
Emilly's choice chapter 30

It was necessary to set things straight before he left. First,  William needed to warn Emilly; even though it had been so long, he had not yet told of his'special' condition.

Even though their relationship over all this time has been good, it has been very intimate, by the way.

He was still afraid of the reaction of those close to him when these people discovered that he was something more than human.

As such, he formulated an explanation for this, a bit simple, but involving a lot of legends of the people of this place. With this, it could be possible to convince them that it was something 'possible'.

William began to walk slowly to the second floor of his mansion. This house was acquired shortly after the death of one of the Magistrates. It turned out to be a little cheap at the time, but no doubt a great deal. The house was spacious; even if it was old, it was very comfortable. The details and furniture were sophisticated, typical for aristocratic families.

Even if Lorath was the poorest free city, it does not mean that the profits of those who controlled it were small; the gold shone brightly in secret rooms inside the house of these 'important people'.

Even if the relationship between William and Emilly had grown closer, they still slept in separate rooms, and at some special 'times,' they ended up infiltrating each other's rooms.

After the first act, their 'games' began to take on more tones and more details.

They were much closer now; that was undoubtedly a reality. William wanted very much to be accepted by her, in his total condition.

Secrets always drive away those who are close; he didn't want that to happen to him.

Maybe now was the time to move on, beyond all they knew of each other, to some form of mutual trust.

Emilly also possessed many secrets, as a result of which she accepted William's secrets better.

Slowly opening the door to the young lady's room, William began to get a little anxious about her reaction the moment she discovered that he was a Lycan.

If things worked out, it would be excellent, even better if she accepted to become one of them, and what he would make her be, no doubt, would be the'real Lycan,' in those he called 'Elders,' even though they were not very close to full potential today, had many advantages that any other Lycan form, funny as it may seem, was much more like a vampire than a Lycan itself.

As the physical changes in its half-'Lycan' form would be the appearance of four fangs, the eyes would be brighter, and if desired, sharp claws would appear.

Another reason to do she in an 'Elder' was to motivate him to find ways to complete this form.

Make them stronger; make it harder for them to die.

Emilly was sitting in her chair, reading a book that was on the desk. She paid a lot of attention; it should be something really interesting.

William approached her silently, arriving near her with a gesture that showed his affection, gently stroking Emilly's head.

Not expecting to be touched at a time like this, Emilly ended up receiving a little fright, but when she saw William, she couldn't stop a smile from growing on her face.

"What? It's not night yet." She spoke in a way that provoked him, trying to imply that he was just looking for her to perform certain activities.

"I don't come to you just for that; you know I've been too busy these past few months." William tried in an agitated way to defend himself; he felt guilty for not giving her his due attention, but he needed to work things out in Lorath in the best way possible, and the more effort he put in, the faster he would be able to take the time to enjoy each other's company.

"Hummm," Emilly spoke with a spoiled face. She understood that William was working hard; she knew that even if it wasn't 'love,' she felt she was desperately in love, but she couldn't be sure it was reciprocal, even if he spoke, even if he acted like one. In fact, after a while, she wanted to get closer to him, and he was unfortunately busy, with only a few nights left that they could 'unite' and try to drown the longing for a future that wasn't even truly born.

"I'm sorry. I know you're busy. I know we're enjoying life together, but I want more. You have to satisfy me or..." Emilly speaks in a more understanding voice, but in the end she went back to her troublesome personality and threatened him by looking at the bed.

"She decided to end her threat; she knew that it was cruel because he had other obligations, but she needed more of him; she needed more affection and attention from him.

William was a little sad to see that he was failing as a lover, but he needed to solve many things. His presence was necessary to raise the morale of his offspring; he needed to organize things and select plans. Even if he had the support of Lillith, Chis, and Darak, there were many details to be arranged.

"I'm sorry, Emilly. I know I promised you many good memories, but soon after I started running around, but... there's just a little more to come. Actually, I'm here to tell you a few things." William tried to pack things up, but those things needed a little more time.

Emilly looked at him, and seeing that he had a sad look in his eyes, she couldn't stop herself. She got up and walked toward him, and when she got close to him, she hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I still have that personality... I'm actually very happy; life is good, and things are interesting." She's trying to lessen the burden of guilt William was feeling.

"You don't have to tell me everything you do or even stop doing those things; I don't demand that of you. Just... just don't leave me alone, okay?" She talked to an older sister; she still used to act that way. Well, everyone has their fetishes, right? And William would like to have a big sister like her.

He held her tightly and slowly approached her delicate lips, lightly kissing her.

"Thank you, thank you for understanding me," William replied gratefully. Even if he couldn't keep his promises until that moment, it doesn't mean he wouldn't go in the future, does it?

Moving slightly away from his hug, he looked deep into her eyes. He was gaining the courage to tell one of her secrets.

