
Horse chase.

The night passed peacefully for Ethan and his three assistants, they all rested well in their rooms. As the sun began to peek over the horizon, illuminating the town with its golden rays, everyone gathered for a nutritious breakfast.

At the table, they enjoyed a hearty breakfast that included bacon, eggs, and fresh bread. It was a perfect way to refuel for the day ahead, full of work and responsibilities.

Once they finished eating, they got to work. They began to load the carriages with the barrels and other belongings. The task was carried out with precision and efficiency, ensuring that everything was secure and ready for transport.

With the carriages loaded and the sun shining in the sky, they prepared to set out on their journey, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that awaited them in their exciting undertaking.

Ethan and his assistants set off, leaving the small town behind and heading towards Highgarden. Elara and him were in the first carriage ahead of the other two. Dario was right behind with the vodka barrels and Leandro was last, with the beer barrels.

They opted for a slower pace so as not to exhaust the horses and ensure a safe and smooth journey.

Ethan, raising his voice a little, asked.

"Dario! How long would it take us to get there if we continue at this pace?"

Dario, who had experience in the region, shared his estimate of the trip.

"Boss, we will arrive in two to three days if we don't find anything that will make us stop." -he answered.

Ethan nodded, grateful for Dario's guidance, kept his eyes on the road.

The journey had been long and, despite the quality of the carriages, the rough road and wooden wheels had not offered much comfort. The night mother once again took the reins of the journey as they approached a forest of considerable size.

Ethan and his assistants decided it was a good time to rest and give the horses, as well as themselves, a break. The forest offered a natural refuge and a safe place to stop. Carefully, they parked the carriages in a clearing near the trees and set up a makeshift camp.

As they settled around a campfire, everyone began to eat their prepared rations.

Ethan, as he watched the crackling fire, began to manifest a glimpse of his magic. Flashes of magical energy began to dance inside him, revealing a power he was still learning to control. With every minute the fire increased its intensity, as if it had consumed the driest wood. The young man's light blue eyes shone with a faint red tone.

Elara, realizing that his boss showed no signs of moving, lost in his inner world, with a subtle movement, grabbed his hand, pulling it a little. With the touch between both hands, Ethan came back to himself, tearing his eyes away from the intense fire.

"Sorry! I got caught thinking too much." - Ethan said, touching the girl's shoulder as a symbol of gratitude.

"What is happening, it seemed as if I was able to control the fire with my gaze. Maybe it's a manifestation of my magic. Thank goodness Elara "woke me up" because she could have caused an big incident. Ie should practice alone, without anyone else, at least until I learn how to control this power." - the young man ended up thinking.

The others didn't give it much importance. Leandro was half asleep still chewing on a piece of dried meat, while Dario was focused on his sword, polishing his blade.

The rest of the night passed quietly as the four companions took turns keeping guard at their camp in the forest. The atmosphere was filled with serenity and peace reigned around them. The crackling of the fire and the sounds of nature gave them a sense of security in the darkness.

One by one, they alternated guard shifts, making sure they were alert for any possible threat or disturbance in the night. As the mother night gave way to the first rays of the sun, everyone was grateful for a peaceful and uneventful night.

With the arrival of the sun, they felt that they were recharged and ready to continue their journey towards Highgarden.

On the second day of their trip, the group continued on their way after having crossed the forest without major difficulties. Leandro's hunting skills proved valuable when he managed to capture a wild boar, which provided them with a hearty meal for lunch.

As they advanced, they met several merchants on their route, one of them even bought several parts of the hunted wild boar. After getting a few copper coins. The four continued with their journey.

A few hours later, the group was busy setting up camp before nightfall when an unusual and mysterious event interrupted their routine. Two men on horseback, dressed in black robes and with hooded faces, sped past them, Ethan noticed something strange: a lump on the back of one of the horses that was moving desperately, as if someone was trapped inside and asking for help.

Without a second thought, Ethan reacted quickly. He grabbed one of his own group's horses and grabbed his weapons before setting off on a chase in the direction the hooded men were going.

Dario, although a little further behind, also realized the situation and mounted another horse, joining the chase. The other two stayed behind, to watch the camp and see if more people were coming.

Ethan's heart was pounding as he chased after the strangers. He wanted to understand what was happening and if anyone desperately needed help. The tension in the air was palpable as they walked into the darkness searching for answers, not knowing what they would face.

The chase continued for a while until the desperately moving person inside the sack finally fell from the horse. The two hooded men stopped abruptly, and one of them quickly dismounted from his horse in the direction of the kidnapped person. Ethan, with Dario following close behind, quickly drew his two swords, preparing for possible combat.

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From Monday to Friday, I will only be able to write one daily chapter. Now the action begins. I hope you liked it. Leave your comment to encourage me to write more and better.

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