
Gamer Emperor of the Multiverse

After deciding to re-read the original, The Gamer webcomic our mc realizes Jihan is far too reliant on magic, and the whole story can be summed up as putting points into his magic stat... A god hears his thoughts and decides to test that theory.

Azazyel · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 17

I focused on the sealed forms of Musashi and Ahri and after a moment of thought... I realized if anything Ahri was frankly more important with how she looked and bore the same name as the Ahri from League of Legends.

So after a quick inspection of the tank to see if it was actually a life support system and finding it was just a system of seals that sealed the girls in stasis, I stabbed a water blade using my Water Familiar into the bottom of the glass and from the hole I punched into the glass gushed blue liquid that made me grimace at the sight of.

The blue liquid quickly turned a ruddy red as soon as air was introduced to it and a quick observation later and I was honestly about to puke. [Virgin Blood.] [Blood taken from an extremely young child unsoiled by the world and bearing no real power beyond its purity which makes it one of the most potent preservative agents.]

Just more reason to kill those deranged Gumiho queens...

Either way, I focused on Ahri as the tank drained and I made no mention of the blood's properties even as the blood drained down into a grate in the middle of the room I didn't notice.

"So how do you plan to ask for her Fox Marble? You going to threaten her life for it?" Yuki asked somewhat curiously and without judgment in her voice.

I shrugged waiting for the glass to fully drain and as it did Ahri hit the bottom of the tank and her previously floating tails fell around her. But as I went to carve open the glass pillar to remove her, Ahri's eyes snapped open with terror in her eyes as she looked around wildly.

"Calm down," I said deeply and her eyes widened at seeing me.

Her eyes looked at me in... Something akin to rapture, to worship, to a savior. And I realized whatever those two Gumiho had done to these girls, had intrinsically broken something within them.

"You..." She whispered and she placed her hand on the glass that separated us and I saw a fat tear escape both of her eyes as she giggled wetly and then burst into mad laughter that made Yuki beside me shift and I felt a small temperature drop as she subtly formed a dagger of ice within her hand.

But I tried to calm down things, as I took a step in front of Yuki and closer to the pillar as I spoke softly. "Indeed me, so may I know the name of the beauty within the pillar of glass in front of me?" I asked calmly and she visibly took a huge deep breath that made her bare breasts do all kinds of wonderful things.

"My name is Ahri number 7653 born January fifteenth in the year 1865. I am virginal still and I have only lost my fingers and toes to servants eating them when my guardian wasn't able to catch them quickly enough... Are you taking me as your concubine?" Ahri seemingly recited the first chunk of... Fucking terrible things that made me shudder to think about and then her second half, had such hope, and literal desperation in her voice that I my system pinged.

[User has gained skill, Empathy!] [Empathy, allows the user to tell the true unfiltered feelings a target is feeling regardless of a person trying to dull their feelings or hide them.]

The sheer emotional output, she was putting out was so strong in her desperation that like when facing the killing intent of John Wick I picked up a skill that could pick up negative intent in an area.

In a brief moment she asked that and looked at me I glanced back to Yuki with my eyes open in a clear question 'What the hell?' But she literally just rolled her eyes and waved her hands as though to say 'get a move on.'

So I looked back at Ahri and her eyes had widened and she was shivering at seeing me look away from her probably and I could all but feel the sheer fear rolling off her that made me wonder just how broken she was. So to get an idea of how broken she was. I decided to go for broke, I stepped forward hardened my hands with the rip-off Haki that was the Martial Intent skill and I broke the glass pillar surrounding Ahri to let her free.

Once a hole big enough for her to climb out was opened I looked back into Ahri's blue eyes and I smiled softly as I held out a hand to her. "Please, come out and I have a couple of questions. And then yes, if you wish I can take you as a fox wife if you so desire."

Ahri's thin and smooth hand carefully reached through the opening and as her hand made contact with mine, I felt her hand thread into my own with her fingers coming together within my mind as she whispered. "You are warm." Then she climbed out of the tank still fully nude but as I went to let go, her hand tightened and she whispered louder. "Please." I paused and then nodded as I smiled wryly and then asked.

