
Game Of Thrones I The Chronicles Of Aquiles Viridium

The narrative begins 27 years before the events of "Game Of Thrones". It mostly unfolds from the perspective of Aquiles Viridium, a man who died in the year 2024 in our world. After his death, Aquiles will be sent to the world of "Game Of Thrones" with the aim of stopping the Night King from destroying the world. Aquiles does not belong to any major or minor house of Westeros, nor does he hold any title. However, he possesses powers, and with these powers, Aquiles will begin his conquest. Follow him along his journey, from a humble peasant to Emperor of Slaver's Bay and subsequently, Emperor of the World. The first main story arc is already written, but as English is not my native language, the chapters will need to be rewritten in English before being posted. I have no plans to extend the story any longer than necessary. If you decide to start reading, know that it will be a slow-paced, detailed story. This is the first novel I've written, I hope you enjoy reading it. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Male MC, Magic, Anti-hero, Overpowered MC, Harem, Fanfic, War, Violence, Murder, Dragon 1 Chapter/Day (Until the End of the First Season, "The Conquest of Astapor") Chapter Length: 1400 - 2000 words Warning: The MC is not a hero. He is an anti-hero who tends towards being a villain. If you are looking for a kind and merciful MC who forgives his enemies or saves people in danger all the time, this novel is not to your preference. The same goes if you want an unchanging MC without character development.

Spartan1 · Bücher und Literatur
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33 Chs

Reunion (Part 2)



Aquiles, wanting to test how much the animal could grow, injected his mana again and waited another day. However, the horse did not grow further after reaching 2.5 meters in height and did not evolve in any other way.


"It seems there's a limit to how much it can grow." Aquiles mentally noted with disappointment, looking at the enormous horse in front of him. Stepping away from where the horse was tied, Aquiles looked up and saw the sun about to set on the horizon. He then returned to the fire and after eating, went straight to the tent and quickly fell asleep. When he did, his consciousness reappeared in the same white room as when he had died.


"W-wait? Am I dead again? But I didn't even see how I died this time." Aquiles exclaimed in disbelief.


"Calm down, you're not dead! This is just your dream, and I brought you here." A familiar voice spoke from a place behind Aquiles. When Aquiles turned around, he saw God sitting at a completely white table, gesturing for him to approach. Aquiles walked towards God and, when he got close, inquired in a respectful and restrained voice: "Lord, why have you brought me here?"


"I believe you should see the enemy you will face!" God exclaimed indifferently as he snapped his fingers, and a flash of light dominated the entire room, causing Aquiles to close his eyes and bring his hands over them to try to shield them from the light. As he closed his eyes, Aquiles immediately felt a cold air crashing against his body, and upon opening his eyes, his vision expanded.


Aquiles, once again, was floating in the sky, as he did when he arrived in this world, but this time he was floating above an area far, far beyond the great Wall. Stretching out before his eyes was a gigantic glacier, right below his feet, and he could feel the piercing cold emanating from it.


However, his eyes were drawn beyond the glacier, to a sight that chilled his heart. A dark and relentless army stretched as far as the eye could see, and Aquiles knew exactly who they were: the White Walkers, a horde of undead with bright blue eyes, serving directly under the Night King.


Aquiles felt fear; for a moment, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. They were millions, countless in number, an endless tide of undead. Among the undead, there were even some giants, 9 meters tall, their bodies covered in ice, advancing as they dragged their heavy wooden clubs, which looked like trees, slowly carving a large path through the snow.


But that wasn't what scared Aquiles the most; it was the gigantic Ice Spiders nearly 2 meters tall, with their eyes glowing blue as they lumbered slowly through the snow, their legs pounding on the ice like picks, creating small cracks in the glacier under their feet.


In front of the army was an animal that Aquiles did not expect to see, a dead dragon with its wings completely torn, rendering it unable to fly. It resembled Daenerys's dragons, but much larger in size, almost 60 meters long. Turning to God beside him, Aquiles questioned in total disbelief and astonishment: "How, how can he have a dragon?"


"That's not a dragon, it's a Serpes, but from a variant species extinct for millennia. As for how he got it, it was a few hundred years ago. He found it buried under the snow and then used his necromancy to bring it back to life," God explained with a calm voice.


