
Game of Thrones: The New Kingdom

A soul of a modern person finds itself in the body of a teen in Game of Thrones. Luckily, the soul gets the foundation of Valyrians and creates one of the strongest Kingdoms in the history of the whole Game of Thrones. ---------------------------------------------- 1) I do not like characters where one person destroys an army. So, Mc will be strong but not a Super Soldier King who slaughters on his own. 2) Mc will be king. In my opinion, kings can lead the army but kings should not battle. 3) No harem. Mc will marry only one person.

PelerinliKeltos · TV
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16 Chs

Lord's Chosen

Meereen, 270 AC.


As the only person residing in the middle-sized manor, I, Huseyin, hold the position of the housekeeper. It was a night like any other as I conducted my final patrol to ensure everything was in order. Since the downfall of the family, there were burglary attempts.

As I neared the completion of my patrol, a peculiar circle materialized out of thin air before my eyes. Startled and cautious, I approached the enigmatic phenomenon, my hand instinctively reaching for the crossbow at my side.

Suddenly, a male teenager emerged from the circle, his bare torso exposed, wearing only a necklace at the top, and a sword casually resting at his waist. He carried a sack in his hand, its contents unknown to me.

My initial response was to protect the manor from potential intruders. My voice rose, a mix of anger and caution, as I confronted the stranger before me. I tried to suppress my emotions as much as I could.

"Stop right there! Do not move or I will shoot."

The stranger looked surprised by my voice. I do not know how to save the house and myself from this man. If he can appear from nowhere, he can also appear near me and take my life.

"Slowly turn around, and do not try to reach your pretty sword. If your hand goes down even a little bit, then you can say goodbye to your hand."

I threatened, my words laced with both authority and concern. He cautiously turned around and meet my gaze. His face was filled with anxiety and a bit of fear. However, when he saw my face all left was surprise.


How does he know my name? This is my first encounter with him. And, I am sure that I do not have a fame that could be recognized.

"Who are you? How did you arrive here?"

Then the teenager took a brief pause.

[Yaprak zo Loraq]

I still cannot believe that Kutsal Stone directly teleported me in front of Huseyin. And, he did not recognize me. Is there any change apart from my height? I hope I did not get any mutation that me look weird. First, let him recognize me without any suspicion.

"When I left you in the house so that you protect it. You almost cried when you thought I abandon you. Now, I came in front of you, you deny my existence, your Master. I thought I had at least one person who I can trust after the deaths of my parents. But it seems I was wrong."

He looked at me with a bewildered expression. I guess Kutsal Stone changed this body so much that he is having a hard time recognizing me. He witnessed the childhood of the Yaprak after all.

"Mas... Master Yaprak?"

"What happened to you? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at sea? Why are you looking different and older?"

His eyes started to get watery again. He looked very surprised. If the body's father was in front of me, he probably would not give this much emotion. The parentage of the body looks a bit sus.

"Calm down. And ask one by one. First, you should get me something to eat. I am starving."

I was really starving. Since I came to this world, I have not eaten anything.

We went to the kitchen area. He retrieved a container filled with some sort of soup.

To heat the soup, Huseyin poured the desired amount into a pot and placed it on the stove over medium heat. As the pot warmed, the delightful aroma of lentils and spices began to fill the air, creating an inviting atmosphere in the kitchen.

He gently stirred the soup, ensuring even heating throughout. He monitored the temperature, making sure not to let it come to a boil but rather to a gentle simmer. This helped maintain the soup's flavors and prevent any overcooking or loss of texture.

While the soup is warming, Huseyin prepared a tray with accompaniments to enhance the dining experience. He sliced a fresh lemon into wedges, ready to be squeezed into the soup to add a tangy brightness.

Once the soup reached the desired temperature, he carefully ladled it into a soup bowl, ensuring a generous portion for the hungry me. The soup appeared rich and velvety, with the lentils and vegetables beautifully blended together.

To complete the presentation, Huseyin added a squeeze of fresh lemon juice over the soup, providing a burst of citrus freshness.

He carried the steaming bowl of soup to me, accompanied by a slice of crusty bread on the side. The comforting aroma and the sight of the beautifully presented soup provided a warm welcome and a promise of satisfying nourishment.

I gratefully accepted the bowl, appreciating the effort put forth by him to provide a comforting meal.

As I savored each spoonful of the soup, it warmed my body and brought a sense of comfort and contentment.

"This was the best meal I have ever eaten since my birth."