"So... why do you wish to become my fox wife so quickly and no threat to your life?" I asked honestly confused. It was, to say the least entirely too damned easy.

My question was proved correct as she swallowed but instead of her answering it was Yuki who spoke coldly. "Because she is terrified of the queens of this realm, Daijin and Konria, her much older half-sisters... To say nothing of her mother."

Ahri shivered at hearing the two names and nodded with a weak smile coming to her face as she spoke weakly. "I was born with not even a name given to me and merely a number, the number of my birth that was a Gumiho that wasn't immediately eaten by my mother for her to recover from the exertion of childbirth." She spoke flatly and I could tell this was another fucked up mythological story as she continued.

"First-generation Gumiho have the worst survival rates of all races due to our own mother eating us whole, even into our teens. Only should we be claimed, do we actually become a person within her eyes... Along with the majority of other first-generational Gumiho." She visibly took a deep breath as she continued. "Please... I can tell you are kind, by not eating me when I was still sealed, please have the kindness to own my soul and body and give value to myself. So I can become a person!" She pleaded.

This was just too much honestly. All I could say was the end result with me holding out my palm to her. "Then give it to me. Your dark soul, I mean your fox marble." I said slightly sheepishly while I heard Yuki's facepalm in the background.

Her kitsune ears twitched as she blinked in confusion, but then my words seemed to fully register within herself, and she processed my agreement.

Her face held such hope and fear of myself suddenly rejecting her that even as her throat expanded to pull out her Fox marble, I could tell she was waiting for me to change my mind or in some other way call it off.

But I didn't.

As she sat there kneeling with the brightly glowing Fox Marble coming up her throat and actually glowing powerfully enough the glow was visibly through her throat. I brought my hand closer to her face.

And as my hand came to rest against her cheek I could feel through my new Empathy skill a sort of mad hope, a sense of just overwhelming joy as she spat out the cue ball-sized Fox Marble that almost blinded my eyes at the sight of its inner power and potential. Then as my bare hand made contact with the crystalized soul of Ahri I felt the connection form between us with my system pinging and registering her as my own.

I held her cheek softly as one last tear from her right eye fell down as she giggled and sobbed in equal measure as she finally whispered. "I earned my name." And then she tittered in place and my face twitched as her eyes rolled up and she collapsed forward into my arms as I quickly kneeled down to catch the nude fox girl in my arms.

"And I thought the Drider clans or the Akkadians were brutal in their care of children," Yuki muttered and I looked over in confusion and she said flatly. "The half spider and half humans are called Drider's and likewise the monsters that are half scorpion and human are called Akkadians for some reason... Either way, they are both infamous for their disregard for children and have comically large birth numbers to keep their numbers up." She explained and I shivered as Yuki went on to explain how the Driders would force eggs into people, supernatural beings, or other monsters to hatch their young over a period of literal years with the hosts kept in agony as the Driders' venom kept the prey in a state of almost suspended animation.

"I am going to burn that realm or wherever the fuck those Drider's live to the ground even if I have to marry Kiyohime and deal with her insanity," I stated shivering at that horror show Yuki explained, and the ice woman just fucking chuckled as she teased.

"You want to know the reproductive cycle of Akkadians? They are even worse." She stated teasingly and then as I went pale she continued. "Or how about the Shark Youkai breeding pits?"

I reached into my inventory and threw a fucking air mattress at Yuki making her squeak in outrage as the admittedly heavy rubber air-filled bed smacked into her. Then as the air mattress fell down to the ground I gently lifted Ahri up and placed her into bed... And gave one of those fantastic tits a honk as I adjusted her arms.

"Alright enough trying to freak me out, Yuki," I said dryly she snickered at my face and then she looked at Ahri and asked me a good question.

"So... What are you going to do with the broken girl, breed her, and use the resulting high-tailed offspring as a puppet for controlling the realm or something?" She asked uncaring of Ahri's fate honestly.