"That thing must be about 50 meters!" Aquiles exclaimed aloud, looking at the creature in front of him with fear. The enormous Serpes was albino, with blue eyes shining like a precious stone. But when God heard him, he immediately corrected him: "It's 59 meters, but at least it doesn't breathe fire like dragons, and its wings don't allow it to fly through the skies."


"Whether it flies or not, it will be almost impossible to fight against it," Aquiles affirmed with terror, moving his gaze from the creature to the Night King, who was atop it. The Night King stood between the creature's horns, his imposing figure tall and slender, clad in black armor covered in ice, and his head adorned with dark blue ice horns twisting into a crown. His blue eyes were much more intense than those of his followers; his gaze conveyed an aura of darkness and power as he looked toward the great wall.


"Is this happening now?" Aquiles asked, his hair standing on end, obvious fear in his voice as he looked at the army of death marching toward the wall.


As Aquiles looked at the march of the army of death, God spoke: "This is the future! Forty years into the future, to be precise!" Aquiles was relieved to know that he wouldn't have to face such a monster anytime soon.


Without further delay, God snapped his fingers, and the vision changed, now showing the Night King's army fighting at the wall. "This is simply insane!" Aquiles exclaimed as he watched the Night King's army crashing into the wall, the giant spiders scaling the wall at a frightening speed. God waved his hand, and with that, Aquiles and he floated closer to the battle, as time progressed rapidly, allowing Aquiles to witness the unfolding massacre.


"Do you now understand how powerful the enemy awaiting you is? Do you understand how precious the time I've given you to prepare is?" God asked, in an impassive tone as always.


"Honestly speaking: I don't think I can win even if I gather all seven kingdoms. They are too many, and the Night King can still resurrect the dead from my army and add them to his!" Aquiles analyzed, feeling a dread never before felt when thinking about the future.


"Not only that... The true Night King is not as dumb as the one you saw in the series; he has intelligence equivalent to that of a man!" God spoke as he watched a giant spider finally reaching the top of the wall. The rangers tried to push it back down, but they couldn't. The spider pierced the ranger's chest with one of its legs and then threw him off the wall, falling into the abyss while screaming; the man's screams further terrified the rangers.


Aquiles turned his gaze back to God. "What do I do? Damn it, I can't see any way to defeat something like this!" Aquiles asked with obvious terror in his voice for the first time, staring directly at God.


"Your only chance of victory lies in Valyria!" God informed as he snapped his fingers again, and another flash of light engulfed them. The scenery around Aquiles changed once again, now to Valyria, more specifically to the entrance of a cave.


"No offense, but what the hell is here that can fight against such a damn army?" Aquiles asked, obvious disbelief in his voice.


"The purest and most advanced magic. Everything Valyria achieved was because of the Blood Mages, and everything the Blood Mages created is in there, preserved and untouched for hundreds of years!" God informed and then moved his arm, causing Aquiles and him to step away from the cave so that Aquiles could locate and memorize exactly where the cave entrance is.


"So that's why you said you had a way to make me obtain the knowledge I needed." Aquiles affirmed, finally understanding the earlier words from his first encounter with God.


God nodded positively, and then they began to float towards the front of the cave, but this time they continued entering, following through the tunnel, and as they proceeded, Aquiles saw many small fire worms crawling on the floor and ceiling of the cave like fingers, and he shivered at the thought of what would happen if they attacked him.


As they continued forward, Aquiles saw that the tunnel branched off into hundreds of different directions. "Pay attention to the path, when you come back, this will be the only one that can lead you to the tomb!" God asserted, and Aquiles nodded.


Aquiles wasn't worried about not being able to learn the path because with his photographic memory, it was too easy, but due to curiosity about what was in the other paths, he decided to ask: "What's in the other tunnels?"


"The adult fire worms that dug the tunnels, some of them over 100 meters in size, but these variants of fire worm that can reach sizes as long and large as trains from your world are extremely rare!" God informed, and Aquiles felt a shiver down his spine.



"100 Meters? How rare are they exactly?" Inquired Aquiles, not wanting to face such a monster at all.


"Three in total and all of them are here in Valyria." God spoke indifferently.