
Game of thrones: House Maxus

I only own the MC. MC is Intersex. A girl ends up dead and in front of God with need of help.

GustWind · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 - Preparing


Third POV

House Maxus, the house that has been founded by Arthur Maxus since the Age of Heroes.


It's been years since the events of the show so now I think I'm in episode three when Rhaenyra goes on tour.

I was in the training yard as I'm practicing when I see father walk in the courtyard, Vincent Maxus, Lord of House Maxus.

"My darling daughter, I bring news, Princess Rhaenyra is looking for a match" (Father)

"What does that have to do with me father?"


"You are my eldest child, you born with something most women don't have which will use to our advantage" (Father)

"I know" (Mia)

"Your Martial Prowess is second to none in the Eight Kingdoms, you trained at an early age ten name days" (Father)

"Father, enough praise, is she coming here?"


"Yes, it's the perfect time for you to win her heart which the festival is about to start at a great time, four days you have" (Father)

"Fine, when is she due here?" (Mia)

I knew about everything thanks to my intelligence team telling everything that's happening in the eight kingdoms.

"Fine, I'll do it and if I become Queen Consort then will drop this?" (Mia)

"Yes" (Father)

"Fine, then you need to prepare the castle for her visit" (Mia)

"Of course" (Father)

Father walked off to which if I marry Rhaenyra I hope things go good.