Which... I wasn't exactly happy about it, but I wanted Ahri and I needed to figure out something to do with her other than just. Using her. I responded with a wry shrug. "I am not sure, I will try to build her up into something better, but worst-case scenario. I can always help her grow powerful and she just works on magical stuff in the background... It's up to her." I said with finality as, as much as I would love to build her up and make Ahri great.

I still had my own goals and ambitions and I couldn't settle down for who knows how many months building Ahri a new personality, Hopefully, the other kitsune can help her mature into a more stable person though... Maybe I can make that Amagi's job to get ready for her own kids on the way?

Either way, Ahri was knocked out cold due to the strain of waking up from stasis without recovering naturally and the emotional exhaustion from the massive amounts of stress she went through in giving me her Fox Marble. So I looked over to the tube carrying Musashi.

Musashi had knockers that matched Shinano's and it was a stark reminder that despite the crazy monsters running around causing misery this still had DxD in it... So the titties came large and jiggly by default. Seeing an actual petite woman was the actual rarity.

"Well let's try door number two now," I said wryly and then Yuki and I moved Ahri on the air mattress across the room in case Musashi was unstable or instead insane via overly dependence and trauma. Or in case she was just violent in any way.

I did the same as before in calling upon my Water Shikigami/Elemental and formed the crab claw blades over my wrist so as I punched into the glass pillar the crab claws snapped shut with the inside of the claws being jagged ice that held very surprising durability as it broke the lightly tempured glass.

The broken glass pillar then drained itself of its fluids onto the floor with the blood seeping into the grate in the center of the room with a nasty noise that made me shudder at how thick the blood sounded as it dripped into the drainage system. But either way I focused on Musashi as her form floated down to the bottom and as the rest of the blood seeped away from her and no longer covered her face.

I could see her eyes open but not snap open with fear like Ahri's did. No, hers opened dully already tired of and wary of what was to happen as she has awoken. But as she looked around and saw me and Yuki she blinked.

And I saw pure confusion within her eyes as she tilted her head to the side as she looked at me in particular and said. "Ah. Are you mother's new breeding stud?"

My face twitched, as I was well aware of the Gumiho Queen and how she treated her paramours. So I quickly answered. "No... This is the castle of one of her daughters that we captured and found you in. Are you alright?" I asked searchingly, looking for some kind of psychological red flag but even with my Empathy skill.

All I could feel from her was a literal void. No.. I got it, she simply wasn't feeling anything at all right now on the emotional spectrum.

She simply tilted her head to the side and asked almost tiredly. "Ah, then can you fix the pillar and put me back to sleep then?"

In response, I pulled the pillar apart and her eyes didn't even flinch at the crashing noise of the glass being pulled aside and I leaned into the pod close to her face, and still nothing. Not a hint of emotion rose within her soul it felt like to my skill.

'Is she a clinical sociopath? A damaged soul? What's up with her?' I wondered as Musashi only blinked and tilted her head slightly at me.

She then spoke again. "May I help you with something?" She asked with zero care, and I mentally said screw it and I nodded.

"Yes, may I have your fox marble, so I can try to fix you?" I asked frankly.

Musashi stilled for a second, and then my eye twitched as she nodded without any care and then the same larger Fox Marble started being pushed into her throat and then without any fanfare she let it slide out of her mouth and into my palm earning a ping from the system and even as Yuki sighed and muttered behind me at how ridiculous this was, I heard my system ping again beside the usual congratulations for soul binding a fox wife.

[Warning Fox Wife Musashi's soul gem or Fox Marble has microfractures through its form due to Musashi having given up on living down to a soul level and her soul is being currently absorbed into the Shinto afterlife of Yomi due to her utter disregard for life.] [User must give Fox Wife Musashi a reason to live or her physical body will perish.]

I looked at the Fox Marble in my hands and beyond its overwhelming glow I could tell my system was right on a much closer inspection as hairline fractures went through it. So I quickly put it into my system storage in a special trophy room slide where all my other Fox Wives and marbles were along with my blessing from the marriage I had with Yuki.

Now with the Fox Marble put away and I, now having a grand total of 8 Fox Wifes. I was damned near complete, now I just needed to make the two Kitsune I had with the highest potential not fucking insane or so suicidally apathetic that her fucking soul was sliding into the underworld.

