
Everything Can Go Wrong In 24 Hours!

Catrina's smile was so big it was contagious. People passing by on the street couldn't help but find the corner of their mouths turns upward.

As Catrina walked up the steps of her boyfriend's house, present in hand, she raised her hand to knock before realizing the door was open.

Catrina's smile faltered for a moment. Michael never left his door open...what could have caused this?

Catrina pushed the door open silently and gasped.

Inside, Micheal, her boyfriend, was kissing another girl.

At first, the situation didn't process. The pair inside the house hadn't realized they were being watched, and they continued to press against each other. The girl groaned against him, and he deepened the kiss.

Finally, everything started to process. Conflicting emotions filled her, ranging from shock to disappointment to sorrow. But finally, one emotion won out.


A sharp, cold laugh escaped her lips. The couple turned, and Michael's eyes widened.


"Hey Michael," Catrina said coldly. "Having fun?"

The mystery girl turned to Catrina and scowled.

"Micheal, who is this bitch?"

"His girlfriend," Catrina said. Then, she realized her mistake. "No, make that ex-girlfriend."

Michael's eyes became the size of plates.

"W-Wait, Catrina. It's not what it looks like, I-"

"You what?!" Catrina cut him off with a shout. "You have to guts to cheat of me, and deny it?! Wow, what a man you are!"

Michael's eyes turned pleading.

"Catrina, listen to me-"

"I baked you a cake," Catrina said flatly. Michael blinked.

"It took me three hours to make." Catrina continued. She pointed to the box in her hands as she spoke. "It's a shame it was for nothing."

And she promptly threw the box on the ground. A beautiful red velvet cake rolled out of the box, completely smashed.

Michael opened his mouth again, but Catrina sent him a glare that zipped it shut.

"I don't want to see you ever again. Don't call me, don't text me, don't talk to my friends...don't do anything connected to me. Get out of my life. I hope I never, ever, see you again."

And she slammed the door behind her.

Michael was in shock. He hadn't meant to hurt her...he just was so tired of her not letting him into her! She had sworn not to do "it" until they were married. A guy had needs!

The girl in front of him, god, he didn't even know her name, pulled him toward her, and all thoughts of Catrina disappeared.


Meanwhile, adrenaline was pumping through Catrina as she walked back home. She held her head high and gave everyone she passed by a cocky grin.

She approached her house, turned the key in the lock, and slammed the door behind her.

The house was dark and smelled of flour and cake. Finally, Catrina crumbled to her knees and sobbed.

How could betray her like this?! After all, they had been through, how could he cheat on her?!

She knew that he wasn't happy with her choice to keep her virginity until her wedding, but she didn't think he would resort to cheating!

How could he?!


After what felt like an eternity, Catrina ran out of tears. She swallowed hard and unsteadily picked herself up.

She wandered to her kitchen and found the picture she hung on the fridge- her and Michael in Italy. They had gone for a vacation as friends and left as lovers.

Angrily, she tore the photo to bits and threw the scraps in the trash. She then went through her phone, deleting every trace of the man she had once loved with all of her heart.

After that was done, she searched her freezer for the most important thing she would need today.

Finally, she found it.

She pulled out her giant tub of vanilla ice cream and sat down on her maroon couch. Using the remote, she turned to Netflix to be her supporter.

She found a good show, Meteor Garden. It seemed interesting, and so she began to watch.


As Catrina finished the last episode of Meteor Garden, she sniffed. It was beautiful! They had gotten married in the end, and had a happily ever after!

Why didn't she get a happily ever after?!

So unfair!

At that moment, her phone began to ring. Looking at the ID, Catrina saw it was her sister, Emma.

"Hi, Emma," Catrina said with a sigh. "What's-"

"CATRINA!" Emma's voice spoke, panicked. "COME TO THE HOSPITAL, NOW!"


"Mom and dad…" Emma's voice broke for a moment, but she continued. "They were in an accident!"

Hey guys! I have to thank you for reading "Game Of Love". I know this is a very short chapter, and may not be what readers are used to. I will try to make my chapters longer, but I'm used to short chapters...well, I hope you enjoy "Game Of Love!"

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