

'Oh fuck!'

I turned around and slowly took off the [Apprentice Ring]. A few seconds later a young man, about 25, jogged over towards me. He had a great sword strapped on his back and a short sword on his right hip. His hair was slightly longer than mine and he had a decently styled beard. If I had to guess, I'd think that he was a [Mercenary] or a [Guard].

New Guy: "Would you mind answering a few questions?"

Me: "Depends on who you are and what you want."

New Guy: (chuckles) "My name is Andreas Colour. I'm one of the new [Guards] assigned to this area. I'll let you off this time because I'm not in my uniform. Question is. Who are you? What are you doing out here? Where are you going and do you know a Tana Ore?"

Me: "Name's Kitai. I came to clear my head a bit by taking a walk. I'm going back home now and I used know Tana really well."

Andreas: "I see. And when was the last time you saw her?"

Me: "I honestly don't remember. Why?"

Andreas: "She was put to The Stake yesterday and now her house burned down."

Me: "That's awfully terrible, but what does that have to do with me?"

Andreas: "Well, it looks like you're walking away from the house and judging by the fact that you're walking speed would put you at about the same time the fire started, it could mean that you could have been in the area. Pair that with the fact that you knew her and it's almost midlunar, I'd have to say that you look suspicious."

'He's good!'

Me: "I guess it does, doesn't it? I'll admit that I was in her house, but I wasn't the only one. Two people broke in and were looking for [Witch] stuff to sell. I was hiding, so they didn't know I was there."

Andreas: "And I'm guessing that you didn't see them, did you?"

Me: "Nope. But I could hear one was a woman and the other was a man."

Andreas: "Did they say exactly what they were after or anything that you might think is important?"

Me: "Uhm... The man called the woman "Dear" and I heard them talking about devils or demons. I think their names were Helena, Deverell and Valerian. That's all I know. I got out as soon as I could."

Andreas: "Thought you said there were two people, but you mentioned three. (unsheathes short sword) Explain yourself street rat!"

Me: (sighs) "Are you dumb or just slow? There were two people in the house. You got that, right?"

Andreas: "Yes."

Me: "I don't know who they are or what they look like. Are you following so far?"

Andreas: "I'm with you."

Me: "Ok. Now these two people talked about devils or demons..."

Andreas: "..."

Me: "The guy said that he got info that Tana had valuable [Witch] stuff from someone called Helena and the woman mentioned the three names I gave you. You still confused?"

Andreas: "Makes more sense now."

Me: "So I can go?"

Andreas: "No. Your story is way too convenient. Two people just happen to be in the same house that used to be owned by a [Witch] at the same time you're there? Dropping the three most wanted criminals' names isn't helping your case either."

Andreas suddenly grabbed my right arm and twisted it so that it was behind my back. He sheathed his sword and grabbed my other arm as well.

Andreas (cont'd): "You have committed crimes against Oorlock. What say you in your defense?"

Me: "I'm telling you the truth. I'm innocent!"

Andreas: "Tell that to The Orb! I have enough to throw you in jail! Let's go!"

He shoved me all the way to jail. Occasionally pulling me through alleys and shortcuts, I presume, until after ten minutes, we arrived. It wasn't really a big prison, if you could call it that. It consists of the main building, I assume where you report a crime and ten small cells at the back. Nine of them were empty by the time I was thrown in mine. Andreas searched me for weapons and lock picks, but when he couldn't find any, he nodded with a surprised face and shut my cell.

Me: "I need to pee!"

Andreas: "There's a bucket in the corner if you really need to go. I wouldn't suggest it though. The last time it was cleaned was the day before Jerry retired. Two seasons ago."

Me: "Guess I'll keep it in then."

Andreas: "Your trial will be at Sun's Peak. (snuffs out all the torches) I'd suggest getting some sleep."

So I did.

