
Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

This is a story about a man who reincarnated in Westeros 7 years before Robert’s rebellion… No harem

Caio_Bernardo · TV
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62 Chs


DragonStone, Crownlands, third moon of 281 AC

Ragnar POV

Dragonstone was a majestic castle; few could compare; the Valyrian architecture was intimidating yet beautiful. The Dragon statues and totems showed the past glory of House Targaryen and served as a reminder of their foolishness. The volcano behind the Valyrian stronghold, once a giant dragon nest, contrasted with the blue sea below, thus creating one breathtaking island.

As Snowstorm flew low over the Island, Ragnar noticed Rhaegar and a few guards standing on a large open area perfect for a Dragon to land, which probably was what the Dragonriders Targaryen used it for. Ragnar signaled with his head to Dacey, who nodded and commanded the Snowstorm to land. Snowstorm's landing caused the ground to shake and a few of Rhaegar's guards to fall; the prince himself remained standing, as did the Kingsguards Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent. Dacey dismounted first; she wore a black and red winter dress with northern-style embroidery on its sleeves and edges, her blues eyes were calm, and her hair was shaken from the dragon flight; she looked at Ragnar and Lynara with a smile on her face. Ragnar took a longer time to dismount the dragon as Lynara was in his arms; he wore a black and red tunic with a House Dovahkiin's dragon on the chest, black trousers, and a dark brown cloak over his shoulders. Once Ragnar's feet touched the ground, Lynara awoke, as the spell cast by Ragnar intended. The little one-year-old was confused for a few seconds, but as soon as she saw her father, Ragnar smiled at her and handed her to Dacey, who picked up the small girl and kissed her forehead.

Ragnar looked at Rhaegar with a slight smile on his face; the prince's face seemed to almost melt with relief at that; he walked to Ragnar, much to his Kingsguard's despair, as the enormous Dragon was looking at them as if judging their lives. Ragnar kept still as Rhaegar stood at arm's length from him. They looked each other in the eyes; being 6'1 tall didn't help the Silver Prince as he had to look up to the much taller Dragonborn.

" You look well to me, my friend. I hope those assassins didn't die too quickly…." Rhaegar said

" They didn't… Gods know they didn't. They didn't have any information on who contracted them… but I have sent someone to Qarth. I will have my vengeance fate will it so." Ragnar said as he offered his hand; Rhaegar grabbed it, and they shook hands.

" It's good to see you again, my friend," Rhaegar said; he then looked at Dacey, who gave him a courtesy.

" Lady Dovahkiin… you look as beautiful as last time I saw you. Motherhood seems to agree with you, my lady." Rhaegar said, and Ragnar chuckled

" Not as much as her Morningstar and chainmail," Ragnar commented quietly.

"Your Grace… is fatherhood agreeing with you? I've heard little Rhaenys is a beautiful girl." Dacey said, and Rhaegar smiled

" Yes, fatherhood seems to agree with me as much as I agree with it. Rhaenys is a sweet child; she only cries when she's hungry. Her nameday was a few weeks ago." Rhaegar said, and Dacey smiled

" Aye… she and Lynara will be great friends. My little one is brilliant; and strong, like her father." Dacey said, and Ragnar smiled at her. Rhaegar then looked at the Ice Dragon

"May I?" Rhaegar said as he strolled towards the Dragon

"Aye…" Dacey said after Ragnar nodded

" Your Grace…" Arthur said but was ignored by Rhaegar, who raised his hands to touch Snowstorm; the Ice Dragon graciously allowed Rhaegar to touch her, much to the Silver Prince's joy.

" It's cold… like Ice," Rhaegar said, and Ragnar chuckled

" Aye. She's an Ice Dragon, after all. She used to hunt leviathans on the edge of the known shivering sea; she would dive and come back with frozen water on her scales, which gave her kind its name. She looked like a dragon made of ice… that and the Cold breath." Ragnar said

" Magnificent… Ser Oswell, give Lord and Lady Dovahkiin salt and bread." Rhaegar said as he kept petting Snowstorm

" Yes, Your Grace," Ser Oswell said as he turned to grab the salt and bread they had brought for guest rights. " My Lord and Lady," Ser Oswell said as he offered the salt and bread.

