
Game of Thrones: Rise of the Witch-King(EN)

A man with great ambitions dies, you already know the rest, find God...Reincarnation. See how he leads his House in Westeros, becoming the Witch-king while raising his future Kingdom of Angmar to great heights. I don't have Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.

Lorenzo5798 · TV
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33 Chs

Chapter 19: Home and Development.

3rd POV

It has been several days since Domeric subjugated the first tribe of Westerosi Giants, after which Domeric decided to subdue a few more tribes before returning to his lands.

As time passed, more and more tribes were falling and joining the banner of House Bolton, the Stronghold had to be expanded to accommodate the Westerosi Giants in addition to the Mammoths.

When Domeric saw the Mammoths, he was jumping for joy like a child when receives a candy, he wanted a Mammoth for himself.

He could already imagine himself riding his War Mammoth, crushing everyone in his way while drinking Milk and Tequila nonstop.

But that would be for later, Domeric now needed to prepare for his return to his lands and deal with a large pile of papers to sign.

"Are the soldiers ready to go home?" Domeric asked as he sipped some wine and looked out the window.

"Yes my lord, we are just waiting for your orders" Said one of the Commissioners who was drinking wine too.

"Very well, in two hours we will leave" Domeric said seriously as he finished his glass of wine and went to the Overlord of the Keep to speak with him.

Time Skip no Jutsu

It's been a few weeks since Domeric was returning to his lands, the news of Giants shocked all the Northern Houses that Domeric had to pass through, he's sure in a few months all of Westeros will be shocked.

The crows were already flying by the dozens to the other Noble Houses in the North, the Starks were the ones who received the most cards.

When Ned read the letters that were sent, he was on the one hand happy that the giants existed and were being brought to the North, but also worried that they were heading to House Bolton Lands.

Even Cat was screaming in the halls of Winterfell about how House Bolton might be preparing for War and that Ned should do something about it.

But Ned, being once again the honorable man that he is, did nothing, for the Boltons had done nothing wrong, in Ned's view, Domeric only saved a race that could be extinct in the future if it continued beyond the Wall.

Not to mention that Ned doesn't want to get into what he considers unnecessary trouble with House Bolton, the incident involving the Septons and the Cult of Sauron had already made the relationship between the two Houses sour for a while.

This decision made some Northern Houses unhappy, as they believed they could be attacked at any moment by the Boltons.

The allied Houses and Vassals of House Bolton were happy with this news and were the first to send their congratulations to Domeric.

Now Dreadfort can be seen Domeric signing some papers while drinking wine with a sad face, Barbrey took out the Milk and Tequila he had saved.

"My disappointment is immeasurable... and my day is ruined" Domeric said to himself as he sipped wine to drown the sorrows in his heart.

As he signed the papers, Domeric began to think about the next steps House Bolton should take about House Greyjoy.

He just wanted to invade and take the Iron Islands for himself but knows that without a valid justification, it would be impossible, unless he wanted to have a war against all of Westeros (which he still doesn't want).

Domeric then needed to think of ways to make the Greyjoys be the Motherfuckers that they are and receive more hatred from the Westerosi Houses.

One way he found was to use House Mormont as a means, but for that, he would have to improve the relationship with House Mormont even further.

He also has to think about what to do with the Ironborn Lords when he takes the Iron Islands for himself, as no one can guarantee they will be loyal to House Bolton.

One of the ideas that crossed his mind was to kill all the adults and send the children to a place where they would be "Re-educated" while promoting to Noble Status those who were loyal to him.

Maybe he'll even give some land to the Cult of Sauron, but he'd have to put a short leash on involving them, the last thing he wants is for his future Realm to be taken over by religious fanatics.

He also had to think about the future Kingdom of Angmar that he will create, for when he becomes King, he will need to decide how the Political System of his Kingdom will work.

He was very lucky to be reincarnated in a World in the Medieval Era, as it would be easier to make the reforms he so desires, he will transform this world into the "Utopia" he wanted in his old world.

But there was also something else that was bothering him, his aunt was always bothering him when it came to that: getting a bride.

Domeric had both Economic and Military power in Westeros, making House Bolton a Major Player within the Game.

This has already caused every House of Westeros, whether Great or Small, to send Domeric letters attempting betrothal offers.

When Domeric then takes the Iron Islands, he can be sure that more letters will arrive, by way of hundreds of crows.

He knew this subject would bother him at some point, but he expected it to happen when much later, but the problem had already come biting his ass.

Domeric needed to think and fast, he would need to choose a House that was "Important", that would be useful to him in the long run, whether it was to gain influence or something.

King's Landing, Red Keep.

Walking through the corridors of the Red Keep, one could see Cersei Lannister taking quick steps, behind her are his Bodyguards.

She then arrives at a certain door and opens it, showing her father Tywin Lannister there.

"Guess I don't need to tell you why I came here, right?" Tywin asked darkly as he looked out the window at King's Landing.

"Yes, I read your letter, this is surprising and also alarming" replied Cersei as she looked at her father seriously.

"We need to have House Bolton as an ally as soon as possible, at least I can see that House Stark is out of the competition" Tywin said as he had his shoulders lowered, showing some relief.

"Yes, we have Tully to thank in a way, thanks to the Religious Fiasco, House Stark and House Bolton have not been on good terms" Cersei said she had a smile on her face, the news involving the Cult of Sauron and the Faith of the Seven is well known throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

The Faith of the Seven then attempted to attack House Bolton's business in King's Landing and the Westerlands but was unsuccessful.

In King's Landing, the sailors and soldiers of House Bolton who were looking after House Bolton's business killed any idiot who tried to destroy House Bolton's property.

In the Westerlands, the Lannisters gave protection to the Traders who were involved with the Boltons, thus having no problems.