
Gamer System: Marvel [Dropped]

A young Man travels the world of marvel experiencing the dangers and beauty of the world he resides in

Timoteo_Cubero · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Meeting Steve

We start this chapter with Leon walking down the streets of queens.

'If I want to join the military I need to meet dr abraham and join the military to also maybe join the super soldier program' Leon though to himself.

Leon saw a newspaper and got curious and bought one.

'That's right maybe I will meet him in the stark expo' Leon though reading the newspaper about the stark expo.

Leon started walking to the stark expo expecting to meet dr abraham.

"Ladies and gentlemen what if I told you with few short years your automobile won't have to touch the ground at all" Howard stark spoke to the audience about his new invention.

Leon looked for the military personnel that recruited people for the war.

Leon saw military personnel and walked up to them.

"Hello sir I would like to join the military hoping to serve this country" Leon said.

"You will meet us tomorrow morning were we will pick you up and other recruits to go to the training camp" the military personnel said.

"Thank you sir I will serve this country and bring glory to the nation"

Leon said.

[Mission Generating]


[Mission description :

You hope to join the military and rise to the ranks to help the army win the war for the nation.

You need to be stronger to rise through the ranks and join in the battlefield.

[Mission conditions :

Complete the task below:

Join the military (not completed)

Get stronger (not completed)

You need to be at least major rank in the military (not completed)

Win a battle (not completed)

Win the war (not completed)

Failure penalty:

Possible death


"I expect that from you recruit" the military personnel said happily.

Leon stoped Talking to the person and looked for Steve hoping to make befriend him and taking the program together.

Leon spotted Steve talking to the military personnel and leaving disappointed and sad.

Leon ran up to Steve to talk to him.

"Hello my name is Leon" Leon approached Steve.

"Hello my name is Steve" Steve said confused about why someone would approached him.

"I just saw you talking to the person why did you leave degectively" Leon said.

"Nothing it's just me trying to join the army but got regected because of my weak body" Steve said.

"You do look weak maybe you have exercise and eat more maybe you can put on some muscles" Leon said.

"Well I can't afford them" Steve said.

"Steve!" Bucky called out.

"Who is this?" Bucky questioningly asked.

Bucky saw Steve talking to someone and called out Steve.

"Ah meet Leon" Steve said to bucky.

"Names Leon" Leon said.

"Names bucky" bucky said shaking hands.

"Anyway what were you two talking about?" Bucky asked.

"It's just me being regected by the army" Steve said.

"Well it's getting late I better go" Leon said saying goodbye.

"Yeah take care" Steve and bucky said.

Leon walked home but he met some thugs walking to the alley way. He would just ignore them be then he heard a girls scream. Leon rushed to see what's going on.

Leon saw the thugs surounding the woman.

"How about you just give us the money huh?" thug 1 asked

"I...i don't have any money with me" the woman said nervously.

"Don't fuck with us give us the money or you can give us something more enjoyable" thug 2 said.

"Now now how about we discuss this" someone said behind the thugs.

"Who are you?" Thug 2 said.

"That does not matter what matters is what are you going to do to that woman" Leon said.

"Boss let's fuck him up his just one guy" thug 3 said.

"Yeah boss let's fuck him up" thug 4 said.

"What are you waiting for go fuck him up" the boss of the thugs said.

The thugs started surounding Leon ready to fuck him up.

"Boss I will go first" thug 3 said.

"Come on are you a pussy come fight me" Leon said provokingly.

"You little shit!!" Thug 3 said angrily as he pounced on Leon.

Leon barley dodged his attack luckily his former bodies owner performed basic exercises.

[Skill learned]

[Evading] lv:1

Evading reached max level due to passive skill instant mastery.

[Evading] lv:100

[Passive Skill]

Skill description:

When someone attacks theirs a 90% chance you evade the attack thrown at you no matter what attack be it physical or magical attacks.


"That's a great skill to have" Leon said.

"Now it's my turn" Leon said as he throws a punch at thug 3.

Because thug 3 has no time to recover his attack earlier he got punched in the face. Thug 3 staggered as he did not expect him to dodge the attack and landed a punch on his face.

[Skill learned]

[Unarmed profeciency]

Unarmed profeciency reached max profeciency due to passive skill instant mastery.

[Unarmed mastery]

[Passive Skill]

Skill description:

You have mastered the art of unarmed fighting and all it's style.


"Why you!!" Thug 3 said ready to punch.

Before he can throw the punch his face met a punch which caused him to break his nose and knocked him out cold on the ground.

"Wha....how?" The thugs asked themselves what just happened.

"Now who's gonna go next" Leon said.

"Don't get to arrogant. All of you go at him together" the boss said.

"Yeah! let's go together" the thugs said as they lunched themselves to Leon.

Leon started a massacre he punched kicked,elbowed,headbutted, and destroyed.

"Spare me... Please" the thugs boss said as he witnessed the massacre Leon did to his gang.

"No" Leon said as he knocked him out leaving the woman dazed about what just happened.

"Go leave" Leon said to the woman as he too returned home tired and sleepy.


Hello author here if there's anything wrong tell me and give me advice

What do you want the reward to the mission be.