Early the next morning, a deep, soothing voice woke me up. I sat upright, stretched out my arms, clicking my back and head into place and yawned. I looked out of my cell, but no one was there. I quickly looked around the area. I felt like a migraine was slowly building in my head.

Me: "Who's there?! Show yourself!"

Voice: "I'm not actually here, so I can't really show myself. You should put on the golden ring. It'll save your life today."

Me: "How do I know that I can trust you?"

Voice: "Did nothing I do for you prove that I am trustworthy?! I gave you the letter as well as bring you to this world."

Me: "Why didn't you lead with that? Wait! If you're the one who brought me here, why is this the first time I'm hearing your voice?"

Voice: "Does your head feel like it's about to explode? Of course it does. That's because I am a [Divine Being]. Your constitution is too low to withstand my power and seeing as your not my follower, it only increases the force needed to break through your mind wall. Now put on the ring. If everything goes well, I'll explain everything with the letter tonight. Gotta go. The guard is almost here! Also, deny having any magic. No matter what."

With that, my head felt better. I quickly grabbed the rings and put on the Gold one. It burnt my finger a bit. I checked the logs to see what the effects are.

[ [????]:

+ ????

+ ????

+ ????

+ ????

+ ????

- ????

- ????

- ????

* Needs appraisal to reveal abilities.]

"Seriously!! You tell me to put it on, but won't let me see what it does?"

The door suddenly opens up and Andreas, now in his uniform, walks in. His facial expression was a strained straight one.

Andreas: "Up! Turn around! Hands behind your back!"

Me: "Chill Andreas! (does what he asks) Where are we going?"

Andreas: (disgusted) "The Church."

Twenty minutes later, we stopped in front of the most beautiful building I've ever seen. Two guards were stationed in front of the entrance. I heard Andreas swallow behind me before he said:

Andreas: "Here for the trial of Kitai. Father Elijah is expecting us."

Guard (Right): "Back again Andi!"

Guard (Left): "Aren't you tired of this old game? I mean, it is the fifth false case you're bringing in."

I looked behind me and I saw that Andreas looked like he was sad, mad and embarrassed at the same time.

Me: "He's actually right this time! Just has the wrong suspect."

Guard (left): "I don't care what you have to say. Just go in and get out of our sight."

We walked into the building. He took me through a long, wide hallway that ended in three doors. We walked through the middle door and it revealed a huge courtyard. A temporary courtroom of sorts was built.

Elijah was sitting in the judge's seat. Seven hooded figures sat where the jury would be. The ring suddenly burned my finger again and when I looked at it, I saw three new notifications pop up.

[8 Users Detected]

[-1 HP]

[{Inspect} too low to determine levels]

Elijah: "You again!? Let both the [Scribe] and The [Inquisition] note that The Accused attacked a [Holy Knight Apprentice], has ties to the [Witch] burned at the Cleansing Ceremony and was disrespectful to a [High Priest] and the [Cardinal]."

The [Scribe] furiously wrote stuff down on a piece of paper.

Elijah (cont'd): "Today he stands accused of harboring a fugitive, using cursed magic, destroying evidence, accusing false witnesses, conspiring against The Church, and lying to The Church. What say the [Inquisition] of this...boy's fate?"

The seven figures looked at eachother. Some of them nodded and others looked confused or shook their heads at the rest.

Andrea: "Wait! Hold up Father! Where's the trial? You can't just accuse someone and then pass verdict. It's not fair!"

My finger burned again. The same three messages appeared.

[9 Users Detected]

[-1 HP]

[{Inspect} too low to determine levels]

Elijah: "Silence Child!! I am the law in here and what I say go---"

Jethro suddenly walked in, or should I say out, to the courtyard and stood behind Andreas.

Jethro: "Unless I am here that is. Now tell me what's going on here."

Elijah: "We were---"

Jethro: "Not you Elijah. I'd like to hear from both The Accused and the [Guard] who brought him in. Kitai?"