Musashi's nine tails unfurled as she scooted forward and I helped her out of the pod and as she stood up fully in god knows how many years. She tittered in place and I held her arm as her tails reflexively went around my back and legs. And as she did that completely instinctive reaction to keep herself from falling face-first into the ground, I felt it.

I felt a smidgen of emotion as her large breasts pushed into my arm and I held her from falling with her weakened legs. But I didn't press her on it, I wanted to build her up carefully so I looked over to Yuki and said quickly. "Get Ahri to the bed upstairs while I put away the air mattress into my storage and I will bring her up behind you."

Yuki nodded and picked up the other nine-tailed kitsune and after she put Ahri into the bed of the two queens that I had claimed for my own, Yuki looked to me as I put Musashi into the bed herself, and her dull purple eye's looked up at me as her hands explored the sinfully soft bedding that seemingly made no sense to her.

"Jake, having nine-tailed kitsune behind you is going to be trouble." She warned me but I shook my head as I spoke wryly.

"No. Not really, I turned these wards inside out so they would repel the previous queens so they could not get in. So I imagine no one else knows them other than me and you... They need a good bit of work to be able to stand in the light not to mention other things." I said before shaking my head as I smiled wryly and continued. "Either way, they won't be leaving the realm any time soon so as I return to Earth and claim this realm from under those two, I will get stronger and will be able to handle it." I said clenching a fist as I was just waiting for the week of claiming to pass so the system would register my claim as fact.

And regardless, owning the very center of a realm even if the queens came back and malded over losing their castle. I would be gaining a good deal of strength as I claimed several towns, villages, and even a couple of cities while here. I had made good progress.

But now with Ahri asleep and Musashi blankly staring at me and Yuki after I rolled her up into a burrito of soft and warm blankets, I realized now, I needed to think about what I needed to do beyond looting everything and throwing it into my inventory to probably be forgotten.

"Yuki, you know how I gain power with owning territory." I started and she nodded so I chewed on my thoughts before continuing. "Alright, so I have claimed the center of the realm and I doubt those queens will be able to get through these castle wards as they are built with the only weakness being the realm itself so they cannot break in, without breaking the realm itself by killing the center of the leylines." I spoke before getting to what I was really meaning.

"Anyway, so I am considering this realm, technically dealt with, besides the two queens that I don't have any way of dealing with," I added wryly before shaking my head and continuing. "Beyond the two queens's I believe the next step is in two parts, focusing on raising my bonded kitsune's strength, learning how to control Kusanagi, and then I suppose leaving this realm to let things cool down while all the rest of the mercenaries, your clanswoman, and Kiyohime leave." I finished.

Yuki sat down beside me on the large love seat I claimed and she leaned against me with her large breasts pushing into my arm as she sighed in relaxation. For a moment there was silence and then Yuki spoke up. "Your archery has grown in leaps and bounds... Which is to be expected to be fair, with you bearing a blessing from Apollo but even still, there is little for me to teach you now." She mused to herself.

I picked her up and placed her on my lap with my arms wrapping around her waist with my chin tucking itself on her shoulder as I whispered softly into her ear. "You taught me many valuable things about the world beyond just archery. Don't make this sound like a goodbye, I literally folded you into a mating press... You cannot escape me Yuki." I almost growled possessively at the end she squirmed in my grasp in all the ways that meant all the good signals with her weakly humming in agreement.

I in turn kissed her neck in reward before I sighed and just took a breath with my Yuki-Onna wife in hand as I considered my options for when I got back to Earth. And wasn't that a fucking loaded thought to have so casually... 'When I got back to Earth.'

Anyway, first I needed to make sure Arianna didn't have a hissy fit at me checking in as she was a minor yandere, and then I probably needed to check in on Detroit and Chicago to find the two clans of demi-gods that were apparently fighting endless hordes of monsters. Beyond that with my good showing here in the Gumiho realm, I will rank up a good deal within the Continental's mercenary system which would open up actual jobs now that I had proven myself.