Ragnar and Dacey accepted and nodded at the Knight

" Let us go inside the castle, Ragnar. My daughter misses her father, and we have things to discuss. You coming here; as opposed to me sailing to Skagos, saved a lot of time and work; for that, I thank you." Rhaegar said, and Ragnar nodded.

" That was no problem, Targaryen… I've been promising to visit Dragonstone ever since that tournament in Lannisport. I also wanted to meet little Rhaenys." Ragnar said as he put his arm around Dacey; Lynara eyed her father and giggled a little.

" What does an Ice Dragon eat? I can send someone to bring it here, my friend." Rhaegar asked, and Ragnar shrugged

" Whatever she wants… usually a whale can keep her feed for two to three weeks. She will hunt if she feels like it," Dacey said

" Snowtom eat now, papa?" Lynara asked, and Ragnar shook his head

" Nay… Lyn. Not today. Today she'll sleep. She flew a long distance from home to here," Ragnar said

As they walked towards the Targaryen stronghold, Ragnar realized the Silver Prince looked nervous; Rhaegar would constantly look around as if trying to find something or someone. The whole walk to the castle was quiet, almost uncomfortably so, but Lynara's rumblings and questions made the whole thing easier on them all. Rhaegar would cast quick glances at Ragnar as if pondering something; it was then Ragnar realized the Silver Prince wanted to talk in particular but was afraid of being overheard.

They arrived at the Castle's doors and were welcomed by Elia Martell and little Rhaenys. Elia Martell wore dornish clothes, although showing a lot less skin than the regular dornish dress. Little Rhaenys wore Targaryen colors, black and red. She was an adorable baby, in Ragnar's opinion, with her olive skin and brown hair with silver locks here and there.

Rhaegar gave a quick kiss to Elia and picked up his one-year-old daughter.

" It's an honor to meet you once more, Lord and Lady Dovahkiin. My husband was extremely excited to know you would visit, as was half of Dragonstone. They all wanted to see House Dovahkiin's ice dragon." Elia Martell of House Targaryen said cheerfully. Ragnar smiled at her and bowed his head as the Nord custom demanded.

" Motherhood has made you even more stunning, Your Grace. I am sure that Queenhood would make it even better." Ragnar said as he offered his hand to Elia, to which she offered hers, and Ragnar kissed her hand.

" Your Grace, it is good to see you once more; as my Lord husband said, motherhood has only made you more stunning. The joys of motherhood suit us, it seems. Let me present you with my daughter. Lynara Dovahkiin." Dacey said as she held Lynara close.

" Indeed; this one is cute. Look at those onyx eyes and those big cheeks… such a cute baby." Elia said as Lynara gave her a puzzled look

" Now, let me hold the little Targaryen," Ragnar said, and Rhaegar passed Rhaenys to him; the baby giggled at being so tall.

" Aye! You and Lynara will be friends." Ragnar said out loud, " and may the gods forgive those who try to harm you, little one, for I shall not," Ragnar completely lowly but loud enough for Rhaegar to hear, although barely.

" Lord Dovahkiin, If you would follow me, there are things we must discuss. The whole reason why I asked you to come here was to talk about your merchants… but it wasn't the only reason." Rhaegar said, and Ragnar gave him a puzzled look as he gave Rhaenys back to her mother.

" What happened to my merchants?" Ragnar asked

" It's better if we talk privately, my Lord. There are many birds around; many ears." Rhaegar said, and Ragnar nodded, albeit reluctantly.

" You fear for your secrets in your seat of power? That's madness." Ragnar said as he began walking with Rhaegar.

" Come, Lady Dovahkiin; I have ordered my servants to prepare a tea for us; my lady in waiting, Lady Dayne, had the great idea of preparing the northern roseroot tea. I hope it's of your liking." Ragnar heard Princess Elia say as he left with Rhaegar.

