
Game of Thrones: Bastard At The Dance

If you want an unrealistic main character, then just read another story. My OC makes bad decisions and learns from them. Takes place during the Dance of Dragons. My OC, Haemon won't be an insane behemoth who's good at everything he does. He will be better than most obviously but he will definitely have his set backs. He's the Bastard son of Viserys conceived before he married Aemma. The only credit that I will take is Haemon. he is mine. Nothing else. Not even the picture of him is mine. Also please check out "My Life As An Si In King. Viserys Court" by IEatBabies254. It gets updated frequently and is a major influence on me starting this story.

CruzControl67 · TV
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High Tide

Haemon POV 105

Being ten and five made me almost a man, I was already shaping to be a tall and thick one. I was taller than father, and of height with Daemon. My skills with the blade increased tremendously when I hit my growth spurt. No squire in the yard could beat me, I could contend with some knights as well. Being trained by the best in the Seven Kingdom truly helped with my growth. Speaking of squiring, my knight to squire under was Lord Corlys. My father and him made a deal, I was to be a hostage in all but name until he would knight me. To keep relationships between the two families healthy. I heard that Lord Corlys was even trying to arrange a marriage between his son and Rhaenyra. It was a smart plan, father, however. Did not deem it so and this angered Lord Corlys greatly. Which led to Rhaenyra storming into my room and demanding I not leave.

"I command you to stay." She said, it looked like she had tears in her eyes. I looked up at her from my bed. Her loyal knight standing in the doorway. Ser Christon I believe, or was it Criston. Could hardly remember, he was named to the Kingsguard earlier this year. I hardly had time to know the man.

"You know you don't command me sister." I said calmy, cleaning my sword.

"I'm the heir to the throne. If I want you to stay then you will stay". I just chuckled. Of course, she would try to pull the heir card. After I returned with Gaelithox, I was a true Targaryen in all but name. Sure, some small council members didn't like the fact that a bastard had a dragon. Namely Ser Otto, he was the most vocal of the bunch. Father quickly ended the moans of court by stating. 'No man can separate a dragon from its rider. This is a good omen. For my reign and my children's'. Yes, Queen Aemma was pregnant again. She didn't look as elated on my return. There was no love lost in that however. So, I was starting to be treated differently, the servants bowed their heads. Nobles nodded in recognition. Father even gave me my own sigil to use when I would be knighted.

It was a Black dragon on a purple field, with a crescent moon inside a sun in the upper corner. It made sense, my dragon was black and named for the Valyrian God of the sun and moon. I remembered who was in the room at the time when Rhaenyra grabbed my sword form my hands.

"I said you are not to leave me". I deftly grabbed the sword and sheathed it, standing up.

"That is not your decision to make sister. I'm a squire, and duty bound to where my knight goes. Even if he doesn't want me". Yes, Lord Corlys simply told me we were leaving and to be ready. I didn't have much to pack though, just my sword and a few books. I could get new clothing at High Tide.

"You are to defend me though. You said it yourself". She did have a point. I did say those words. She had her white knight to defend her, she would be fine. Lord Corlys' ego would blow over soon enough.

"I am not to be gone forever sister. I'll return, with stories of grand adventure, I'm sure." She didn't seem to like that however.

"But... but... I need you here. You're my brother. Daemon says family is the only thing important, we shouldn't be kept apart." Tears were coming down freely now. I simply hugged her.

"You are still young Rhaenyra; you are the princess and I'm just a bastard. My life will only lead me to a knighthood. This is my chance to make my own name, to prove myself to the world" She looked up at me.

"But I could legitimize you, father acknowledges you in court. Surely it wouldn't be wrong to do so." I shook my head quickly.

"If I was legitimized then that would cause to much of a problem with succession. No, I want my own name. Hopefully you have another brother. With the queen being with child." I said as I picked up some books to put in a chest. At the mention of another brother, she only stared out the window. Right, she was raised to be father's heir. If she had a trueborn brother, then her years as being cupbearer to father would seem wasted.

"Banish whatever thoughts are in your head little one. Father wouldn't replace you as heir. He said he wouldn't." I wanted to believe that, but father often spoke of wanting a true heir. To be named Baelon, born with a crown on his head, that would bring the seven kingdoms to a true peace and truly united.

My thoughts were interrupted when Lord Corlys came in. He bowed to Rhaenyra with a 'Princess'. Then looked at me and my room.