I idly looked over across the room at Musashi and seeing her now laying there looking up at the ceiling, it made me think about the meme about rolling your sad girlfriend up in a sushi roll of blankets and then after binding them up, you dick them down and let them sleep off their orgams...

'Eh sex can be tried later.' I thought wryly before I gave Yuki another kiss on the neck but before anything else could happen, a couple of seconds later Yuki's phone bleeped.

"That's the commander." She muttered and she squirmed within my grasp and I couldn't help but giggle at how she plucked the phone out of her bra with zero hesitation which was a good sign of how close we had become. I looked over Yuki's shoulder and she adjusted herself so I could read the phone's long message more easily.

[To all Yuki-Onna, we three leaders of the purge managed to push the two Gumiho Queen's Daijin and Konria back to Earth but as we did so, the portal we exited out of, was within the territory of the Celestial Bureaucracy and more particularly the holdings of the Celestial Emperor who wasn't happy about us fighting in his lands and killing his people with our battle... As of now, the purge is officially over now. Leave the realm via the realm breaker seals all Yuki-Onna was given, as the Celestial Emperor killed Kaira the Mercenary leader, injured the Gumiho queens greatly, and Kiyohime and I myself got injured before we could flee back to Shinto territory.] The text read before another text came through. [I repeat, leave the realm ASAP. The Celestial Emperor was beyond angry at our intrusion, and he may end up destroying the Gumiho realm to strike back at the Gumiho Queen's who escaped him even if that will anger Lady Amaterasu.]

I cursed, and after a moment of thought, I said quickly. "Get the portal ready, I will teleport to the girls as I have still claimed their house!"

"Very well... I would be most disappointed if you left them behind anyway." She said and I nodded in agreement while she took out the large realm-breaking seal each Yuki-Onna was given.

Seeing her open the seal and knowing I had a good couple minutes before the portal was even ready I mentally toggled the Sakura family's estate and with a popping noise, I was teleported across the realm to the other major claim I had in all my Fox Wives.


As soon as I landed on the front door of the Sakura estate, I threw the door open and called out loudly. "Hello!" Where are you girls!"

I heard a muffled reply in the distance and I ran through the house and saw and with great relief I saw everyone was here. Senko, Yukikaze, Shinano, Kaga, Amagi, and of course Akagi, all sitting outside in the back lot talking as Amagi and Yukikaze tacked on the laundry on a line.

"We gotta go girls," I said quickly before explaining. "The Gumiho queens ran off to a powerful faction's front door and got a lot of the faction's civilians and such killed, we are pulling out of the realm in that case that angry Faction leader decides to decimate the realm to punish the Gumiho Queens," I explained swiftly and they grimaced but feeling the weight of my voice they all stood up and as they did so. I blinked.

As behind Senko, was another tail than her previous single one meaning she now had two massive overly sized fluffy tails that dwarfed the other girl's tails. And yes... I was a fluffy tail size king.

Either way, I got some clothes bundled up along with the bits of silver and gold coinage the Sakura family had stored up, and after the five-minute timer was up for the teleport we all left quickly the moment I could with all six of the Kitsune tightly hugging me as we all teleported with another loud pop.

As we teleported back, I felt a deep rumble shake the building and I heard Yuki sigh with relief with my eyes snapping over to her as she weakly smiled and spoke. "Come on we gotta go, I will explain on the other side and I already threw all the wall trophies into the room I rented and the portal comes out of." She said and without another word, she picked up the bundled forms of Ahri, and Musashi and left through the portal.

"Fuck." I cursed, not exactly being happy with this ending, but honestly, I gained a lot from this trip... Either way, I led my other Kistune into the portal and as we did so, without a pause of rainbow lights or anything we just walked through the portal and without any fanfare we were in a rather ornate hotel room that was obviously Yuki's with how low the ambient temperature was.

And as we came in through the portal, I was welcomed by a weight slamming titties first into my face with black wings folding around my form as a loud cheer rang as Arianna cried out as I could recognize her sandalwood scent. "You are back!" Then her wings tightened on my form and I felt an ominous weight fall over my mind as she growled. "And who the hell are all these kitsune!"

Whelp I was fucked.

Next 5 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

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