"Emilly, I'm going to tell you something very serious; it's a secret for now, but soon everyone will know." He spoke assertively.

"Do you know a little about me, about my past, about my mother, and about my father?" William begins to get into the subject.

"Yes, we've talked about that; his mother's name is Lynnda Stark, and he's the younger sister of the current 'Hand of the King' of Westeros; his father was Marcus Corvinus, a nobleman who came from a faraway place that no one knows for sure from where." She says.

"That's right, and I ended up inheriting certain things from each... you know the Stark symbol is a giant wolf, right? So... the reason for that is that they have a very strong bond with them, which makes even several Starks have some special abilities." William begins his argument in an educational way, trying to convince her.

"Close to wolves and special powers, what are you talking about?" Emilly starts to get curious, but she is still suspicious; maybe William is playing with her.

"Yes, close to wolves somehow; I'm not sure, but skills involve entering the wolves' minds and even commanding their bodies as if they were theirs... but it's rare to hear anything these days."

"You mean the Wargs? I've heard stories about them; are they real?" Emilly talks a little excitedly and holds William to answer it.

"You're kidding, right?" She asks with a suspicious look.

"Yes, that's what I'm talking about, but not exactly this." Before he could continue, she interrupted him.

"You mean you can do these things, really? Show me." Emilly started acting like an excited kid; even if she was still a little suspicious, she'd rather it was true.

"It's not really that," William tries to answer.

"I knew it! You're kidding!" She lets him go and walks away with an accusing look.

"No, I'm not. It's about that, but I haven't finished the story, so wait a minute." William responds, trying to get close to her again.

"Okay, say it." Emilly decides to wait for him to tell the whole story.

"So the Starks are close to the wolves, but the Corvinus... Well, I don't know... but, I know the result of mixing their bloodline does; I know what I can do." William steps away from Emilly; he will show her his powers.

Approaching an iron candlestick, William took him by the hand.

"Pay attention," he spoke, and then, with the force of his arms, the solid iron candlestick was bent.

"WOW, you're strong." Emilly reacted animatedly to the scene she saw. It was a sturdy object; you could bend it, but not that way, not that easily!

To be sure of what was going on, she approached and took the candlestick and tried to bend it, just as William had done. Even though she was strong because of her training, she could only bend a little.

"You mean you're stronger than an ordinary man because of your lineage?" Emilly wonders what William was trying to say.

"That's amazing. I've seen other people who could do something like that, but they were full of muscles, as big as a horse." She continues to speak.

"That's just the beginning; there's more to it." William carefully approached her.

"More? Show me, fast, fast." She jumped into William's arms, and as a spoiled child, she was forcing him to show her.

"Okay, but don't be afraid; it's weird, but... is it normal?" William, with a little uncertainty about how he should talk to minimize the impact, was about to enter the most delicate part. He wanted to go slowly so as not to frighten her.

He reached out his hand and made his fingernails grow, becoming lethal claws, and before Emilly could react to that scene, four long fangs appeared in his mouth. It was near the sight of a vampyre showing his fangs, and there were only two other fangs on the underside as a bonus.

"Wow, what is that? That's what you meant by close to wolves? What's that for? Is it sharp? Can I touch it??"Emilly got excited about the scene and started approaching, extending his hand to touch.

William let her pull over; that would make the next scenes she'd see more easy to digest.

"Careful is sharp," he warned, and then went and took the candlestick again and tore it in two using his claws.

"Wow, that is so cool!" An excited Emilly was looking closely at the cut mark on the candlestick.

"It's a hidden weapon; nobody expects it from there; when they least expect it, bang! You catch them off guard; I wish I had, too." She starts talking excitedly about some scenarios where these claws might be useful, and with a more muffled voice, she grumbles that she wants to be able to do that too.

William undid this partial transformation and embraced her; he was glad she 'accepted' that part of him.

"That's one thing; there's more to it, but now I have to tell you, don't be afraid, okay? It's me; I wouldn't hurt you, okay?" William began to prepare her for the last step.

"There's more? I want to see it; don't worry, I'm not scared; go quick; show me." She began to speak impatiently; she wanted to see a lot of these crazy things he could do.

"Don't be afraid," William warned one last time before he began to walk away. Slowly, he began to take off his clothes.

"Oh, that I know, I was really scared the first time I saw him... the second time, too... but now I'm not scared anymore; I really like 'him,'" Emilly had misunderstood, and she began to try to stop William.

William, who was taking off his pants, almost fell when he heard what she was saying.

"Relax, it's not that." He spoke as he threw his pants aside.

"Look, pay attention," he warned.

She began to wander her gaze over William's naked body.

And then he began to grow larger and turn into a Lycan form. The young lady's eyes opened, and her delicate little mouth opened in surprise.