Kitai: "Well... You see Father. I was arrested by Andreas here. (points at him with head). I was brought here for a trial, but I only got accused and Elijah immediately asked the [Inquisition] for a sentence."

Jethro: "Is this true, Guardsman?"

Andreas: "Ye...yes Father. We just got here and the Sentencing is already commencing. No Orb was placed. Witnesses weren't called. Evidence wasn't presented. So this isn't a Trial. It's an Execution."

Jethro: "I see. What is The Accused charged with?"

Andreas: "Harboring a fugitive, using cursed magic, destroying evidence, accusing false witnesses, conspiring against The Church, and lying to The Church. I have proof of only two of these crimes. He was in the house mere minut---"

Jethro silenced Andreas by lifting his left hand. He then brought up his right hand, palm upwards, closed his eyes and summoned a clear ball.

Jethro: "Now that we have an Orb, we can really start this Trial. Would you mind swearing to it? Both of you."

Me: "Sure!" Andreas: "Yes, Father."

Jethro brought the Orb closer to Andreas, who placed his hand on the it and a white light came from it.

He then walked to the front of me, holding the ball out towards me.

Andreas: "First Trial?"

Me: "Yes...well...I think so?"

Jethro: (chuckles) "You'll be fine. Just place your hand on the Orb, swear that you'll only tell the truth. It can be out loud or silent, and then tell the truth when someone asks you something."

Elijah: "Seeing as this is MY trial, I'll be asking the Accused the questions. You have no problem with this Father Jethro, do you?"

Jethro: (smiles) "No problems here Elijah. It is your trial anyway. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about."

Elijah scowls at Jethro.

I reluctantly put my hand on the Orb and swore that I will tell the truth.

Jethro: "You may start the trial Elijah. I'll just stand in and watch. I don't think I've ever attended one of your trials before."

Elijah took a deep breath and started with the trial. Again.

Elijah: "Would the Accused please state his name for the records."

Me: "Kitai."

The Orb suddenly shined blue.

Elijah: "Could the [Scribe] and the [Inquisition] please note that the Accused, Kitai, refuses to answer fully by not stating his Title with his name."

Me: "That's because I have no Title. As far as I know, I'm only Kitai."

Again the Orb shined blue.

Elijah: "Rectify the records of this. Now Kitai. You stand accused of multiple crimes whereas the first one is harboring a fugitive. What say ye to defend yourself."

Me: "I don't exactly know what you are talking about..."

The Orb turns purple.

Me (cont'd): "Would you mind explaining this accusation to me?"

Elijah: "Hmph. The [Witch], Tana Ore. You knew her for a while before she was revealed to be a cursed one, right?"

Me: "I....did, yes."

Elijah: "So you knew she was a [Witch], yet you failed to report her. That's only the first crime you're accused of and already you're guilty. I say we skip the rest of the Trial and sentan----"

Me: "I knew her yes, but I didn't know she was a [Witch] before last night. I'm not guilty of harboring a fugitive."

Again the Orb shined blue.

Elijah suddenly scowls at me.

Elijah: "Fine. Next. Order. Of business. The Church, after a thorough examination, have found that the [Witch], Tana Ore's, house was burned down with the use of cursed magic. Therefore he will answer for the two crimes, Burning Evidence and Using cursed magic, at the same time. [Guardsman] please present your evidence to The Court."

Andreas: "Yes Father. The Accused, Kitai, was arrested by me last night at about midlunar. He was arrested due to the fact that his distance was consistent with his walking speed, putting him at the scene of the crime at the same time the fire had started. The reason he's the only one arrested, was because he was the only one found in the area it would take to walk there."

Unfortunately, the Orb shined blue.

Jethro: "May I ask how you determined that he was the culprit? Besides the fact that he, as you said, was the only one arrested because it sounds like you're grasping at straws and plan to let him take the fall because you don't have any other leads."

