
The Church

What I didn't expect to see when I got out of my house, was a huge palace like structure peaking out above a huge wall.

Me: "What the hell is that!?"

We start walking as Wyat explains.

White: "That is the Church. Just in case you don't remember, no one is allowed in unless you were summoned by the Church, you are a Knight or if you are part of any Church."

Me: "Ok cool. How do I become a Knight though?"

White: "If you have awakened a Blessing, the Church will investigate whether or not it will be usefull. If it's a decent Battle Blessing, you'll be made an Apprentice then your training begins. If it's a Non-Battle Blessing, like Healing or Sight, you'll be excepted in The Church. Depending on how fast you learn and when your Master thinks your ready, you'll be a fully fletched Knight. Complete with all the quirks and advantages."

Me: "How do you awaken a Blessing?"

White: "Not everyone has one, so don't feel bad if you can't awaken yours. Also they usually awaken by themselves at the age of twelve seasons, otherwise it can be awakened by eating a blood rose, but there's still a chance that it won't awaken."

Me: "Well that kinda sucks. Do you have a Blessing?"

White: "I wish! If you awaken a Blessing, you're immediately seen as high as a Noble, you move to The Garden and you get a lot more and better food every day."

Me: "So judging from what you said, I can conclude that neither of us are Blessed, huh?"

White: "Nope, but we do ok. We have food we can eat, a bed to sleep in and most importantly, we have eachother to watch our backs."

Me: "Ain't that the truth Kid. I see your head's screwed on correctly. Hey, do I have a job of something? I just realized that I have a house and that I should probably pay rent or food."

White: "You HAD a job, but got fired three days ago."

Me: "Why'd I get fired?"

White: "You tried to... How do I put this nicely? Sleep with your boss's daughter before you were married. I don't even think you were dating."

Me: "Is that the reason I got beat up too?"

White: "It is yes. You messed with one of the most powerful people in Commoner Cage and he didn't like it."

Me: "Sucks to be me then."

White: *laughs* "I guess it does."

We walked for about five minutes until we got to a huge opening with a wooden stage in the center. On top of the stage was a single pole and two people with hooded robes(Man 1 and Man 2) along with a third person who's hood wasn't covering his face (Man 3). He also wore a silver necklace with a huge sun adorning his chest.

Man 3: "Morning Children of God! We're gathered again on a beautiful, gifted day to hear the words of Wisdom as well as witnesses two Cleansings. Father Mordecai, if you would do us the honours."

Man 1 then took out a big book and read for about an hour. It was hard for me to follow completely what was read, but the just of it was that of how God had stopped all magic for humans, because they had used it for evil, but his daughter chose a select few to be her champions and blessed them with magical abilities. Seeing what his sister had done, her brother cursed humans and forced them to do his bidding. God, after hearing his daughter's affection for the humans, decided that he too would Bless a select few people who would then make sure that the Cursed were punished for accepting the dark powers and that those selected by his daughter would flourish and protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

Me: (internal thinking) 'That would explain why the Church and Knights exist, but who are The Cursed that they keep referring to?'

Man 3: "Thank you Father Mordecai for inligting us. Now Father Elijah will lead us all in song. We singing The Redemption, Praise be to the gods and Thank You."

Man 3 then stepped forward and raised his hands. He started chanting and, I have to be honest when I say that it's sounded like something two bands, Skáld and The Hu, I used to listen to back on Earth would do.

Seeing as I'm not really from here, I didn't know any of the words to the songs, and thus I couldn't sing along.

Ten minutes later, the singing faded out and without warning, Father Elijah pointed at me and yelled:

Father Elijah: "How dare you refuse to sing the Holy praises to the gods? Knights, arrest him and bring him to the stage..."

Before I can even blink, two hulking men in armor grabs unto my arms and pushed me through the crowd.

Father Elijah (Cont'd): "His judgment will be swift and righteous!"

While I was being pushed to the stage, I heard a few people yelling "Burn the heathen" and "Put him on the stake". I just got here and I'm already going to die. Again!

I got on stage, and the crowd got really upset. A lot more insults and death declarations erupted when I was forced to my knees in front of the third man.

Father Elijah: "Explain yourself boy!"

Me: "I... I don't know any of the words Sir."

Father Elijah suddenly slapped me on the right side of my face with the back of his hand. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was mad.

Father Elijah: "You disrespectful pig! It's Father to you!"

Random person 1: "Burn the filthy heathen!"

Random person 2: "He's twenty seasons old, how could he not know the words? I say put him to the stake!"

Father Elijah: "That's an important question. Care to give us an answer or should we kill your parents alongside you?"

Just as I was about to try and defend myself, I heard White suddenly yell out:

White: "All Father! I, White Flower, sent you a message about my friend that was brutally ambushed last night and he was nearly beaten to death. We feared that he would not wake up again. It would seem that his body as well as his mind got hurt. This morning when I went to fetch him, he didn't even remember his own name."

Father Elijah: "Are you saying that your friend nearly died, forgot all about his live, and yet he knows how to speak, walk normally and has no limp or bruises? I don't ---"

Man 3 raised his hand up and Father Elijah immediately went quiet. Man 3, I can only assume is a higher rank and the one called All Father, rests his hands on my shoulders and tells me that I should stand up. The two Knights let go of my arms and I slowly get back on my feet, my legs trembling from the pain.

All Father: "You alright? You look like you're about to fall over any second."

Me: "I'll survive. Hurts a little bit though. (chuckles then winces)"

All Father: "You mind?" (points at shirt)

Me: "You want me to take my shirt off? (All Father nods) Ok, but why?"

All Father: "I want to test out a theory that I have."

I slowly took off my shirt, wincing with each slight movement, and as soon as it was off, I saw that I had no bruises whatsoever.

Farther Elijah: "I told you they were---"

All Father: "That is enough Elijah. By the way he winces with each movement and due to the lack of bruises, I conclude that [Enforcers] are to blame. Though commonly used by the guards, a few Gangs have members who were, or who's parents were [Guards]. They possess the ability to interrogate people, without leaving a mark. But let's get rid of your injuries, shall we? This might burn a bit. (winks)"

He suddenly closes his eyes, points his palms to me and chants in what sounds like it could be Latin. A few seconds later a warm feeling fills my body. As it travels through my body, however, the heat rises and I suddenly feel like my blood was boiling. I yelled out an inhumanly sound and fell to the floor. All Father helps me up and smiles at me.

All Father: "You okay? It hurt a bit more because it's a Holy Spell and you, not being from The Church, are filled with a little bit of evil in you. How do you feel now?"

I move my hips in a circle, roll my shoulders twice then jump up.

Me: "Mph! A lot better! Thank you All Father!"

All Father: "It's Cardinal Jethro actually, but Father works too. (grins)"

Suddenly, what looked like, game notifications popped up in my lower left peripheral vision.


[HEALTH NOW 18/18]



'Oh shit!!'