
Game Of Thrones: Dragons Rule Again

After a full filling life, a man is reborn into his favorite novel A song of ice and fire with a few wishes and a dream

Sohum_karmaker · Fantasie
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77 Chs

Dance of the dragons 6

Elijah POV:

Finally I reached the battlefield along with Cannible and Winter.

Upon arrival I saw that they had followed my orders to the word and it pleased me.

I commenended Lilith and Ragnar for a job well done.

And now it was finally time to let loose.

To be honest I didn't want to go to war with Myr or any faction so early as a matter of fact.

But the moment they choose to sink our ships and cost me my citizens lives was the moment their fate had been sealed.

Though I would rather focus on development and on how to deal with the white walkers in the future but if anyone chose to harm the people under my protection, I would rain fire and devastation on them without any prejudice.

There was still nearly five hundred ships still remaining on their side each carrying around two hundred soldiers.

Ragnar Lilith tell everyone to get ready and wait for my signal. Today is the day we put these fuckers to justice.

Viktora summon Shinryu, Valefor and Voltros I commanded my system.

"AFFIRMATIVE " she replied back and 3 summoning circles appeared on the ocean in front of us.

And from them came out three more massive dragons.

Aegon the conquerer had unified the 7 kingdoms with just three dragons.

Here I was going to unleash upon Myr and its allies a total of five massive dragons each the size of Belarion the Dredd upon them.

A befitting retribution if you ask me.

The forces of Myr and its allies lost all hope when they witnessed all of this.

While everyone on our side gained momentum and cheered like crazy.

You could see people abandoning their ships and jumping into the ocean.

The entire scene of chaos and terror was giving me a very smug satisfaction.

I had promised them fire and blood .

And now I was going to deliver on my promise.


Dragon fire rained freely upon them burning anything and everything in its path to smoldering ashes.

The entire surface of the ocean was flooded with Dragon fire and smell of burning flesh and the echoes of their dying screams filled the surrounding.

This day would go down in history as the day when DRAGONS DANCED AGAIN after centuries in planetos and would mark the beginning of my conquest of ESOS.