He looked so happy that he got compliments from me. I understand why the old Yaprak trusted this man so much. Even though he treated slaves like shit, this man is still loyal and loves him. This adds to my doubts about my parents. It does not matter to me though, as I prefer a loyal father who secretly guards his child to a dead one.

"It was mercimek soup master. When you were young and want to eat outside meal times, the kitchen always would prepare this for you."

I guess that is why my new body has an unnatural like for this soup as it was the most delicious thing in the whole world.

"Master, could you tell me what you've been through? Unless there is something secret."

I knew I couldn't reveal the truth, as it will complicate matters further. This loyal man would definitely try to kill me to save his master or his son from the devil who is possessing him.

As a professional liar, having finished school by lying unblinkingly about how the entire universe is trying to prevent my assignments from being done, I already prepared an excuse about my new physical prowess and magic.

With a calm and measured tone, I began to speak, emphasizing the weight of my words to lend credibility to my fabricated story.

"Our journey was without any problems at the start. However, as we continued to sail, the sea tried its best to prevent a gentle and safe journey. Yet, we were patient, we were resilient. Countless storms and majestic waves failed to deter us from our path. Until that day."

"That day I understand that in front of nature; we, humans, are no different than ants."

"Dark clouds blocked the sun, and the lightning bolts that followed it illuminated the sky again. Waves higher than the mountains tried to sink our ship. We were left with no way out. The only way was to sink to the bottom of the sea with the ship. And, we sink."

Huseyin looked at me with horror. I guess he really loves me. However, there is nothing I could do. This part was true. I slightly exaggerated.

"I thought, I would die. Never able to accomplish my ambition, never see Meereen again, and never see you again."

"I woke up in a white place. There was nothing but white. I could not see the horizon either. I thought this place was the afterlife, where deads go after they die."

"Until His voice came."

"His?" He inquired. This time he looks curious.

"Yes, His. He was Lord of the Light Himself. He said to me that I was going to die with my crew. But, He saw my efforts and my endless struggle pleased Him. So, He decided to save me from the clutches of the dead."

I paused momentarily, allowing the gravity of my words to sink in before continuing. "The Lord of the Light, the guardian of all living, recognized the potential within me. He deemed me worthy for an extraordinary task, granting me powers and knowledge beyond mortal comprehension."

I carefully crafted the image of the Lord of the Light as a benevolent and enigmatic figure, shrouded in divine radiance. I described the Lord's profound wisdom, recounting ancient prophecies and sacred texts that foretold the imminent threat of darkness. I spoke of the Lord's deep concern for the world and its inhabitants, painting a picture of a deity who would go to great lengths to ensure their safety and salvation.

"Master, maybe you dreamed of things because of the accident." He looked suspicious of my words. That's good, at least he is not a lunatic who believes everything said to him.

"So, how do you explain changes in my body? It is impossible this much growth in such a short time. Or what about how I appeared from nowhere? Do you also think these are dreams too?" I should solve all of his doubts at once.

"That... Yes, it is right. So, what is the task given to you? Master, if the task risks your life, you should never do it."

"If I abandon the task given to me, do you think the Lord would forgive me? He saved me from death, He can also give me death."

"And, do not worry. Although my task carries a risk, It is not inevitable."

"My task is simple. The night is dark and full of terrors. And, I will end this darkness, saving the world from eternal darkness, cold, ice, and death."

As I concluded my account, looked into Huseyin's eyes, attempting to convey a mixture of determination, humility, and a touch of vulnerability. "Huseyin, I understand this may be hard to believe, but I assure you, my purpose here is genuine. The world's fate hangs in the balance, and I am but a humble servant of the Lord of the Light, tasked with preventing the imminent catastrophe that darkness would bring upon us all."

"As I do not have anyone but you, who can trust. I hope that you can be by my side while I confront the encroaching darkness."

He looked into my eyes. Without hesitation, he voiced his answer.

"Master, I do not care if you are tasked by Lord of the Light, or if you claim to be Lord of the Light. Until the last breath leaves my body, I would always stand by your side, protect and assist you with all my might."

I looked at him with a bit of surprise and more respect. Who does not want such a man on his side in this world? I absolutely do.

"As your first task, tomorrow you should get some sword teacher for me. Our journey will be filled with endless danger. Protecting ourselves is the most important step."

He looked at me with a smile, definitely happy with the decision I took.

"Yes, master."

Without doing anything, I directly went to my body's old room and threw myself on the bed. Although my body is full of energy, I am mentally exhausted. Everything else can be solved tomorrow.



Sorry for the late chapter. I was on my way back home because the semester was over.