Andreas: "My dad was a [Hunter] all his life and he had taught me everything he knew. I didn't just arrest him after I saw the house burning. I assessed his movement. Checked his breathing and when I arrested him, his pulse confirmed that he was moving like I assumed."

Again. Blue Orb.

Elijah: "So he was there? Inq... Wait. Important question that needs to be asked. Do you posses any magic Kitai? Blessings, Corruption, Curses or Hexes?"

Me: "Blessings, no. Curses and Hexes, no clue. I actually don't know what the difference is between the two to be completely honest. I have no idea what Corruption is."

The Orb stayed clear for a few seconds and the entire room went silent. I swear, if a butterfly farted, we'd hear it. After what feels like an hour, in reality it was only ten seconds, the Orb went blue.

Me: "Not gonna lie. That was scary."

Jethro: "The Orb had to first detect if you had any magical traces in you. You felt that time lapse, didn't you?"

Andrea: "It's weird, I can tell you that."

Elijah: "Since The Accused doesn't have any traces of Magic, it's safe to say that he didn't destroy evidence either..."

Elijah closed his eyes, placed his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose, shook his head from side to side twice, took a deep breath and exhaled as he put his hand on his chin.

Elijah:(cont'd) "I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm getting tired of this trial, so I'm just going to ask it all at once. Did you accuse false witnesses. And did you lie and conspire against The Church?"

Me: "No. I was at Tana's house, because I had lost my memories and I thought I might find some answers. I haven't told a lie to anyone in this room since yesterday and I sure as hell never conspired against The Church. At least not that I can remember."

The Orb turned blue, went clear, tuned blue again, went clear again and suddenly turned a weird yellowish colour.

Jethro: "Interesting..."

Andreas: "What does that mean?!"

Jethro: "It means that Kitai here told us the truth twice, but the third time... We don't know. It's usually only turns blue for truths, red for lies and purple for half truth. We'll have to consult with The Book to see. Kitai is free to go."

Jethro turns around and walks halfway out before Elijah suddenly slaps the table with his palm and yells out:

Elijah: "This is MY trial!! I won't stand by and let a snot nosed---"

Jethro just stops and a sudden pressure radiates from him. Without turning his head, he slowly and calmly said:

Jethro: "May I remind you (emphasized) High Priest (stops emphasizing) that I am your Cardinal and I have the final say. If you ever question my authority again, I'll have no hesitation stripping you from your rank..."

He balled his fist and the Orb explodes in thousands, if not millions, of shining pieces.

Jethro: "Is that understood, Father Elijah?"

He continues walking and leaves. The entire room is filled with silence. No one daring to move or speak.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw three notifications:

[Fear check initiated

Fear check failed

You're scared shitless]

'Yea! No shit Sherlock!'

Scribe: "Th... th... th... that c... c... c... concludes...the trial?"

The Inquisition all look at Elijah. He slowly nods once. Everyone slowly gets up. Andreas slowly walked in front of me and pointed at the door with his head and started walking. I took it as my queue to leave. As I'm about to leave, I look back and see everyone except Elijah shuffling out. Elijah just stared at me. He was livid.

Once outside, Andreas exhaled deeply.

Andreas: "Look.... I'm sorry for dragging you into this. If you ever need a favour, let me know."

Me: "I might just take you up on that offer."

*Back at my house*

As I neared my house, I saw White waiting for me.

White: "What did you do?"

Me: "Nothing! Why do you think I'm the guilty one?"

White: "Because I know you Kit. Now let's go. I think you need a bath."

*After bath: My house: Night Time*

I plopped down on my bed, ready to go to bed again, when a notification popped up in front of me.


[You have completed the basic tutorial. Would you like to continue to the advanced version? (Leveling Up, Attributes, Experience Categories, Classes, Help etc.)



"Sure! Go ahead."

Just a few Key queues for when you're reading this book.

Key: "Speaking out loud."

'MC Thoughts'


Notification pop-up



I'll update them as more are added

DrehWahBokcreators' thoughts