
Game Of Thrones: Knight's Bane

A mercenary from the dark ages of a sword and magic world gets reincarnated into the Game of Thrones world. Determined to become more than he was in his past life, he sets off on an adventure across Planetos. A girl born on an archipelago torn by war and conflict, in a place where women are used for pleasure or sold for profit, she forges her own path with blood and tears. How will the paths of these two strongwilled indiviuals cross, and will they be friends or foes? Follow the story of a man who's looking for his destiny after he died, and a woman who doesn't need one as she dictates her own fate. ----------------------------------------- Main PoV is the MC, and secondary PoV is the deuteragonist. No-Harem ! This is a Game of Thrones / asoiaf AU, expect gore, smut, and all the dark shit that comes with this setting. Magic is heavily restricted, and MC won't have any of his own. The deuteragonist will have weak magic. Neither the MC nor the deuteragonist is noble-born, nor will they become lords for most of the story. MC doesn't have any knowledge about GoT lore, as he's reincarnated from an alternate sword and magic world during its dark ages (picture a grimdark DnD setting for his original world). MC will be strong~ish early on, not op, not the strongest. He'll get there eventually, slowly, but surely. He will have his memories from his past life as a mercenary. And he'll have his talents both from his old body and his new one, so he'll be pretty talented. (kinda Jack of all trades, master of few.) Romance will be reserved for when he reaches adulthood (in GoT terms, 15 years). And explicit lemons will be reserved for when he reaches 18+. MC is monogamous, meaning he will have only one partner at a time in long-term relationships. However, it doesn't mean he won't mess around and have flings here and there before he settles. The love interest isn't decided yet as of me writing this, but I'm heavily leaning towards my OC deuteragonist. Also AU, I will tweak some dates and events to fit my narrative, as well as add OC locations, houses, and characters. I am using awoiaf and GoT fandom wiki for references, the former takes precedence. For the map, I'm using the Interactive GoT map, as well as the Houses of Westeros map, the former takes precedence again. I have a full-time job, badminton practice, and believe it or not, an actual active social life. So expect slow releases, I am pretty determined to see this fanfic to the end, so I won't be dropping it unless I drop dead. I will try to stockpile chapters whenever I can. Thanks for Reading this long-ass Synopsis, and happy reading ! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Odil · TV
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5 Chs

Notice: Not Dropped

Hello dear readers 👋

And sorry for the long hiatus. Let me explain what is going on.

In the past month, I graduated and obtained my Masters degree. Which also meant that I finished my study internship at my old company, and started a new 3month internship at a new one with the prospect of signing an employment contract (CDI) after.

This new position came with a necessity for me to quickly acquire new skills and learn the stack they use (I'm a Dev, stack refers to all the tech and languages used for the development of a software.)

I found myself with little to no time to write, and as this coincides with me doing renovations in my home, taking care of my mother and starting badminton, I found myself sucked into my routine, and what little time left is spent with friends and family.

What does this mean for my beloved book?

Well it's obviously uncertain for 2 more months.

However, even though I am not publishing, I am still very much writing, just in small bursts, which takes more time to complete chapters of the same quality as the style changes more noticeably. The next chapter Spoliation, is nearly finished, and the one after is also midway to the end, I'll be releasing both as soon as I am satisfied with their quality, and releases will trickle down in bursts for the next few months, untill I get used to my new routine and position in the company, at which time releases will become stable again at a rate of 5 chapters per week.