
Game Rules (EN)

The world becomes a video game. (SFX: Dramatic Music.) You know, the classic cliches: Pretty women, extraordinary skills and a lot of cool stuff, there will even be some wars; but, following the rules of a programmer. What do i mean? [Operation and rules are important.] I do not know what you believe, but, in most novels that I have read, they always start with a system full of details, many functions and buttons to click; but as the story progresses, they are fading, forgotten, and only appear to save the day. what a coincidence! They are more like magical godparents who fulfill wishes. Obviously, the system cannot be the protagonist either, but you have to make them useful. And with respect to the rules of the "game", they must understand that even cheats are within the rules. In games everything must follow the rules, especially if you have the power to turn the world into a "video game", it would be ridiculous to leave those bugs. [The abilities] When I read, in most novels, there are only explosions, and the name of the abilities. What are they? How are they used? Or any other detail, it just doesn't exist. I just need something minimal, to be able to imagine it better. [The logic] From my own personal perspective, no matter how crazy the world you create is, by itself, it is not without logic; but, you should not contradict yourself in later chapters. Or so I want to try. I don't know what reason made you read this far, but thank you. And already in confidence, I must confess, that this is the second synopsis that I write, and it does not seem very synopsis. But I have improved. And the third must be better. * If you are sensitive or easily offended, you had better not read. I am not sure myself that I am going to write. They are warned. Thank you.

CreateOne · realistisch
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9 Chs

Author's Note


Between one thing and the other, I don't stay long. but, above all, it had a small traffic jam, the chapter became too heavy, there were too many explanations, I couldn't find a way to make it interesting. Too much information, it is heavy.

That is why after those chapters that I have already finished writing, some kinds of chapters will appear with manuals that explain the skill.

is not the same?

Well, no, the problem with explaining something within the novel is that the story does not advance, dialogue after dialogue, without there being a major change and it becomes tedious.

But, the reason why I make the explanation so long is that it is very important that you read these "manuals". Don't skip them. There will be no more explanations later.

And, if you read my new synopsis (not very synopsis), my intention is that it is logical, that it really looks like a world turned into a game, that readers have the necessary information so that they can imagine their own results, how they would solve the problem. Or at the very least, it's easier to imagine.

That's it.


I don't know why you're still here, but since we met under these circumstances, I'll say: Hi, what are you doing?


Thank you for reading.