She screamed. And then she began to run. She ran to William and hugged him.

"That's very nice. I always wanted to have a dog, but my dad never let me have one." She began to wander between her desire to have a dog and how cool William looked. She began to run her hand over his fur and disturbingly began to treat him like a pet.

William froze to death without knowing what to do. It was true that his Lycan form was beautiful and even majestic, but it was frightening too. His confidence in his image took a blow.

With a deeper voice coming from his Lycan form, however, that you could tell it was William, he asked.

"Aren't you afraid?" He asked, a little confused.

She looked at him in her celestial blue eyes that were enveloped by a dark black, where it was supposed to be white. It was a frightening sight, but it was still beautiful, and a smile manifested on her lips.

"Afraid of you? Of course not," she answered promptly. She was really amazed by this revelation, but... it was so cool. He was so cute!

"I'm glad you're not afraid; now I have to tell you something else," he said as he tried to push her away to get back to her normal shape.

"NO! Stay that way; no matter what you want to say, stay that way!" Emilly agitatedly tried to stick to William; she'd really liked the Lycan way. She kept passing her hand on William.

"Okay," he said, surrendering to her.

"I can... this form of mine is called the Lycan way, and I can pass it on to others." William began to explain about the Lycans.

"I want it; please give me that skill! I'll do anything! I'll do that 'dirty thing' you asked for." Emilly was excited about the possibility of becoming a Lycan; it was something that made William feel happy. He sighed in relief.

"Answer me! I really do  that."Emilly was trying to negotiate with him; even if she didn't need those things, he'd quietly generate only hidden problems.

"Relax, I told you this; not only did you want to know more about me, but I wanted to give you this ability." William replied in a way that comforted her.

"I love you; you're very nice and the best!" She began to jump up and hug William tightly.

"But before I do, I need to count the problems of not being able to turn. Lycan is not just a skill... It's also a race, and it has some peculiarities. Just as wolves need to feed on prey, those prey may be animals, but the main one would be humans." William began to tell the pros and cons of being a Lycan, but in the end Emilly accepted. She was a little upset that she couldn't turn into a 'Big Wolf like William' as she had said, but she was extremely pleased she could have claws and more strength and agility and improve her senses, vision, hearing, etc.

The specific details that made her want to become a Lycan, William didn't know the reasons, but he could guess some. The fact that most frightened her was the food, but William softened and reassured her by telling her the means they use, saying that there was no need to hunt them, but there were beings that deserved to be hunted, and that the main problem for not hunting would be that a Lycan gets angry, more angry, and would need to hunt and eat animal meat very often. In the end, she accepted to be transformed into an Elder.

But he couldn't transform her today; the ritual for that was more complicated than normal, and tonight there would be the conquest of Lorath. After those battles, he would prepare the ritual for her to become a Lycan. William began to comfort her; she wanted very much to transform. William was happy about it; things were much better than he thought they would be. He was making a storm out of a glass of water.

This is a magical world, after all.

Emily had insisted on participating in the nightly operation, but William struggled to convince her that he couldn't. She became agitated but decided to wait.

Even if concern dominated her for a while, she believed that nothing bad would happen to William. With a hug and a gentle kiss goodbye, he left. He was going to meet his soldiers. The night had come, and the smell of blood would be strong.

Chis had been in charge of most of the Lycans; they would use guerrilla attacks and try to frighten the soldiers by attacking them from the flanks, doing their best to draw attention to their activity. Even if it was a guerrilla attack, they would show themselves enough to draw attention to their sodado enemies as much as possible.

Then the second group of Lycans commanded by Darak would infiltrate the mansion and attempt to assassinate the leaders.

William would participate in Chis' early operations, but if things turned out well, he would move on and join Darak's infiltration group.

The place where they were going to attack this time was special; it was the biggest power center in the region; it was a huge mansion that was barely called a castle; it was surrounded by a wall 3.5 meters high, which had several guards keeping watch. Most of the guards stayed in lodgings that surrounded the protective wall from outside. With an alarm, they would position themselves, and then things would get complicated, so it was necessary to draw attention in one direction and for another to invade; it would be a way to maximize the benefits. It was not necessary to kill all the soldiers; perhaps a part of them could be recruited to form a human army for William.

The soldiers who were bribed, when the invasion began, would retreat and hide, but before that, they would pass on as much disinformation as possible to the others.

The soldiers, who were without morals for not receiving their wages for so long, probably gave up the fight or would fight unprepared. Anyway,  the victory was the least that could be obtained that night.

The focus of this operation was murder and occupation. After assassinating all the leaders and their heirs, the Lycans would occupy the places that could be used as a defense, and then, in an operation with the soldiers who had been bribed, they would begin to isolate the city in a way to prevent any attempt at resistance.

Those were the plans; now it was time to execute them.