Rhaegar took Ragnar to a large room; like all of DragonStone, it had black walls, floors, and ceilings; in the middle of the room sat a large table in the form of Westeros; made out of obsidian and black stone. It was the room where Aegon and his sisters-wives planned the conquest of Westeros.

" This is one legendary room. Almost as legendary as The Wall… almost but not quite." Ragnar said to which Rhaegar raised his brows.

" Is that so?" Rhaegar said

" Aye," Ragnar said calmly, and Rhaegar smiled.

" Leave us," Rhaegar said to his kingsguards and servants in the room

"Your Grace? The Kingsguard is-" Ser Oswell began but was interrupted by Ragnar

" Useless against someone like me," Ragnar said, and Oswell looked offended

" Is that a threat?" Ser Oswell said

" Enough" | " You tell me." Ragnar and Rhaegar said at the same time.

" Leave. US. Now!" Rhaegar said; Ser Oswell and Arthur Dayne left, as did some servants.

" Do your magic, Ragnar. The silencing one, please?" Rhaegar said, and Ragnar shrugged as he cast silencing magic around the room

" What is this issue with my merchants? Did something happen?" Ragnar asked

" Yes, apparently they took the attempt against your life personally, and for some reason, they blame the south. They are charging seven times more than they used to." Rhaegar said, and Ragnar chuckled a bit.

" Seven, huh? It would be funny if we weren't talking about something so serious… the sheer Irony is almost palpable. Holy number indeed." Ragnar said. " What do you want me to do? I have an agreement with my merchants; the merchandise and trade routes might be mine, but most of the ships are theirs; my trading ships are too focused on The North, Braavos, and Ibbenease isles." Ragnar completed

" Most of them are Skagossi, born in skagos! They worship you! They train every night, waiting for you to call them to fight your enemies; waiting to make those who try to hurt your little girl pay," Said Rhaegar. " And those who weren't born in Skagos were rescued by you and prospered under your rule, and like all who live in Skagos, they worship you! Surely if you ask them, they will obey! Unless you blame House Targaryen for the assassination attempt against you." Rhaegar completed

" I do not blame House Targaryen for anything… If I did, we wouldn't be having this conversation… I rarely start my fights, but I always end them." Ragnar said, his voice as hard as Alduin's scales.

" But I will do what you ask. The citizens of Kingslanding have no fault for anything that happened; I will not have them punished." Ragnar completed.

" Good… You have my thanks, my friend." Rhaegar said with a small smile that vanished as quickly as it appeared. " But that's not all we have to discuss… My father." Rhaegar said

" Your father? Do not ask me to do anything for your father. The reason why he's still alive is that your mother asked. If we cross paths once more, there will be death… and I am sure it wouldn't be me or mine." Ragnar said, his voice as cold as the shivering sea

" That's is… good. If my plans for Harrenhal go wrong, then it would mean war, and I don't think fighting a war with you on the other side wouldn't be a good idea." Rhaegar said, and Ragnar laughed.

" You mean to dethrone your father?" Ragnar asked, and Rhaegar nodded

" He will damn the seven kingdoms; he is mad, he burns people for small offenses, he thinks everyone is conspiring against him. He is the greatest threat to the Targaryen dynasty since Aegon The Unworthy." Rhaegar said

" Aye." was all Ragnar said for a few minutes.

" Can I count on you? At least to not fight against me in the wars to come; if they come, that is." Rhaegar said, his voice giving out his nervousness

" I am your friend, am I not? Call for me, and as long as I don't have to fight against the North, I will fight for you. All I ask is that when I find out the ones behind the attempt against my daughter's life, you will allow me to have justice." Ragnar said, and Rhaegar nodded, relief showing on his face and posture.

" Yes. Do you trust the man you send to find out who sent the assassins that much?" Rhaegar asked, and Ragnar smirked

" Lucian Lachance never failed me. He will find out who did it. He is a master at persuading his enemies to talk. The Boltons would like him… a lot." Ragnar said


A/N: This chapter was supposed to be posted on Thursday. I had three chapters written but I lost them due to: IPhone.

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