"Good, you're packed. Come, you're to fly with my wife to High Tide. We haven't gott all day." And just as he entered, he left with a bow. A shallow one I'll admit. Rhaenyra only looked at me and I shrugged about to leave the room as servants grabbed my belongings.

"If you cannot stay then take this dagger" she said as she handed me the blade. I only looked at it then at her.

"I'm sure High Tide has plenty of daggers I could accquire on my own sister." Then I noticed how light it felt in my hands. Like it weighed a feathered. I unsheathed it and saw ripples.

"There aren't plenty of Valarian Steel daggers at High Tide, brother". The definition of an understatement. I only looked at her questioning how she got it.

"There are some in the vaults. It took some time to look for, but I found one." I could just tell how hard this was to find. There was nothing special about it if you kept it sheathed. Just a simple black hilt with a small dragon running through it. Thousands of Targaryen blades had the same look. But at the pummel there were small emeralds in the eyes of the dragon.

"Truly a wonderful gift. I will wear it on me until my final day." I said as I strapped it to my waist. She hugged me quickly and left telling me I was to see everyone in the throne room before I departed. With a look around the room. I left.

As I entered the throne room my family was there, along with the small council. Viserys seemed as if he would command me to stay, but he knew I would leave anyway. Every time he would see me, he would smile and claim I'm the second coming of his father. Daemon looked displeased that the small council was here. I couldn't blame him, having the small council see me part seemed, unnecessary. Queen Aemma was showing signs of pregnancy and seemed tired. I felt bad, surly they could have arranged for her to sit or better yet, rest. Ser Otto had a smirk on his face and the rest of the small council members didn't seem to care. Rhaenyra just looked at me sadly.

"When you return, you'll be a knight. Depending on your exploits, you'll even get a name." Father said with Blackfyre on his waist, brushing against the hilt as he spoke. Aemma didn't look happy at the mention of me getting a name.

"You hear that Ser Otto? He'll be the same ranking as you?" Daemon said with a sharpness that made my eyes go wide. I was not fool enough to challenge Ser Otto publicly, but Daemon had none of my restrictions. Ser Otto glared at him then at me.

"Yes. But a Bastard he will still be." Viserys seemed ready to chastise him when I kneeled.

"My king, I leave to resume my duties as squire to Lord Corlys. I hope to come back with many exploits and a knighthood. Earned with honor and skill at arms, so that I may defend the royal family with my sword and dragon." Viserys looked proud and told me to rise. It was true, Lord Corlys was a legend at sea it was as much an honor to learn from him than any. Being dubbed the Sea Snake and adventuring to lands unknown to most left that impression.

"You only need to come back safely" He said as he approached me. Another thing that was a problem with him. It seemed he hated fighting. I never saw him train with Blackfyre in all my years at the capital and it seemed to show form his girth.

"I will do what I must, my king" I said unflinchingly. If I need to crawl on my hands and knees to earn my place among these people. I will succeed no matter what.

"Then go and do your duty Haemon. Return and be rewarded for your service to the Crown should you find yourself earning" I only nodded and left. Rhaenyra catching my eye and waving to me. For four years she had me by her side to teach her and play with her. It will be good for us to be alone from each other. I never much liked the incest of the family. Maybe that came from my mother's side though. I'll never learn, even now Daemon seemed to eye up Rhaenyra as if she was some meat for him to sample. It made my stomach turn.

Haemon POV 106, High Tide

My time at High Tide was a pleasant experience for lack of a better word. I attended meetings at Lord Corlys' side. I learned about ships and their uses, whether merchantly or militaristic. I got better with the sword thought it still felt wrong. Now only Lord Corlys and the more experienced knights could go blow for blow with me. And a man at his age doing so was a feat in it of itself. Rhaenys treated me as one of her own often trying to give me tips on flying, I thanked her, though I didn't need them. Gaelithox's connection to me was far deeper than any other dragonrider with their dragon currently. I didn't need the whip or to shout commands. We both entered a state of being when we flew together. It was truly liberating. I wasn't the only one who found riding a dragon to be liberating. Laena did, and she often would join me in flying at the disgruntlement of her father. Laena was like no lady I had ever met, she was fierce, and confident, and didn't mind telling her opinion to no one whether they be man or woman.

