ares. Both of these Alpha wolves are large beasts that could shred a human into bits in just a few moments.

The only reason that these two packs of wolves can stand each other is because of the taming Raynor did and because they see him as their Alpha.

Though the appearance of two packs left Dogo in a tight spot. Well, this is where Raynor decided that the only thing his dog is good for is that he can be his pet.

As both Deimos and Phobos are beasts and they don't fit that well with his hut.

Regardless, after the mess with the bandits, Raynor needed to fix his hut and get back to getting his meat levels to an acceptable level.

At the same time, he focused on his clothes made from the pelts he had.

The process was utterly meticulous and long as he wanted proper clothes done with stitches, and not something as sloppy as just sewing slabs of leather together.

For that, he toyed around and tried to make a primitive sewing machine.

He didn't try to cheat but a tool is needed so thankfully he has something to make something similar to threads.

Apart from that he started working on something similar to make his boundary magic into reality as Raynor heard from the villagers that a few Lords want to meet him.

This has sent warning bells to him. Fuck Lords! He doesn't want to be an over-glorified guard or some hunter for hire! That shit is disgusting to even think about it!

So he either kills his way through them, which will give him more time to prepare as they would create a task force sent to deal with him or he plays hide and seek with these messengers.

He knows well enough that in medieval times something like 'No' didn't exist.

This is why he started to think about boundary fields.

In the end, he just shrugged. Yes, he winged pretty much everything, as this is what he does, so he started to carve four small totems that symbolise natural phenomena, he went with fog.

Once the carvings were done he transferred spare souls he had. Honestly, it was painful to lose a boar soul he had, but it was for the greater good and freedom.

Two stags, a deer and a boar soul were consumed by the totems.

To top it off he added some blood of the animals. Why he did that is something he is still confused about, but it did the trick as the totems started to react.

Though laying them down was another issue as he needed geometrical landmarks, so he rolled some boulders to work as intermediates to give more specific boundaries.

Eventually, the whole thing has been settled down.

And fog started to manifest. It was like a wall of white clouds blocking the way.

"Finally! Fuck you Starks!" Raynor exclaimed loudly as he looked at the fog in front of him.

The trick is very simple, at least for him. He only needs to walk forward, his senses and awareness are superior to regular humans so he can pass through this. Though the greatest reason for that is that he is the owner of the totems.

Which can be easily bypassed if you know where to look for the Fog Totems.

'Hehe…since I can make weather or nature phenomena I can make some other stuff which could help me with making some other stuff.'

The first idea he had was to make a weather control totem.

That's right! He might be in the North but he could make it so that the sun shines more brightly here or that it's clear skies all the time.

The ideas for that are quite endless. He could make the rain magically potent which would in turn make his stuff grow better.

'Fuck…now I sound like a farmer…'

'Well, I still have two years to stick around. And eating bland food is out of the question.'

After thinking for a bit he proceeded to carve another totem this time it had cycles drawn on it. Like rain, clear sky with sunshine, cloudy, or snowing.

He felt that this totem would need more than just one animal to power it.

So for that, he would make his other preparations as well.

~~~~~~Outside the Fog Barrier~~~~~~

A direwolf banner was flying high above. One of the riders was carrying the sigil of the House Stark. There was a band of 20 strong riders travelling with Lord Stark. It was not far from Winterfell, the capital of the North.

The issue was that some sort of fog appeared just north of Torrhen's Square.

This fog was weird. The weirder it was that it didn't feel natural.

"The smallfolk said that this is the exact area where this hunter boy is living.

This fog has surrounded this boy's house. They said that this boy has a pack of wolves that follows him and protects him."

"Lead me to this village, I want to speak with them myself." Eddard Stark said with a small frown as he looked at the thick fog.

"At once my Lord."

A short ride later the Stark Lord was in the village, they found the village elder who was all fiddly in front of his Lord and his small group of riders.

"Tell me what you know about this Hunter Boy?"

"M'Lord…the boy would come here to sell pelts and what he calls smoked meat. The meat he prepares is extremely delicious. We at the tavern finish it in just a few days."

"What does he look like?"

"...Um…I shouldn't say this M'Lord but…he has black hair and grey eyes. And wolves follow him…"

This made the Stark Lord frown, it sounds like something his father would look like, or more like a Stark… But it shouldn't be Stark blood, he is the only current Stark…none of his sons are old enough to have children and his only remaining brother is far from this place.

"Not long ago, according to the rumours he got robbed by local bandits, after this incident he got his pack of wolves and this fog wall… I believe he knows how to invoke the magic of children of the forests!"

The riders just rolled their eyes, even the villagers looked ashamed that their elder was talking nonsense.

"...I see… regardless I wish to speak with him, when he comes to sell his wears send him to me, you will be rewarded for doing that."

"O-Of course M'Lord Stark!"


While Lord Stark has been trying to find ways to see Raynor, the Hunter in question was inside the forest skinning another Boar.

Boar is something he likes. Not only are their tusks big and useful, and the meat is delicious, but their soul is one of the best. The only issue is that they are not as common as wolves.

Most likely the fact that Wolves eat Boars and more often Boars die from encountering wolves. Though in the end, a boar can still kill a Wolf. The issue is that wolves are pack hunters so a boar more often or not would be killed by the pack.

This is why Raynor is thinking of making the third totem into a boar. To make that piercing damage into a permanent thing.

After getting a few slabs of meat stored away the boy dropped the rest for the boys.

Deimos pack instantly started to shred the boar remains.

While the big dogs are eating the meat Raynor inspected the one that he just acquired. It was quite a big one.

'Turn it into a knife?'

He inspected the angles and he could imagine it becoming a dagger.

It reminded him of Bell from Danmachi and his Minotaur knife.

'The Dungeon…I would love to visit that Dungeon, I would fit in there perfectly!'

For a second he imagined hunting minotaurs, hellhounds, and small dragons.

'Ah yes, and meeting Ais…'

For a moment he thought about the hot blonde before shaking his head. And proceeding to order Deimos to start looking for another animal.

He still needs to acquire three more souls.


The first thing Raynor did when acquired the souls was return and power the Weather Totem.

After doing that he found out that the totem would need constant resources. Like fresh blood to change the weather and more souls if it's in constant use.

This leads him to quickly check out the fog Totem. Which once again made him frown. He truly needs to place another one after a while as he could sense the power slowly leaving from the totem.

A long-term solution is needed, some sort of artefact? Well, he could do that later, for now, it's Sun time!

With a few more brushes from his bloody finger, the blood was from a stag, and the totem glowed and the grey clouds started to disappear.

"Hehe, not bad!"