A man with great ambitions dies, you already know the rest, find God...Reincarnation. See how he leads his House in Westeros, becoming the Witch-king while raising his future Kingdom of Angmar to great heights. I don't have Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.
3rd POV
It had been several weeks since Domeric created his Keep Beyond the Wall, for the wildlings, it was the beginning of an Age of Darkness.
The troops of House Bolton relentlessly hunted wildlings, killing those who were not "Worthy" and enslaving those who were, those who were enslaved were working in the Mines that were opened by the Builders and Goblins.
With the tidal wave of wildlings heading to the Mines, Domeric has already put in place the Selection Process, as well as sending crows to the Bolton Lands, which send messages to his Aunt Barbrey, reporting on the development.
The savages would feel hell inside the Mines and Labor Camps, no matter their gender, no matter their age, they would all suffer at the hands of their slavers.
But the wildlings would soon be crying, for a tournament to owe the Overlord of the Stronghold has already taken place, the winner was a Half-Troll who was a fanatic of Domeric, this Half-Troll, known as Askra, wanted to expand the stronghold even further and not he cared about the lives of savages.
Carolei was assigned to be the Stronghold's second person-in-command, she proved to be loyal and quite efficient in her work, so she was given the position she deserved.
In addition to dealing with the wildlings, Domeric sent several groups of Caragor Riders to search for the giants beyond the Wall.
After a long time, one of the groups found a small tribe of Giants, the Caragor Riders wasted no time and quickly notified Domeric.
//AN: I don't know how many giants there could be Beyond the Wall, other than knowing that there were a few hundred, with Mag the Mighty being the greatest warrior among them, so I'll make a small modification //
Domeric knew it would be a difficult task to communicate with the giants, for they speak the Ancient Tongue of the First Men.
But there was also another language, a language that everyone beyond the Wall knows, that of force, Domeric believes strongly enough, will bring the Giants to their knees.
But for that, he would have to fight fire with fire, the Fissures that were built were creating the first Mountain Giants that would be part of the Army of House Bolton.
The Mountain Giants were a very versatile unit in the Goblin Faction, according to Domeric, as in the game they not only served as a "Catapult" but could also serve to crush the enemy in close combat.
Now, near one of the Fissures, several human soldiers and Uruks were anxiously waiting for the first Mountain Giant to come out.
The wait didn't last long, as the first Giant came out of the Fissure, its size was more than enough to make an entire army piss its pants.
The human soldiers and Uruks were left screaming in excitement, stamping their feet on the ground as well as their chests.
Domeric, who was enjoying a drink while chatting with Carolei and other Commissioners, heard the commotion outside and went to look out the window.
He soon saw the First Mountain Giant come out of the Fissure, Domeric had a smile on his face as he continued drinking his wine.
Domeric would in due course need to measure the Mountain Giants in addition to the Westerosi Giants, as he would be having several of them in his army, thus making them "invincible" on land.
A giant was already a cause for fear, now imagine a giant in armor and with a hammer or sword the size of a tower....it's not even funny.
"My lord, what will you do with the subjugated Giants?" Carolei asked as she approached Domeric and bowed.
"We will take the subjugated Giants to the Bolton Lands, where they will be re-educated and later used, whether in the fields, in the army, or in construction" Domeric replied as he continued drinking wine.
Carolei nodded, before also looking at the Mountain Giants that continued to come out of the Fissures, it was an intimidating and incredible sight at the same time.
Time Skip
In a small village with extremely large huts, you could see some walking while others went hunting, the village also had some mammoths that were being tended to.
As the hunting party was leaving the village, they soon felt the ground shake (more than usual when they walked on), and soon they were surprised by several Mountain Giants attacking them.
The Mountain Giants were prevented from killing the Westerosi Giants, but a few punches in their faces were allowed.
A Mountain Giant punched a Westerosi Giant right in the face, which fell to the ground, causing a small tremor to the ground.
More and more Mountain Giants were coming to the village and attacking the Westerosi Giants.
The mammoths were also taken care of, the Mountain Giants stopped these animals from running away or something.
Domeric saw the uses that a mammoth could have, not only to carry large amounts of cargo but also to be used on the battlefield.
The Westerosi Giants tried to fight back but were outnumbered, so before long, the small village of Westerosi Giants was taken.
That was the cue for House Bolton's Troops to show up, Domeric was mounted on his Dire Caragor, he kept going until the Mountain Giants brought an old-looking Westerosi Giant to Domeric.
The Westerosi Giant was on his knees, his arms being held by the Mountain Giants, who were waiting for any strange movement to end his life quickly.
The Westerosi Giant looked at Domeric, he could see that Domeric was the leader of the Mountain Giants, he wanted to understand how such a small being was leading the Mountain Giants.
"Put your head down" Ordered Domeric as he focused all of his Charisma Magic on the Giant in front of him, he wanted to test his Magic and see if he could overcome the language barrier.
The Westerosi Giant didn't understand what Domeric was saying, however, he soon became petrified for a few seconds, then returned to normal and started looking at Domeric differently before lowering his head.
Domeric was surprised by this, but soon he was laughing like mad scientists after they managed to complete an invention.
The soldiers who were close by and saw this got eaten and moved away a little.
"Lord Bolton is having those laughs again" Said a human soldier as the Uruk beside him nodded in agreement.
The Westerosi Giant who had his head down was suddenly shaking in fear for some reason.