I found out how confident she was when she kissed me after a dragon riding session. I stood there dumbly while she ran off giggling. We continued to ride dragons and share many kisses after that, we swore to never expose our secret no matter what. And so far, no one knew. It was a true that she was starting to grow into a great beauty, having long silver locs that my hands would get caught in and a developing chest, it was easy for her to gain my attention with her many blessings.

I was knocked form my thoughts from one of the ship captains.

"My lord, the Triarchy have officially blocked the Stepstones. They allow no ship to pass and if they do they sack the cargo and kill the crew." Lord Corlys was furious.

"I will handle this, Captain Bernard. You are dismissed." The captain didn't seem pleased to be just dismissed

"My lord this is not the first this has happened. If you do nothing..." Lord Corlys finally snapped.

"I said you are dismissed Captain! You are given the chance to leave with your head due to your loyal service! Do not make me part it from your body now!" Captain Bernard sank back into himself and bowed and quickly left.

"What would you have me do boy?" Lord Corlys asked me when he grabbed two cups and poured wine in them and offered me one.

"I'm sorry my lord?".

"Don't play the fool Haemon. What would you have me do? I sent letters to your father, requesting ann army and warning him of this threat so that we could cut it out sooner then later. Now war has come to our doorstep. What would you do if you were in my position?" Lord Corlys asked again, peering into my soul.

"Well, my lord" I started with a sip of wine.

"You should go to the capital yourself, to show how serious the matter is to the king and court." He nodded and waved me on to continue.

"In the meantime, you should send letters to the lords that will be most affected. Request ships and men for this venture. Mainly the lords in the blackwater as you have more influence with them. Then the lords who's house runs along a coast, as they will be most affected" He smiled.

"All true and sound advice. I will go to the capital and send the letters before I leave. You will be assigned to ready the men of Driftmark, High Tide, Hull, and Spicetown. Alongside Laenor. You both will ride your dragons and represent me. Am I understood?" I was surprised at the level of responsibility he was giving me. It made sense to send his son but him sending me. That didn't add up.

"Yes my lord."

"Good you are dismissed. You leave tomorrow, have the men ready to depart in a month. With the Crown's aid or not" He dismissed as he stared at the war table with a map of the Narrow sea and the eastern and western lands of Westeros and Essos respectively. I was excited. So excited I forgot to mention it to Laena.

"You are leaving for war tomorrow?" Laena asked, startling me as she was in my room at night.

"Laena what are you doing here?" I yelled in a whisper. Her nightgown left little to the imagination. She crossed her arms in anger.

"You are leaving tomorrow, and you didn't tell me. Were you planning on telling me?" I simply forgot. I only told Laenor of the plans and then prepared for bed. The sun seemed to have just gone down. The sky was almost purple, and I could faintly see the outline of Kingslanding.

"I'm sorry my Lady, it slipped my mind. I'm not truly going to war. I'm just going with Laenor to ready the men". She frowned.

"I'm not a fool Haemon. You will go to war, it's your duty as a squire that permits it..." She had a downcast look in her eyes, and I cupped her chin to look me in the eyes. Her eyes were wet and looked like she was already crying.

"...I just don't want you to leave me yet. Dying in some far-off land because of duty. We could run away together. They would never catch us if we took Vhagar and Gaelithox now and left. Go to some place where we could marry". I frowned and sighed. This was not the first time she mentioned running away, I hugged her, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"You know that we could not do that. We have a responsibility here. To our families. You have a responsibility to your family. And I, to be sister's sword." It was true. Rhaenyra wrote me often stating that she would name me her Lord Commander when she rose to the throne. Never asking me for my thoughts on the matter. I had no such plans. I would be by her side true enough. But never as a white cloak.

"Father means to marry me to the Sealord's son. To receive his aid in the war." I froze. After my father denied Laena's hand in marriage, I knew it would be soon that she would marry. But I didn't think it would be this soon. We just stood there, in each other's embrace not saying a word.

"Then I am happy for your match. He is truly a lucky man." I said and she chuckled.

"No man could make me feel like you make me feel" She whispered.

Laena didn't stay long after that. She bid me a goodnight and gave me a soft kiss. Making me swear that I would return to her. I laid in bed thinking of her and making plans for the coming war. I was scared. I could really die and that would be it. Gaelithox came to mind at that. He would never allow me to die, and I hope a man dares to challenge his scales with mere arrows. They'll taste his flame and the kiss of my blade. The night was cold and waves crashing filled my ears. I dreamt of a man nailing men to posts in the sand. I dreamt of slicing his hands off, and then kneeling.